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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Kitrazzle

  1. *happy squees* Y'all are so awesome. I have SO MANY imps to hunt down now!
  2. Hi folks! I've got a bit of an odd request. I'm in a zombie post apocalyptic live action role play game called Dystopia Rising. Since I can't afford to go as crazy awesome as I want to with costuming, I want to incorporate scents to help me get into character and foster a more immersive experience for both myself and the other players around me. Problem is, I couldn't distinguish scent notes if my life depended on it so I don't know what to buy. So I appeal to you, people with Creativity and Good Noses, for suggestions on what to buy to suggest certain character traits. Character One: The Doctor/Priest. A Pure Blood (aka Peacocks, Haves, Moneybags, Painted Ones) leading the local Fallow Hope (militant/feudal religion working to destroy evil and rebuild civilization). Can shoot a gun but doesn't, has to walk with a cane. Too soft for her own damn good, but with a steel spine. Highly educated. One of the best doctors in town, but not a very good priest yet. Treats everyone like family, usually babies that need caring for. Thinks that Family Comes First. First made her mark in town by giving away gummy bears, loved by just about everyone. No head for politics or finances. Wears a short blue dress over BDU pants and a big sun hat. Think Wild West schoolmarm. Key Words: blood, candy, medicine, educated, religious, motherly I've been told I should try something with Lavender, but the only one I have is Clio and that smells like floral baby powder to me. I've been wearing Muse so far. Character Two: The Whore. A Merican (aka Good ol' Boys, Cowboys, Yanks, Rednecks) who just wants to make good money by having a good time. Haven't played her yet, so don't know much beyond that. Loud and brash. No body modesty beyond what the law insists on, but would not be caught dead without her hat. ADORES music. Drunkard and a nympho/cuddle-slut. Gives DAMN good massages. Probably gonna be a bit of a romantic with her heart on her sleeve. Will wear either jeans and a red cowboy shirt or a red floral shirt-dress. Think cheap Wild West hooker. Key Words: sex, booze, gregarious, shameless, musical, romantic Too many of the Ars Amatoria sound like they would be awesome, I need help!
  3. Kitrazzle

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    Fantastic! Thank you so much, BAJ. These will be a great starting point.
  4. Kitrazzle

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    Hey there! Newcomer to BPAL, I've never tried anything but I wanted to get some advice first before I ordered a messload of imps. I'm seeing so many things on this list that sound lovely, y'all obviously know what you're talking about. I'm getting married in early December and wanted a Signature Scent for the day, and possibly little gifts for the wedding party and favors at the reception. It's gonna be a small and fairly casual wedding, so I don't want something terribly glamorous or overwhelmingly traditional. Whimsical without being too innocent, light, subtle with staying power, something that would work both for the early afternoon wedding and the wedding night. And it's Texas, so pine and other traditional Christmasy notes probably wouldn't work. Colors are emerald and maroon to dark red. Only problem is that the Love gets migraines pretty easily from lots of strong scents. Just a few minutes in places like Bath Junkie and Bath&Body Works will give him a headache. If anyone has any ideas for what should comprise my first order, I would be Very Grateful.