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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by themorningafter

  1. themorningafter


    Oh my, this is gorgeously delicious and decadent smelling! The image I get from this perfume is a spring day, wearing a full skirt with laces and bows, sipping hot tea out of a ornate, floral mug. The bergamont and cream are prominent scents on me, followed by a whisper of the flowers. I imagine dipping a lemon glazed pound cake into Earl Grey, basking in the sunlight with roses in my hair. :heart: :heart:
  2. themorningafter


    This is very thick, sweet, and almost syrup-like in smell. It reminds me of molasses being poured. The sweetness is a bit overwhelming at first, but the scent dries down to a sexy skin-like scent. Mmmm!
  3. themorningafter


    This is incredibly lovely. At first i get a soft breeze of lavender, like standing next to the flowers on a windy day. Then the scent transforms into the most luscious rose scent, but it's very soft and weighed down perfectly by the musk. These notes blend together to create something ethereal and dreamy.