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Everything posted by laross00

  1. laross00

    Snake Charmer

    Hello all, this is my first review! I just recieved my Carnivale Noir order an hour ago, and am so impressed with Snake Charmer that it was imperative I post immediately to share my elation with the fabulousness of this scent. Although I love several BPALs and have oft been impressed with the quality of craftmanship evident all the blends, what fueled my urgency is the realization that this scent is remarkably similar to a beloved pricy and difficult to obtain scent - Serge Lutens Chergui! In the opening stages this has a mint-tinge not present in Chergui,has a softer, soapier sort of feel overall, and seems a slightly less linear than Chergui. There are enough subtle dissemilarites that, if you're a perfume afficionado, you can definitely justify purchasing both scents ; however, if you prefer to wear the most multifaceted scents availible, then Snake Charmer beats out Chergui, hands down!