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Everything posted by cranberry

  1. cranberry


    I was super excited to try this with the reviews comparing this to my beloved Snake Charmer. After trying it, on me, it does remind me of Snake Charmer but there are some important differences. So, on to the review. In the imp, this smelled musky and fruity. It’s a lovely dark amber color in the vial. On the skin, wet, this is musky, fruity, with maybe a touch of lotus. When I first applied it lightly, it didn’t remind me of Snake Charmer so much as when I applied it a bit heavier. This is amber with loads of musk. Where I applied this lightly, after it had been on a couple minutes, it was all musk and reminded me quite a bit of Smut or other musk-dominated scents. Where I applied it heavier, after it’s been on a bit, the resemblance to Snake Charmer really comes through even stronger. I saw in yeahbutnobut’s review that this reminds her of Snake Charmer without the vanilla. I have to agree. It has a fruity top, slightly spicy, musky ambery middle and a strongly musky base. Beautiful, just beautiful.
  2. cranberry

    Carceri d'Invenzione

    This was my first Salon order. I snapped it up based solely on the notes alone and without hesitation. In the bottle, this smells warm, rich and resinous. Sweet. Once on, this is a sweet scent, the sweetness reminds me a bit of how I remember the sweetness in Al Azif. That doesn’t last long but was there for a fleeting instant. This is a very sweet sandalwood and a sweet tobacco. The frankincense adds a supporting role but is not the star. No that role is reserved for the woods. There’s a trace of pepper, adding spice and heat to the woods. After it’s been on a bit, it becomes even more a woody, slightly spicy, sweet scent. This reminds me of a wonderful Comme des Garcons scent that I found before I found BPAL – Sequoia. I thought that was the most true wood/forest scent I had ever run across. This reminds me of that. This is a beautiful true wood scent. It has spicy elements around the edges that add interest and complement the wood wonderfully. I adore this.
  3. cranberry

    Phantom Queen

    Ah yes, back to sweet floral scents. (I’ve been inspired to try my imp by the GC Swap and had a run of non-floral scents I was trying). This is just that, a gentle, sweet floral. Pretty, soft, fluffy smelling. I also has a short-lived vaguely aquatic note which I’m attributing to the moss. It doesn't last long and is just at the beginning. This would make an awesome linen spay; I would love for my sheets to smell like this. It smells fresh and like a summer meadow full of wildflowers. It smells better to me when I have my nose plastered to my wrist, from afar it reminds me other sweet, florals and I don’t get what’s special about this scent. But close I do. I don’t know that I can define it but this rises above the other scents of this genre for me. Maybe I'm just agreeable at the moment but I'm liking this one too, despite thinking I'd never go for a scent like this (I've had a good run of scents lately).
  4. cranberry

    Ryvre #1 - shipped to Cordia and mostly reviewed

    Phantom Queen - Diabolus Notes: black orchid, apple blossom, meadowsweet, rue, irish moss, hawthorn, red clover Ah yes, back to sweet floral scents. (I’ve been inspired to try my imp by the GC Swap and had a run of non-floral scents I was trying). This is just that, a gentle, sweet floral. Pretty, soft, fluffy smelling. I also has a short-lived vaguely aquatic note which I’m attributing to the moss. It doesn't last long and is just at the beginning. This would make an awesome linen spay; I would love for my sheets to smell like this. It smells fresh and like a summer meadow full of wildflowers. It smells better to me when I have my nose plastered to my wrist, from afar it reminds me other sweet, florals and I don’t get what’s special about this scent. But close I do. I don’t know that I can define it but this rises above the other scents of this genre for me. Maybe I'm just agreeable at the moment but I'm liking this one too, despite thinking I'd never go for a scent like this (I've had a good run of scents lately).
  5. cranberry

    ryvre # 2 - shipped 6-15. All reviewed.

    Saturnalia - Love Potions Notes: violet, vetivert In the imp, this smells strongly of violets. Once applied, the scent of violets remain, a soft purple sort of scent. After its been on a minutes or two, it deepens and there’s an underlying grounding force. Vetivert yes, but it feels like more too, a touch of wood of some kind. This is really nice. I would have never guessed that I’d enjoy a scent like this. There’s an interplay between the sweet violet and the smoky vetivert, moving back and forth. At is wears the vetivert get stronger and almost overpowers the violet. Overall, I’ve enjoyed trying this. I’ll keep the imp.
  6. cranberry


