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Everything posted by sarianna

  1. sarianna

    Huesos De Santo

    Well, it's two days before Halloween, and I started digging though my stash for something different, as I've been wearing Lambswool nearly exclusively. ...nah, not DDLM..... hm, Sticky Pillowcase? no, too sickly-sweet. Ooh, didn't I like this last year? Huesos de Santo has aged quite beautifully in the past year, and unlike last year, when the orange just screamed out at me, In the imp it smelled primarily of sweetness--so much that I could barely distinguish between this and Sticky Pillowcase--but on me it's not so nauseating. I put it on and within five minutes the aniseed cake end of things appears. The zesty orange is fairly subtle on drydown, but still present. I don't get much custard/milkiness, it seems to have turned more buttery (yes, I'm certain I didn't shake the imp. well, not that much, anyway). Overall quite pleasant, much like the scent of a ki Shame this didn't make a reappearance this year--I'm definitely a fan!