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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Scylla

  1. I'd have to agree with coulrophobe--it really depends on the guy. My husband is just 'meh' about most of my perfume oils--even the vanilla ones like Antique Lace and MB: Underpants, but he LOVES Venom. Go figure!


    But I'd also agree with everyone who mentioned Dorian, Morocco, Antique Lace, Dragon's Milk and Bordello. Those are all favorites of mine!


    Snake Oil, O and Snake Charmer didn't agree with my chemistry. But I have smelled them on other people and to my nose they smell a little too strong and sexy for day wear. But that's just me. YMMV.

  2. :P I could have SWORN I reviewed this before!


    In the bottle, MB: Underpants is VERY foody. To me, it smells like butter rum Lifesavers and vanilla.


    Wet, on my skin: Vanilla, but not a particularly foody one. It is an INTENSE, deep vanilla. And then the saffron starts to creep up with something boozy. Rum?


    On drydown: The vanilla and booze top notes fade back and the Sandalwood comes out. The intriguing thing about MB: Underpants, to me, is that the longer I wear it, the stronger it gets!


    I love it and wish I had more than one bottle! :D

  3. My eight year old daughter, Leah, loves Bliss. But she ADORES Lump of Coal--I passed my bottle on to her. She knows it's no longer available and uses it very sparingly. Frequently, I'll go into her room to kiss her goodnight and tuck her in and her room smells like she was baking brownies in there! :P She says she likes go to to sleep smelling of chocolate.


    I tried to get her interested in Monster Bait: Closet and Monster Bait: Underbed, but she was afraid to try them. She thought they'd actually attract monsters into her room! :D

  4. One of the other mods passed a nearly empty imp of Imp of the Perverse on to me for curiosity's sake. Thanks again! :D


    Imp of the Perverse is SUPER STRONG! She double wrapped the imp in bubble wrap and put it in a plastic baggie and I could STILL smell it through the wrapping. Even in the wrapper, I could smell roses and something that smelled like masking tape. (Or Braunschweiger. I've always thought they smelled kinda similar.)


    In the imp:


    :D That is one funky smelling oil! (Beth, if you're reading this, I apologize in advance. :P )


    I did not even try it on my skin because my chemistry usually only makes bad scents worse. Especially rose ones. Roses and I DO NOT get along, under any circumstances.


    In the imp, to me it smelled like someone drank a bottle of expensive cognac, ate some foie gras and brie, yacked it up and attempted to cover the offending odor with rose scented room spray.


    I'm sorry to say, this one smelled so bad it actually made my stomach seize up like I was going to hurl. Horrendous!

  5. I bought Master for my husband. Who can resist an oil that may help to "increase personal power and material wealth, and inspires assertiveness and self-assurance?!"


    I did not try it on myself, since it is definitely a men's blend. But I like the scent in the bottle. It is definitely masculine and I'd put it in the herbal category. It's difficult to distinguish individual notes in Master, but I'd have to agree with Lycanthrope's assessment that it is foresty and a bit musky. It is definitely a "manly man" scent.


    My husband, the guy who formerly wore nothing but AXE (:P) LOVES it. :D And it smells really good on him!


    I've been trying to get him to try BPAL for over two years, and FINALLY found one that he really likes! He's been wearing it daily, and without me even having to suggest it! That's quite a change!


    Bravo, Beth! You've converted my skeptical husband.

  6. In the bottle, I think Perpetuum Bonum smells fruity and candy-ish--it reminds me of those gummy Swedish Fish!


    It is a very appealing, fruity scent. I can totally see (er, smell) the previous reviewer's comparison to the original Cherry Chapstick.


    However, it changes a bit upon application. It gets less fruity and more herbal. And perhaps a little bit metallic.

  7. (Thanks to grrrlennyl for sharing 1/2 an imp with me so I could try it!)


    Upon application, Enraged Orangutan Musk was overpoweringly loud and musky. Even though I applied it very sparingly my chemistry amped up those musks to the infinite power and it smelled like I had spilled an entire bottle on myself! :P


    The musks did get a bit softer on drydown, but then the ambergris bouquet took over and it got very perfumey. I can see, er, smell, why people have mentioned that it dries down to an old fashioned / "old lady" perfume. I'm pretty sure it's the ambergris bouquet.

  8. In our paean to all the mysteries surrounding this enigmatic number, there are thirteen lucky and unlucky components, including white chocolate, tangerine, currant, mandarin, white tea and iris.

    My new bottle of 13 smells different on me than the one from July. The one from July was mostly orris, with some orange and a tiny bit of white chocolate. This one seems like milk chocolate orange at first, but then it changes after it has dried down and it smells like black pepper! :P I swear, it smells like black pepper. I had my husband sniff me and asked him what I smelled like and he said "peppercorns."

    It's official--my chemistry is wacky!

  9. Sadly, my experience with Smut was almost identical to astrid's. :P It was almost pure heavy musk with a smattering of heavy booze. I swear I detected some patchouli in there, also. Lots of throw, and very long lasting! Which can be a very good thing if you love it, and a very bad thing if you don't!

