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Everything posted by Ceryle

  1. Ceryle

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    CV (105) To me this smells like Yog-Sothoth decked out in springtime flowers. It is very clean and bright with a slight hint that there is something darker under it all. I can't really pick out any individual notes though. All I know is that this smells really good.
  2. Ceryle


    I was lucky enough to recieve this as a gift imp from the lab. In the bottle, it smells like a nice, clean, baby should ... almost baby powderish. After it is applied though, it was all carnation and rose with the milk and honey in the background to sweeten it up a bit. Not only does it smell wonderful, but it seems to stick around for quite awhile.
  3. Ceryle


    I wish I could say I smell the cranberry ... or any kind of berry for that matter. In the bottle it smells vaguely of the greenhouse I did some of my studies in during college. It's not so much that it smells green as it smells of moist loam and a bit of floral which I think is the lily. The smell doesn't change much while it is wet on the skin, but as it dries down it becomes all musk, lily, and ginger ... and not in a good way. As a plus for some, it was really strong and seemed to last forever of my skin, as even with a good scrubbing several hours later it would not go away. I wanted to like it. I really did. O, cranberry, why have you betrayed me?