    In the imp, this smells strongly of violets. Once applied, the scent of violets remain, a soft purple sort of scent. After its been on a minutes or two, it deepens and there’s an underlying grounding force. Vetivert yes, but it feels like more too, a touch of wood of some kind. This is really nice. I would have never guessed that I’d enjoy a scent like this. There’s an interplay between the sweet violet and the smoky vetivert, moving back and forth. At is wears the vetivert get stronger and almost overpowers the violet. Overall, I’ve enjoyed trying this. I’ll keep the imp.
  7. cranberry

    arylkin #2 - shipped

    Centzon Totochtin - Excolo Notes: Mexican cocoa with rum, red wine, blood In the imp, this smells like cocoa and booze. Once applied, at first it’s cocoa but that morphs into a foody, incensy smell that reminds me a bit of Sugar Cookie. Maybe it’s the rum soaked aspect of it. Yes, I think it’s the rum. This smells pretty yummy and I’m so glad that the GC Swap finally enticed me to try this. Dang, after this has been on a bit, it begins to smell like clove cigarettes. There’s that hint of smoke which is so strong it burns the lungs. I’m thinking that must be the blood note but I’m interpreting the combination as a clove. I remember smoking these and how yummy they tasted, but also how they made my lungs feel. This is a hot and spicy kinda scent, very strong and overpowering. This is an unusual scent. After it’s been on a while, I’m almost getting a lemon or lime not similar to that in Torture King. Interesting. There is definitely a citrus element in here. It’s subtle but there. Also a touch of vetivert. Overall, this has been an amazing scent to try and I’m so glad that I finally did. It’s dark, sexy, incensy, edible. Yummy!
  8. cranberry

    Centzon Totochtin

    In the imp, this smells like cocoa and booze. Once applied, at first it’s cocoa but that morphs into a foody, incensy smell that reminds me a bit of Sugar Cookie. Maybe it’s the rum soaked aspect of it. Yes, I think it’s the rum. This smells pretty yummy and I’m so glad that the GC Swap finally enticed me to try this. Dang, after this has been on a bit, it begins to smell like clove cigarettes. There’s that hint of smoke which is so strong it burns the lungs. I’m thinking that must be the blood note but I’m interpreting the combination as a clove. I remember smoking these and how yummy they tasted, but also how they made my lungs feel. This is a hot and spicy kinda scent, very strong and overpowering. This is an unusual scent. After it’s been on a while, I’m almost getting a lemon or lime not similar to that in Torture King. Interesting. There is definitely a citrus element in here. It’s subtle but there. Also a touch of vetivert. Overall, this has been an amazing scent to try and I’m so glad that I finally did. It’s dark, sexy, incensy, edible. Yummy!
  9. cranberry

    The Black Tower

    Gahhh. This is a beautiful scent. That’s all I can think. OK, I confess, I’m having a hard time reviewing this scent. I got an imp of this when it was first released and fell in love. I’ve come back to it a couple times and just thought, “Wow, I really like this, I must get a bottle.” Well, here goes. My first impression is that this scent is fresh, sexy, slightly floral, and a bit resinous. It has a wonderful mix of a number of scent categories and is quite complex. When first applied, it’s glorious and green, with the ivy making itself known. After it’s been on a bit, the ivy recedes and the leather comes out. I love leather. While many have said that it’s predominantly masculine, I would have to disagree. I think that unisex fits it just right. Jolly Roger to my mind was uber-masculine and would not be so good on a woman. This I think would smell amazing on a guy, but I also think that women can pull it off no problem. It’s a warm, leathery, almost suede-type scent but there’s still a hint of green. After it’s been on for a few hours, I’m left with a warm, amber-y smell. Beautiful. I love this scent!
  10. cranberry

    Ryvre #1 - shipped to Cordia and mostly reviewed

    Black Tower - Bewitching Brews Notes: white sandalwood, ambergris, wet ozone, galbanum and leather with ebony, teak, burnt grasses, English ivy and a hint of red wine. Gahhh. This is a beautiful scent. That’s all I can think. OK, I confess, I’m having a hard time reviewing this scent. I got an imp of this when it was first released and fell in love. I’ve come back to it a couple times and just thought, “Wow, I really like this, I must get a bottle.” Well, here goes. My first impression is that this scent is fresh, sexy, slightly floral, and a bit resinous. It has a wonderful mix of a number of scent categories and is quite complex. When first applied, it’s glorious and green, with the ivy making itself known. After it’s been on a bit, the ivy recedes and the leather comes out. I love leather. While many have said that it’s predominantly masculine, I would have to disagree. I think that unisex fits it just right. Jolly Roger to my mind was uber-masculine and would not be so good on a woman. This I think would smell amazing on a guy, but I also think that women can pull it off no problem. It’s a warm, leathery, almost suede-type scent but there’s still a hint of green. After it’s been on for a few hours, I’m left with a warm, amber-y smell. Beautiful. I love this scent!
  11. cranberry


