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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Phantomthief

  1. Phantomthief


    Land of Milk and Honey, indeed! I bought this on a whim and I'm so glad I did!!! In the imp: Pure almond extract! Maybe a touch of coconut, but this one scared me for a second. Wet: Oh loooooooooooove... I'm stilly getting that strong almond extract, but I can smell the honey toning it down and the coconut's a very soft note but still apparent. Very creamy and beautiful! I'm getting a slight frutiness that I assum is the fig? Dry: Just a softer form of the above, maybe a little stronger on the honey. Good, raw, wild honey. I'm reminded intensely of the Almond milk bubble tea that I'd get at this cute little two-person shop... My mouth is watering!!! When it dries the throw is very weak and it doesn't last *too* long, but this is one of my new favorites!!!
  2. Phantomthief


    In the bottle: Hot caramel with a dark cocoa and... gingerbread? It smells a little spicy. Wet: CINNAMON. I went over to my brother and he recoiled He said I smelled like Cinnamon Toast Crunch covered in sugar. Dry down: I'm getting a tiny bit of chocolate and more of the caramel. Still very cinnamon-ish on me, for some reason. Not entirely what I was expecting, but I do like it all the same. It's the longest lasting on me so far, which is really nice. The throw is fantastic! Just a normal application and people across a room notice a "faint smell of cinnamon sugar" while it's not overly strong up close.
  3. Phantomthief


    In the bottle: Oh wow O_O This must be what concentrated bubble gum flavoring smells like! Wet on skin: Bubblegum for a second then... Cherry cough syrup!? I resist the urge to run to the nearest faucet in the name of science and bubblegum, but only barely. Dry down: Thank goodness! The cherry has moved back to blend with the bubblegum. Still a little sickly-sweet for me, but I won't trade it off just yet.
  4. Phantomthief

    Mechanical Phoenix

    Wow, this is an older one! And my first review In the bottle: It smells smooth but I really can't pick anything out (I think Gluttony had temporarily burned out my nose!) Reminds me of men's cologne. On my skin wet: I'm getting a little ozone, but it's turning into baby power. Ick >_< Dry down: It's getting a little sharper as it dries. As it's completely dry, Iron. Metallic, bitter iron. Very cool! As the day passes, to my horror it reverts back to baby powder. Very interesting scent for the iron-stage, but I guess this one just doesn't work on me @_@
  5. Phantomthief

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    I'd be iffy about the oil around your lovely dollies :\ I was starting to think the same for my DOD H Ducan and my AS Cain (Totally the same situation with the clothes!) but I'd be worried about the resin even if you're just scenting the clothes. Anything oil-based isn't great for the resin... I know AS uses normal alcohol-based scents to mask the new-resin smell, maybe try that instead? We're using "Blood Kiss" (Lush, creamy vanilla and the honey of the sweetest kiss smeared with the vital throb of husky clove, swollen red cherries, but darkened with the vampiric sensuality of vetiver, soporific poppy and blood red wine, and a skin-light pulse of feral musk.) on our Grell. I had him page through a couple BPAL descriptions, he stopped on this one and went "THIS." So hopefully that works! I'm wearing either Jailbait, Beaver Moon (if I can find it), O, Snake oil or Gluttony for my Ciel :3