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Everything posted by SylphideNoir

  1. SylphideNoir

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    0oh Bayou is definitely on the list. I'm actually trying Two, Five & Seven for the first time today and I'm shocked! I've had it for a while but have been hesitant because it smells harsh and bitter in the vial. Surprisingly it morphed on contact to this sexy, humid, rainy garden scent. I think I'm swooning !
  2. SylphideNoir

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    I've never tried aquatic scents before but I've realized my SO is a huge fan of them. My signature scent is Queen of Sheba and I naturally lean towards spicy vanilla. While smelling exactly like SO wants me too is not a priority of mine in any way I thought it could be fun to play around with that scent range and see what comes of it. Always up for something new! What are your favorite sexy aquatics?
  3. SylphideNoir

    The Best Ylang Ylang Scents!

    I think Ylang-ylang smells repulsive. I don't smell anything remotely floral...just...spit on B.O. I'm not preg nor on the pill.
  4. O smells like babies on me. Brand new womb spat out babies. It's practically birth control!
  5. SylphideNoir

    Come to Me

    I recieved an imp of this in my very first BPAL order. I was instantly in love with first whiff. I wore it quite a few times and even mixed it with a carrier oil to make it last longer but it never seemed to really represent me. As much as I love the scent it just isn't one I should wear, if that makes sense. Well, I recently started a relationship and one evening I grabbed some imps off my dresser to show the new man. With a mischeivious look in my eye, I grabbed the seemingly empty bottle of Come to Me and opened it up. When tipped upside down there was just enough of it to form a small drop on my finger. I quickly ran my fingertip down the back of his neck. This is my catnip! Oh god oh god OH GOD! I can't help but purr when this is on him. It is dangerous! Mr. wants me to put a bottle on my next order list and I had to make a new rule: He cannot wear this while we work together! It may sound silly but I have a serious physical reaction to this scent. My heartbeat quickens just thinking about how it smells on him.