    Initially, this is all sharp herbs and grapes. The herbs are astringent and the grapes are juicy and deep purple. After its been on a bit, I’m getting traces of honey and incense. It’s slightly sweet and a bit smoky. The incense note reminds me a bit of the note in Gypsy Queen (which to my nose also has a bit of a grape scent to it). The longer its on, the more I like it. Gypsy Queen is a lot sweeter and highly floral, but for reason this reminds me of it. There are clear differences but there is something similar, but for the life of me I can’t nail it down if its more than the incense note. Maybe it’s just that. Regardless, I like it.
  12. cranberry

    ryvre # 2 - shipped 6-15. All reviewed.

    Delphi - Wanderlust Notes: incense, laurel branches, bay, and honey wine. Initially, this is all sharp herbs and grapes. The herbs are astringent and the grapes are juicy and deep purple. After its been on a bit, I’m getting traces of honey and incense. It’s slightly sweet and a bit smoky. The incense note reminds me a bit of the note in Gypsy Queen (which to my nose also has a bit of a grape scent to it). The longer its on, the more I like it. Gypsy Queen is a lot sweeter and highly floral, but for reason this reminds me of it. There are clear differences but there is something similar, but for the life of me I can’t nail it down if its more than the incense note. Maybe it’s just that. Regardless, I like it.
  13. cranberry

    The Coiled Serpent

    Impressions: Woody. Dark and calming. Slightly sweet. The wood smells like it could be cedar and I think there’s a patchouli in here. There could be a touch of anise. This is a beautiful, soothing scent that is grounded and centered. Very nice.
  14. cranberry

    Cordia 2 - shipped 7-1/3-06 - all reviewed

    The Coiled Serpent - Bewitching Brews Notes: none listed Impressions: Woody. Dark and calming. Slightly sweet. The wood smells like it could be cedar and I think there’s a patchouli in here. There could be a touch of anise. This is a beautiful, soothing scent that is grounded and centered. Very nice.
  15. cranberry

    Pink Owl 2:shipped 7-14 & all reviewed - finally!

    Carnal - Love Potions Notes: mandarin & fig In the imp and on the skin, I get mainly the bright fruitiness of mandarin orange. The orange remains strong and dominates the scent. There’s a bit of spice adding warmth to the scent. It reminds me a bit of Russian tea – a blend of orange, cinnamon, clove and tea. It’s yummy! After its been on a bit, the fig peeks through and adds to the general fruitiness of this scent. This is a happy, juicy, upbeat scent. I smell edible. Maybe not carnal but definitely like someone could take a bite. I like it.
  16. cranberry


    In the imp and on the skin, I get mainly the bright fruitiness of mandarin orange. The orange remains strong and dominates the scent. There’s a bit of spice adding warmth to the scent. It reminds me a bit of Russian tea – a blend of orange, cinnamon, clove and tea. It’s yummy! After its been on a bit, the fig peeks through and adds to the general fruitiness of this scent. This is a happy, juicy, upbeat scent. I smell edible. Maybe not carnal but definitely like someone could take a bite. I like it.
  17. cranberry

    Pink Owl 2:shipped 7-14 & all reviewed - finally!

    O - Love Potions Notes: Amber, honey and vanilla In the imp, I smell sweet, clear honey. On the skin, wet it smells very sweet, a sweet tooth-rottingly sweet honey. I’m also smelling a bit of vanilla. Wow, this is not half bad! This was among the first batch of imps that I ever ordered. When I first got it, this was among the first oils that I tried. I was excited and eager to try it based on the rave reviews. I was so disappointed when I just couldn’t stand it. It smelled way too sweet and cloying. Beyond that, it just didn’t smell good. It convinced me that honey was a very bad note. I’ve tried this one a number of times since that first initial disappointment. Each time, I wasn’t impressed and it further confirmed to me that honey and I do not get along. I don’t know what’s different this time. Now, instead of being too sweet, it’s just sweet. It’s no longer cloying. It’s more of a skin scent, warm, sweet, yummy. I can see that this would be delicious to find in the nape of someone’s neck. I don’t know that it smells like sex but it certainly smells like the prelude to sex. I’ve always liked the idea of this scent (how could I not!?!) so I am glad that I can finally wear it.
  18. cranberry


