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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by missrini

  1. missrini


    This is really beautiful. It has 3 of my favourite ingredients: sandlewood, rose and patchouli...so I just knew I'd love this Unfortunately, there is something in this that is causing some skin irritation when I apply it. Very annoying as I would wear this more often if it agreed with my skin.
  2. missrini

    Strawberry Moon 2009

    You know how sometimes you don't know you're missing something until you actually GET it? Well that is Strawberry Moon for me. Even though I'm a relative newbie, I have already amassed quite a number of bottles and many many many imps......but they were all (dare I say it?) starting to bore me a bit It's not that they're not lovely....they are!....it's just that I really love the amber, vanilla, coconut, sugar type scents and was missing the fruits. Oh the fruits! Well Strawberry Moon has filled the void and given me more yummy fruit than I could hope for On me it smells pretty much all strawberry, but without the "fake sweetness" that I was worried it would have. The reviewers here have all been so accurate on that score! I actually bought this bottle unsmelled based on that I also smell the greeny planty smell, but it's quite faint and it just balance the strawberry nicely. The only down side for this scent is that it has pretty much NO throw and doesn't last very long at all (much like Raven...and I love Raven too.....maybe it's any sort of fruit on me?)
  3. missrini

    Antique Lace

    *sigh*.....well I think this may be it for me I want to drown in this stuff!! On me, it's not so much Vanilla as it is Violets. Beautiful, natural smelling Violets. Like the ones that used to grow in my garden when I was a kid and I would pick them and put them in a Vegemite jar in my room and inhale them until they were dead. This also lasts a long time and I keep getting wafts throughout the day. I just love this. Love love love. I was a bit worried that everything from bpal was smelling a bit incensey to me.....not AL I'm going to buy 3 or 4 bottles
  4. missrini


    I just got a bottle of this unsmelled. I looked at the notes in it and thought it may be a very good match for Chloe Narcisse. It is! I don't smell "orange" as in citrus, but do smell the floral and the vanilla very slightly. Mostly, I smell narcissus which is a good thing, but there is something else which keeps this from being too sweet and "perfumey" (which Chloe Narcisse can be at times). Kind of an incensey smell, maybe a bit like amber? Whatever it is, I do love this oil and I'm glad I bought a bottle
  5. missrini

    Snake Charmer

    Oh this is wonderful Exactly what I thought this would smell like! I ordered a bottle of this unsmelled and I'm so glad I took the gamble. It's pretty much all amber on me, but I LOVE amber to death!! It's a perfume that makes me want to smell myself constantly. LOVE IT!!!
  6. missrini


    Oh dear I seem very ungrateful to write two reviews in a row on frimps that I did not like! I mean, they were free and I am appreciative of the chance to try something for free, but they just didn't work out for me this time. Anyway, I love florals, so it was suprising that Suspiro was not a good scent on me (oddly, I have read in this thread that some of the ppl that DID like this don't usually like florals ) It smelled OK in the bottle, but on my skin it was just too sweet and smelled like chemicals. Almost identical to a really bad/cheap air freshener that you'd use in the bathroom. I had to wash it off. It has huge throw too! Onwards and upwards....
  7. missrini


    I got this free with my last order from the lab. Although I appreciate the freebie and love to try scents I would not normally order.......I have to say, it's the opposite of what I like in a perfume It smells really bad on me, a bit stale and cheap incensey. It is useful though to find something I don't like at all, because then I think it will make it easier to find something I DO like alot. Loviatar is not for me. I will be giving this one away.
  8. missrini

    Sugar Moon 2008

    I have a 5ml bottle of this which I bought purely going on the notes in it. This is now my fave of the bottles that I currently have (my fave was Snow White, but I think I wore it too much and am getting a bit sick of it now! ) It does start off quite sugary which I do not like, but even the sugar is not the candy sweet sickly sugar smell, it's more "cooked" which is bearable for me until.....the violets and musk come through! Oh beautiful violets and blue musk!!! I love this. It does last a reasonable length of time (3 or 4 hours) and has reasonable throw (hubby walked past me and went "mmmm...you smell nice" without me getting him to stick his nose into my neck). Based on this lovely scent, I'm now searching for more with blue musk and violets in it. Message me if you can think of any
  9. missrini


