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BPAL Madness!


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About Tkfreezes

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


  • Country
    United States


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  1. Tkfreezes

    Blood Kiss

    I should have known, after having a HORRIBLE experience with Blood, not to try Blood Kiss... but I can't land any BPAL product and NOT try it, so here's how it went: In the vial: Vetiver and musk up front, cherry and clove dancing around behind. Something about this scent makes me slightly nauseated, and the overall smell of it reminds me of something... but oh, what is it? I really want to like this one, but so far I'm getting a baddd feeling about it. Wet: Smells exactly like in the bottle, just a bit more clovey and much darker. Drying: As today was definitely one of those multi-tasking days, I quickly forgot about Blood Kiss to tackle some other tasks. At one point I stopped and sniffed the air wondering what IS that? It smelled, I kid you not, like someone had spilled some kind of sugary booze on one of the carpets or on the furniture. I walked around awhile trying to sniff it out before I realized it was on my wrists. Upon closer inspection, I whiff up a HORRIBLE booze scent with something like sticky sweet cough syrup in the background. It's like waking up at noon in the summer and clearing up the heated glasses of leftover bourbon off the porch from the night before. There's also alot of heat in here, definitely from the clove. Dry: Oh man, all clove. Not even left-over booze anymore. JUST clove. What a shame, I really wanted to like this. But I've learned a very important lesson here, clove just does NOT work on me. Every other ingredient loves my skin, but clove just had to go ruin it for everyone. Oh well, I'm not bitter. My boy works well in clove (and in all of Blood Kiss' other ingredients), so I'll just have him try some, and maybe it will be all the deliciousness I had hoped it would've been on me.
  2. Tkfreezes


    I'm really into the darker "huskier" scents (as I've seen Blood described), so I was extremely excited about this imp. In the vial, Blood smells very sweet. I got almost all cherry, but with some unidentifiable spiciness creeping around behind it - I'm assuming that's the clove. Wet, the sweetness dies down a tiny bit, veering away from cherry and more into dragon's blood. Quickly the scent becomes very... sharp? For lack of a better word. Despite the sharpness, Blood is extremely thick and smooth - which I'm attributing to the cherry and myrrh. (Call me crazy, but in my mind the cherry and myrrh actually seem to giving the "sharpness" some "round edges"...?) It's very pleasant. During the dry-down the cherry-sweetness and myrrh seem to back off more and more, eventually leaving only a little hint of dragon's blood and a whole lot of clove. It becomes slightly irritating to my nose, and when I sniff my wrists I can even FEEL the scent in the back of my throat. Not pleasant. Dry, a little bit of the sweetness comes back - entirely cherry I think - but there is still WAY too much clove going on. By this point my throat is getting incredibly irritated and even my eyes are just not having it. My skin naturally brings out the spice notes in perfume, but this is just ridiculous. I was really hoping Blood would work on me, but it's just really really not. However, I'm thinking this will maybe work really well on my boy, since he's usually very good in clove. We'll give it a try, all is not lost!
  3. Tkfreezes


    - first review, yayyy! - So, very strange... In the vial Lilith smelled to me EXACTLY like this candle/antique/general knick-knack shop I used to live down the street from. Not entirely sure why, but I'm going to blame it on the rotten-grape scent the wine is giving off. (Though what that has to do with a candle shop, I've no idea. ? ) Wet, it smelled more like wine with something spicy backing it up, and as it dried the musk came out a little more. Dry, Lilith kind of morphed alot on me in the first hour and a half. For awhile it was pure wine - very fruity and sweet, but twenty minutes later it went very very dark and spicy - sweetness almost totally gone, and THEN wine came back but brought something almost... incense-y? Eventually (after about 2 hours) everything seemed to mellow out and it morphed into a very balanced, very pleasant, not-too-sweet-not-too-spicy, winey scent. For me the myrrh was IMPOSSIBLE to sniff out until Lilith finally mellowed. It's a bit light on me (in a good way), like a a very rich, warm whisper. I'm thinking it will be very nice for when I'm going for the sexy & elegant vibe, but need said vibe to be very understated in-order to remain appropriate. There is something very formal and sophisticated - intelligent even - about this scent. I'm adding this onto the big-bottle list, and I think it's going to become high-priority. Also - I got nothing even remotely cotton-candy, grape-soda, or cough-syrup-esque. Lilith never turned THAT sweet on me. Nor can I pick out the attar of rose, not even a little bit. It's all wine, musk, spice, and then subtle myrrh for me.