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BPAL Madness!


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About Mir

  • Rank
    casual sniffer


  • Location
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    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Hell's Belle
  • Favorite Scents
    Perversion, Bordello, Dorian, Queen Alice, Rose Red, Jolly Roger, Ultraviolet, Nocturne

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Birds, books, booze, perfumes, politics, internets, trashy lingerie, and a little of everything else!


  • Astrological Info
    For a Capricorn, I'm kind of flaky.
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
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  1. Mir


    Mmmm. This is utterly perfect. I very rarely buy bottles because imps are usually plenty for me and I'm sort of poor anyway, but THIS one ended up a bottle. In the imp: A bit smoky with a deep, dark sweetness I can't identify. Fresh on: This is so well-blended that to me the only thing it smells like overall is itself, but if I try very hard I can specifically pick the tobacco and tonka out from among everything else, and maybe some coconut rum although it doesn't smell particularly boozy. It's very sweet and dark and smoky. After a little bit, the smoky tobacco notes calm down just enough that I can also pick out leather pretty clearly, and the vaguest hint of something fruity which must be the chardonnay lurking in the background. I still can't exactly place the overall impression it gives, though! [One time when I wore this, a close male friend (if you get my drift ) said I did indeed smell like a seedy seaside bar, but he obviously meant it in a good way because he told me twice over the rest of the day that I smelled really good. ] Drydown: Not dramatically different from wet, just a bit sweeter and less smoky (I suspect it's the tonka coming out more). Still able to smell it 8-10 hours after application. Excellent staying power! The sleeves of a sweater I wore with it once smelled a little like some kind of dark fruit in a powdery sort of way three or four days later, and I didn't want to wash it because it was such a pretty scent! Overall: This makes me melt! I've never smelled anything like this, and it's beautiful. It currently inhabits the #2 spot on my top ten favorites.
  2. Mir


    This one was a frimp with my first-ever order back around July. I'm so glad it was - it's one of my favorites so far, and it isn't one that would have particularly caught my eye on its own! In the vial: Intimidatingly, chemically juniper. It's a very good lesson in never judging how a perfume will turn out just based on what it's like in the bottle, actually. Freshly applied: I felt like the initial juniper was so aggressive that it bashed me in the face with a tree branch and then went through my pockets looking for my valuables, but it mellows out really fast and becomes utterly BEAUTIFUL! It becomes a much gentler piney scent over good dark earth. I get a faint mix of sweet-but-not-too-sweet flowers under that. It really does remind me of a funeral and a freshly-dug grave, but in a good way - it's a little sad, but at the same time very peaceful. Drydown: My favorite part of Burial! A dark, soft, earthy floral, like the whole garden rather than just a vase of cut flowers, with only a trace of the juniper/pine notes left over. I think it must have rained a few hours ago. I get a bit of rose, but also more flowers that I can't identify. Some of it might be a little bit of lavender maybe? Whatever it is, it makes me want to go outside and roll around a garden in the fall. Overall: Wonderful. Dark, a little bittersweet, very outdoorsy. Definitely feels like fall or early winter. I love it!