    This is sooooo subtle on me that I might as well not be wearing anything!! Where did it go?? I put a decent amount on and can faintly smell currants/musk and some sort of floral but it's like I used a shower gel scented with it and this is the very faded result after towelling off and getting dressed. I like the scent enough, but it's just not throwing or staying enough for me. Very odd.
  10. missrini


    I got this as a frimp and would never have ordered it myself (isn't that why frimps are great?), but I'm loving it right now I've been busily testing out tonnes of imps (one a day) and I was just thinking how they all seem to smell similar....definitely not the same, but similar. I know now it's because I'm ordering from descriptions with notes that I think I like and I'm not considering the blending. The blending! And the blend of the notes in 51 is AMAZING. It's a totally different scent for me and I just love it. Perfect for the hot Australian summer! My official tester (my husband) loves it too. He thinks it is sharp but feminine and I have to agree. The florals that I love are there, but it also has a freshness which stops it going powdery/soapy and keeps it smelling modern and sexy. I've only had it on for an hour or so, so will have to see how long it lasts on me.
  11. missrini


    Jezebel has the honour of being the very first BPAL scent that I smelled and wore. It was sent to me a number of years ago by a friend on another (unrelated) forum. I had not heard of this American company called BPAL before, but I sure liked their perfume oils!! Anyway, I love this scent When I put it on I just can't stop smelling myself and I can't seem to get enough. I find myself inhaling it on and off through the day. It DOES last such a long time on me too! This is a lovely "spicy" rose on me, which must mean I smell the Sandalwood coming through. There is also a sweetness to it which keeps it very feminine and very sexy . My husband smells it and just says "mmmmmmmmm" Unfortunately, I have pretty much used up the imp and need to get a bottle of this very soon!
  12. missrini


    Vanity in extremis. The scent of rabid hauteur: Moroccan rose and narcissus. This is just too much rose for me, and I LOVE rose. I think I have figured out that I really only love "spicy" smelling roses, and there's no spicyness to Pride. Unfortunately, it progressed to a really bad synthetic toilet-cleaner smell on me
  13. missrini


    I love florals, so I was pretty sure I'd love Prague. I was right At first it is very strong and it scared me a bit, I was worried I'd smell "perfumed". But after a few minutes, it dies down to a lovely sweet feminine floral My husband thinks it smells a bit candy-ish which I don't get but he does like it. It lasts a reasonable amount of time on me (about 5 hours). I think a 5ml bottle is required!
  14. missrini

    The Raven

    This is quite a nice scent for me, but nothing extra special. It's all violets and musk and I don't get any neroli at all (wet or dry). Perhaps my nose is not good enough to detect it? Anyway, I do love floral scents, so the violet is quite agreeable initially. On drydown however, it becomes baby-powderish and soapy. Not such a terrible smell, but not really what I was hoping for. Also, The Raven flies away very quickly! I only get about 1 or 2 hours before it's faded so much that I really have to press my nose to the spot and sniff realllllly hard
  15. missrini

    Snow White

    This is my first 5ml bottle ever and what a great choice it turned out to be! I bought this just going off the description and it is pretty true to that. Living in Australia, I am reasonably unfamiliar with snow. I have seen it once or twice when visiting other countries, but I do not think this perfume is "snowy". I would have thought a snow smell would be more aquatic? This perfume is lovely and creamy on me I also sense amber, jasmine, vanilla (although I'm not sure if they are actually in there!) My husband loves it, and when I wear it I feel very feminine. I am seriously having a love affair with this right now and can not stop wearing it (even though I am supposed to be reviewing my other imps!). So glad I got a 5ml, and not happy it may be hard to come by again