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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by jrothke

  1. jrothke

    Scent for Halloween?

    The closest I could find was Maenad.. In my new Brides locket, I'm using a sample of "Spring Harvest" from the Burren Perfumery in Ireland.
  2. jrothke

    Snow White

    It smells very faint in my decant, but so lovely, and just like "virgin" snow.
  3. jrothke


    I've only worn this a couple of times since I bought a bottle at Bat's Day. Today it smelled weird on me; faintly nutty. After reading some of the other reviews, I realize the ginger might not be working with my skin chemistry.
  4. jrothke


    Cool and green. Dense, quiet forests, mosses and lichens. Serenity. Amazingly evocative. I am frequently amazed at Beth's ability to create fragrances that evoke such feelings. In 40+ years of wearing perfume, I never encountered this until I discovered BPAL. The depth and diversity of her creations is astonishing.
  5. jrothke


    I got this as a frimp last week. It's the sort of scent I'd probably never order, since I'm not one for foody or sweet scents. But...this is really nice. It smells sweet, but in a deep, rich, womanly way. A skin scent, and very sexy.
  6. jrothke


    Upon application, I got a big burst of lovely honey. That lasted for just a couple of moments, and then...gone. Nothing. My skin eats oils--especially lighter scents--but Eve get the prize for fastest fade. To the swap pile.
  7. jrothke

    Schwarzer Mond

    Rich, deep, sexy...this is a scent for dark winter nights with the one you love [or lust after.]