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Everything posted by vampbarbie

  1. vampbarbie

    Punkie Night

    Sweet, spicy apples! I love it, it lasts ages, I can still smell it on my wrists the following morning.
  2. vampbarbie


    Loved this on first sniff! I got it from a swap and have been slathering it on when the right occasion presents itself. Dark, fruity and rich yet with a sweet undertone. Definately plummy and damn sexy. I walked into a lift (elevator) yesterday and just after the door shut a man exclaimed loudly 'Someone smells REALLY good', tis the intoxicating nature of Bordello.
  3. vampbarbie

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    I thought banana on first sniff too! I don't like it at all, I really wanted to (funny how names can do this) but it's far too sickly with an acrid undertone. I've scrubbed it off my wrists but my clothes still reek of it.
  4. vampbarbie


    My first review!!! In the vial smelt of sweet roses, I'm not familiar with lotus so I can't really pick it out. At first pretty and floral then i forgot about it whilst busying myself with everyday things and found myself wondering what was smelling like peach air freshner .......oh......it was me ....... well kurukulla to be exact. It's not unpleasant just a bit twee and room fragrance like. I'll try it again another day to see if I feel the same. Edit to say that after a little while longer it turned into beautiful sweet floral, a keeper.