  10. I was told that the Lab responded this quick also which was why I was concerned.


    Beth: You appearantly think I was being unappreciative and what not. That's fine. I cannot do anything to change your point of view on that. I have read over my email trying to see where you would be led to believe that and I cannot see it but it might be because I wrote it and I know the spirit in which is was written. Which was honest concern and wondering if it was normal or not since I had nothing to compare it to at the time it was written. Now that the matter has been settled with Anthony, as I told him, it won't effect my view on the Lab or it's product or any misgivings about placing any orders. I just made my husband order over 300 worth of product and I plan on ordering 2 Budding Moons in 10 minutes. Sorry you viewed anything I have said as that, mostly because it's not how it was meant.



    You initial post in this thread sounded VERY unappreciative and accusatory (at least, to me). I think what Beth is saying is that your post is totally contradicting your e-mail to the Lab, which, apparently, was neither. And the problem with that is that people on the forum read this and think you had less than stellar customer service from the Lab.

  11. My unfortunate review of Snow White from last year:


    On me, Snow White smelled liked buttered popcorn Jelly Belly jelly beans and plastic! Buttered popcorn jelly bellies are my LEAST favorite jelly bean, and they are gag inducing if I happen to eat one by accident. *sniffle*


    ETA: Leslie260 hit the nail right on the head when she said it smells plastic-y like Scotch Brand Magic tape (or cellophane). That's EXACTLY it! THAT kind of plastic.


    I took a chance this year and tried Snow White again. I'm not sure whether it was slightly reformulated or if something in my body chemistry changed a bit, but Snow White smells great on me this year! :P


    I think it smells like a lush, dewy white lily. A very delicate white floral with a slight hint of coconut and maybe a little vanilla. None of the Scotch tape or buttered popcorn jelly beans from last year. I'm so happy!

  12. Skin chemistry is such a funny thing! I don't get lemon or anything citrusy out of Snow Angel at all! :D


    In the bottle, Snow Angel reminds me of a sweeter, fruity version of Skadi. Those "slushy" notes appear to be present, and I detect a healthy helping of pine. There is some fruit in the background, but it is not citrus fruit. Must be the peaches.


    Wet, on my skin, it does indeed smell like Skadi's sweet little sister. And Skadi is one of my Top 5 all-time favorite BPAL scents! But after a few minutes it starts to change and the piney-ness totally disappears. It turns vaguely floral, with sweet tea and peaches. At this stage, it kind of reminds me of a cross between Dirty and Dorian with peaches thrown into the mix.


    On drydown, I smell mostly tea and peaches, but it gets a lot sweeter. And a bit of the slushiness of Skadi comes back. I love it! :P

  13. Lump of Coal does indeed smell like chocolate brownies! I put some on yesterday and my kids asked excitedly, "Did you make brownies?!" Boy, were they disappointed! :P


    To me, Lump of Coal is a much richer, deeper version of Bliss, without the nutty note that I get from Bliss. The scent stays true in the bottle, wet on my skin, and through drydown. It lasts quite a long time and has a lot of throw. I can still catch a whiff of it now in my hair and smelled it on my pillow this morning, and it's been almost 24 hours since applying it.

  14. In the bottle: Kinda reminds me of a combination of Pink Moon and Strawberry Moon. Strong, sweet strawberry smell.


    Wet, on my skin: Teeth-achingly sweet! Sugared strawberries mixed with honey and vanilla.


    On drydown: The strawberry fades back, but it is still SUPER sweet and what I get now is a sweet, fruity floral with LOTS of honey. I like sweet stuff, but this is too sweet and girly for me.


    Thank goodness I found someone who loves Pink Phoenix as much as I love Red Phoenix and is willing to swap! :P

  15. I've been a naughty, naughty girl and I got SPANKED! :D


    In the bottle and when first applied, I think it smells quite similar to Blood Moon. It has the same spiciness, which apparently is cardamom, but I think there is some cassia in there also.


    It is a morpher, because after about 15 minutes the spiciness with the patchouli background fades back and the leather and bourbon take center stage. On extreme drydown, though, the similarities to Blood Moon return.


    It also has a lot of throw, and is very long lasting. I put this on last night after dinner and it is now fully 12 hours later and I can still smell it on my wrists.


    Patchouli and boozy scents aren't usually my thing, but my husband smelled Spanked yesterday and :P it. So I guess I'm keeping it! :D

  16. Are you sure it cut you off? Sometimes, Paypal appears to do that, but when you check in your history (i.e. rather than the confirmation email), the rest of your message is intact.


    That aside, how long ago did you email them?



    Well the order did not include two whole imp packs, and the Paypal information did not include the last part of my order - ie the two imp packs. I emailed them just a few days ago. The only reason I'm worried is that because they are Christmas gifts I really gotta find out if they are going to try send out the missing imp packs in time, or if I need to start looking for replacement gifts @_@.


    Did you e-mail them at answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com? Because that's the one to use for customer service inquiries.

  17. I like Hearth 2005 better than Hearth 2004--but it is a totally different scent. It smells delicious, but even as a foody scent lover it's just too sweet, buttery and foody for me to wear. I think it would be terrific as a room scent in an oil burner, though. I will probably keep my bottle for this purpose.
