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Everything posted by Scylla

  1. Scylla


    I hadn't read the reviews for Eos before trying it and couldn't recall what was in it, so it made for an interesting first wearing! I could definitely smell the jasmine, but I wouldn't have guessed the other notes were buttercup and honeysuckle. I SWEAR I smelled some lavender, but perhaps I'm wrong. Eos is a very feminine, relaxing blend. So relaxing, in fact, I erroneously thought it was one of the Dream blends, like Somnus or Baku. Eos chilled me out and made me want to take a nice, hot bath. I think I may even get a big bottle just to attempt to make my own bath bombs. Even a few drops of Eos would be lovely in a bath. Ahhhhh.....
  2. Scylla


    Moxie is definitely a "Get Off Your Butt and Get Moving" scent! It's sharper and more "in your face" than any other citrusy scents I've tried. I smell grapefruit, tangerine and maybe yuzu--and not the sweet, juicy fruit--just the oils from the peels! I also smell another spice, but it doesn't smell like ginger on me. Maybe some kind of pepper? Clove? I put some of this on the other day when I KNEW I was going to have to deal with someone I don't enjoy dealing with and I DID feel like I had more "balls" to deal with this beyotch. I'm not sure that I would wear this as personal fragrance on a regular basis, but I think it will be wonderful for aromatherapy purposes (which is what it is intended for!) I think it would be wonderful mixed into a carrier oil for massage therapy or in an oil burner.
  3. Scylla


    I swapped for a 5 ml of Alice with a forumite because I was SURE I would love it. And I do--in the bottle! I can smell the bergamot, the creaminess, the rose and the carnation. However, I hadn't tried any other blends with carnation as one of the predominant notes before. Unfortunately, my skin seems to amp up the carnation so it almost ends up a very strong carnation single note. I like carnations, but I don't buy them for their fragrance!
  4. Scylla

    Beltane 2005-06

    Smells like a garden in late spring after a cleansing rain, with the spring flowers in riotous bloom. I think I smell tulips, and maybe some jasmine. (inhales deeply) Beltane is a fresh, green smelling floral. I'm not normally a big fan of straightforward floral scents, but Beltane is a floral masterpiece. If you are a lover of floral scents, you will adore Beltane!
  5. Scylla

    Pink Moon 2005

    Wow, Pink Moon is very, very sweet, indeed! I was sort of expecting it to smell fruity and berryish, but I'm not getting any stawberry at all! At first sniff I smell mostly light florals that I can't identify (maybe the phlox?), then the scent that seems to be the basis of many of the lunar oils, then the sugary note behind it. Then the sweet, syrupy sugar note takes over! If Chaste Moon is a sweet 12 year old girl, then Pink Moon is her coquette-ish, bubble-gum cracking 15 year old sister. I, too, think that I will be kicking myself that I only bought one bottle of Pink Moon.
  6. Scylla

    Juke Joint

    Hmmmm...I SWEAR I reviewed Juke Joint, but I don't see it listed now! ANYWAY, I really didn't get any mint, so I couldn't see "Mint Julep." What I DID get was a very wafty, strong almost stale Kentucky Bourbon scent that reminded me very much of my somewhat boozy stepmother. She's a nice lady, but I certainly DON'T want to smell like her! Also reminds me of a VFW Hall or a neighborhood tavern (or, gin mill, as my father-in-law used to call them!) I notice now, after reading other reviews, that there must be some amber in Juke Joint. That might be what ruined it for me--amber and I don't get along!
  7. Scylla

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    In the bottle, Hexennacht reminds me very much of Samhain--but a much DARKER, ominous Samhain. I can detect the smoke, fir and something tangy and sweet. Wet, on my skin: Hmmm....Yes, the notes are making their appearances one at a time. For a while, the florals in it very much reminded me of Harvest Moon. Hexennacht DOES effectively evoke clandestine campfires in a deep, dark piney forest. Bravo, Beth!
  8. Scylla

    Dead Man's Hand

    Wow, the first sniff of Dead Man's Hand reminded me of the Stride Rite children's shoe store! Pure leather. I love the way leather smells! I would say this is pretty much a single note leather. This would be wonderful to layer with other scents--it will really add character and depth to some other scents. I am so glad I have a bottle!
  9. Scylla

    Graveyard Dirt

    I'm not a fan of earthy "dirt" smells (like Zombi), so I pretty much knew I wouldn't like this one, but I am grateful for Lab giving me the chance to try it! This is amazing in that it TOTALLY smells just like potting soil and peat moss. Not something that I want to smell like, but it's really amazing that Beth was able to encapsulate that smell! I let my husband smell it, thinking he would turn up his nose--and he LOVED it! He put it on and kept sniffing his arm all night! I guess Graveyard Dirt is his now!
  10. Scylla


    This is fruity, sweet, tangy, earthy and spicey all at once. It kind of reminds me of a cross between Morocco, Samhain and House of Night. I love Gomorrah! After one wearing, it has rocketed to the top of my Top 10 list. ETA: Gomorrah is what I wanted Intrigue to be, but intrigue turned into pure cedar on me.
  11. Scylla


    I took the kids to a carnival just this past weekend! And, yep, Midway is indeed a carnival midway in a bottle: Buttery caramel corn, cotton candy and hot, greasy funnel cakes topped with powdered sugar. I can almost hear the Carousel music...
  12. That's a pretty comprehensive "foody" list, tart! Well done! I am a foody fragrance lover as well, and I agree with everything tart said above with the exception of Juke Joint. It smelled like my (boozy) stepmother, so I didn't care for it!
  13. Scylla

    "Warm" scents?

    I can't believe I forgot to add Dragon's Milk and Dana O'Shee. Those are also warm and cozy scents to me.
  14. Scylla

    "Warm" scents?