    In the imp, I smell sweet, clear honey. On the skin, wet it smells very sweet, a sweet tooth-rottingly sweet honey. I’m also smelling a bit of vanilla. Wow, this is not half bad! This was among the first batch of imps that I ever ordered. When I first got it, this was among the first oils that I tried. I was excited and eager to try it based on the rave reviews. I was so disappointed when I just couldn’t stand it. It smelled way too sweet and cloying. Beyond that, it just didn’t smell good. It convinced me that honey was a very bad note. I’ve tried this one a number of times since that first initial disappointment. Each time, I wasn’t impressed and it further confirmed to me that honey and I do not get along. I don’t know what’s different this time. Now, instead of being too sweet, it’s just sweet. It’s no longer cloying. It’s more of a skin scent, warm, sweet, yummy. I can see that this would be delicious to find in the nape of someone’s neck. I don’t know that it smells like sex but it certainly smells like the prelude to sex. I’ve always liked the idea of this scent (how could I not!?!) so I am glad that I can finally wear it.
  19. cranberry

    ryvre # 2 - shipped 6-15. All reviewed.

    Fire of Love - voodoo oils Initial impression: this smells like pepper, maybe a bit of anise, and a dark musk or civet. Or maybe both. This is a hot smelling blend, with all sorts of fiery components. There’s an element of cedar or some other dry wood. After it’s been on a while, it remains dry wood, musk, and civet. It’s really strong smelling, and just the tiniest amount is hanging on ferociously! I have other cedar blends that I like more than this, yet there is something compelling about this blend. I won’t get a bottle but I will keep my imp.
  20. cranberry

    Fire of Love

    Initial impression: this smells like pepper, maybe a bit of anise, and a dark musk or civet. Or maybe both. This is a hot smelling blend, with all sorts of fiery components. There’s an element of cedar or some other dry wood. After it’s been on a while, it remains dry wood, musk, and civet. It’s really strong smelling, and just the tiniest amount is hanging on ferociously! I have other cedar blends that I like more than this, yet there is something compelling about this blend. I won’t get a bottle but I will keep my imp.
  21. cranberry

    ryvre # 2 - shipped 6-15. All reviewed.

    Come to Me - voodoo oils Hmmm. This one is interesting. It’s a very light scent, maybe a bit herbal, maybe a bit lemony. After it’s been on a bit, it reminds me of lily of the valley. This is a light floral with a hint of herbs underneath. After it’s been on a bit, it smells like mineral oil. Clean, oily, clear. It’s an interesting scent, I’d be curious to know how it works for its intended purpose but for scent alone it’s not my thing.
  22. cranberry

    Come to Me

    Hmmm. This one is interesting. It’s a very light scent, maybe a bit herbal, maybe a bit lemony. After it’s been on a bit, it reminds me of lily of the valley. This is a light floral with a hint of herbs underneath. After it’s been on a bit, it smells like mineral oil. Clean, oily, clear. It’s an interesting scent, I’d be curious to know how it works for its intended purpose but for scent alone it’s not my thing.
  23. cranberry


    Once I looked at the notes of this imp, I was really excited to try it. In the imp and first applied, I smell mainly roses. After it’s been on a bit, it still remains strongly rose, a rich, deep rose, but becomes slightly powdery. Based on the powder I would think this was a dark or black musk, instead of arabian musk. I'm not getting any of the spices here. Overall impression, I like it but I'm not crazy about it. There's a few other rose scents that I adore so I'm not included to pursue this one further.
  24. cranberry

    Cordia 4: shipped 7-14-06

    Othello - Illyria Notes: arabian musk, 2 roses, middle eastern and indian spices Once I looked at the notes of this imp, I was really excited to try it. In the imp and first applied, I smell mainly roses. After it’s been on a bit, it still remains strongly rose, a rich, deep rose, but becomes slightly powdery. Based on the powder I would think this was a dark or black musk, instead of arabian musk. I'm not getting any of the spices here. Overall impression, I like it but I'm not crazy about it. There's a few other rose scents that I adore so I'm not included to pursue this one further.
  25. cranberry


    I’ve been wanting to try this scent forever, so I was thrilled when Lilith in the GC swap reached me. In the imp, it smells like corrupted, ruined fruit. Not wine, but fruit in general. Once on, the musk comes out to play, as does the rose. This is a dark, murky scent. I’m not getting much wine, I wonder if this is an older imp? It reminds me more of red musk rather than black musk; black musk always seems to go powdery on me but it’s not happening this time around. I’m liking this scent. After it’s been on a bit, the black musk does go a bit powdery on me. Overall impression is that is reminds me a bit of a commercial perfume, sophisticated, and naturally dark brown in color. It remains mainly musk, with a touch of spicy myrrh and a touch of rose. I never see the wine at all. Huh, I just got it. You know what, for some reason it reminds me of Youth Dew by Estee Lauder. I know there’s a YD oil, I wonder if it’s similar…