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BPAL Madness!


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About ender

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


  • Country
    United States


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  1. ender

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Thanks SO much for the help! Adding the scent description worked great. Djinn's been recommended to me before--I'll definitely have to get ahold of it. Othello as well. Blockhead might be a bit off because of the "bubblegum" but thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into that line as well. And Tintagel and all of the suggestions at the end sound fabulous. Definitely will look into them.
  2. ender

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    I'm involved in what's known as "cosplay", which involves recreating a character from various different sources (I've done books and anime and western animation before) and after discovering BPAL, I decided it would be an interesting idea to match scents with the characters I dress up as. I'm looking for recommendations for a few different scents in particular. The first character is Zuko from Avatar, if anyone recognizes it. I'm looking for something that smells of fire or burning, possibly with distinctly Asian hints with it as well. Next is a character who drowned from a horror video game. Here I'm looking for a scent that smells intensely of water and lake--I describe it as "I'm looking for something that smells like drowning", pretty much. The next character is aristocratic, very rich and very spoiled with heavily Arabian roots, intermingled with a touch of France. I'm looking for something that smells very Middle Eastern with touches of aristocracy--something just a little bit masculine but very very feminine. Possibly a bit bookish as well. And then a gunslinger who's also a clown. Something that smells like gunpowder or metal and circus. And finally, a character who's a lot like Link from Legend of Zelda (except not). Possibly carrying hints of "dragon", leather, swords, sweat, battle, and adventure. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty much a "newbie" to BPAL but I really enjoy the few scents I have. (And if anyone is interested, the characters are Zuko from Avatar, Josh Shepherd from Silent Hill, Quatre Winner from Gundam Wing, Trowa Barton from Gundam Wing, and Alex from Lunar.) Thanks in advance!