    When I think "warm" BPAL scents, the first one that comes to mind is Morocco. Three Witches also strikes me as a warm scent.
  15. Scylla

    Rose Cross

    I received an imp of Rose Cross with my Chaste Moon order, and I almost swapped it away unsniffed because roses and I generally don't get along. They usually make me smell like a "powdery old lady," or so my husband says! But I tried Rose Cross today and I really like it! It is decidedly rose-y, but this particular rose doesn't turn powdery or old lady-ish. And I tried it without having read the review, so I had no pre-conceived notions of what the notes were (other than rose, of course!) That said, I didn't notice the frankincense at all! What I get is rose and VANILLA! Sounds like an odd combination, right? Not so! It smells really great.
  16. Scylla

    Dance of Death

    Unfortunately, I have to concur with andrabell. Dance of Death was the kiss of death for me also!
  17. Scylla

    House of Night

    In the vial: Very green and woodsy, with a touch of smoky sweetness. Reminds me of taking a walk in the woods in the moonlight. Wet, on my skin: Still green and woodsy/mossy, but then some unrecognizable florals come to the forefront, with something kind of fruity--like apples--in the background, along with the woodsiness. This is lovely, and not at all what I was expecting from a fragrance called "House of Night!" On drydown: I put this one on without having read previous reviews, and the first thing I thought after it dried down for about 15 minutes was, "Wow! This is Samhain without the heavy patchouli!" it!
  18. Scylla

    Chaste Moon 2005

    In the bottle: At first sniff, it smells very sweet and buttery--very much like butterscotch. Wet, on my skin: Butterscotch, but then the candy smell fades away and light florals move in, along with something kinda minty--probably one of the "crystalline traditional lunar oils." I can definitely smell how a previous reviewer mentioned buttermints. However, it is not "I need to lick my wrist" foody. It's not very foody at all, a few minutes after application. I can also smell how this could be compared to Snow White. I smell some similarities, but Chaste Moon works much better with my chemistry. Also, the creamy mintiness reminds me a bit of Spooky. On drydown: This had faded down to such a lovely, soft, gentle floral. It is what I had dreamed Snow White and Spooky would be. On one hand, I want to share it (and Beth's genius) with everyone I know. On the other hand, I want to hoard all three bottles I purchased for myself! Bravo, Beth! This is my favorite Lunacy blend so far!
  19. Scylla

    Silk Road

    An imp of Silk Road was included with my most recent order. At first sniff, it kind of reminds me of a cross between Sea of Glass and Sudha Segara. But that's only at first sniff out of the imp. As previous reviewers have said, it is very complex and it's difficult to pick out individual notes. It is primarily a floral, but I definitely detect some ginger in there that keeps popping out and reminding me of Sudha Segara. There are also green herbal notes that I smell, but I can't properly identify them, so I'm not even going to try to hazard a guess! Silk Road is a mysterious, sexy, slinky floral, if that makes sense! I'm not usually a big fan of primarily floral fragrances, but this one is definitely a keeper! ETA: Silk Road is very long lasting on me and has a lot of throw. I put it on early this morning and it's now nearly 3:00pm and I can still smell it wafting a bit.
  20. Scylla

    The Living Flame

    This is definitely a very well blended floral. As quantum spice mentioned previously, it is very difficult to pick out individual floral notes. It is definitely a very RED floral. For classification purposes, I'd say it is a very beautiful sophisticated floral. I am not getting any vanilla OR any musk, as mentioned by previous reviewers. I am not getting anything "O-y" either, which is a good thing because amber smells horrible on me! I don't detect any roses, either, which, to my body chemistry is a good thing! Nor do I detect cherries or cinnamon. Or dragon's blood. Just "red" florals. The Living Flame stays pretty much the same from in the bottle all the way through to drydown, at least on my skin. I'm not normally a fan of straightforward floral fragrances, but this is really nice! ETA: On EXTREME drydown (say, 3+ hours) the berry and musky notes popped out on me, much to my surprise! I'm liking this even more now. I think I'll have to update again after I've worn The Living Flame a few times. I also agree with Unseelie that this would be a great "bridge" scent to initiate your friends and family members to the BPAL Cult.
  21. Scylla


    WOW. WOW. WOW!!! I have a new favorite! Dorian is absolutely amazing, and is everything I expected and more. Beth, you have truly outdone yourself! In the bottle: Lemon and vanilla Wet, on my skin: Vanilla is the predominant note, with strong tea with lemon not far behind On drydown: The musks come out, but the vanilla and tea are definitely the predominant notes. Slightly reminiscent of Zephyr, but the sweet tea note just adds SO much to it. Dorian is truly my holy grail spring and summer fragrance. So glad I bought a 10 ml unsniffed!
  22. Scylla

    Swimmer's Scent?

    I second Baobhan Sith and add Pele.
  23. Scylla

    The Red Queen

    In the vial: cherry scented nail polish remover Wet, on my skin: Still very cherry, but almost medicinal. I can smell the Cherry Nyquil comparisons, I'm sorry to say! On drydown: Ah, that's better! Still predominantly cherry, but now the woods have come out of the shadows. This is kind of what I imagined Hearth would smell like. It keeps evoking images of plump, red leather chairs and mahogany paneling.
  24. Scylla


    In the vial: Thin mint Girl Scout cookies with a hint of coconut Wet, on my skin: Mint and coconut, with chocolate in the background. I'm not getting any rum, per se, but I guess it is sort of peppermint-schnapps-like. On drydown: The chocolate and booziness fades away and I am left with a mintier version of Tarot: The Star. I like it a lot, but I'm not as crazy in love with Spooky as I thought I'd be.
  25. I agree with Judas_Kiss, both about the allergies AND the Dana O'Shee recommendation.