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Everything posted by anmorata

  1. anmorata

    Chaste Moon 2005

    CHASTE MOON 2005 Though March marks the end of the desolation and chill of winter, it is not yet Spring, the time of rebirth, fertility and the Earth's fecundity. March's Full Moon is a Virgin's Moon, pure, youthful, unsullied and innocent. This is the Moon of the Child, and the scent is as soft and gentle as a baby's breath: milky blossoms and soft cream touch the last buds of winter, coupled with crystalline, bright traditional Lunar oils. In the bottle and wet on my skin: butterscotch. This smells so much like butterscotch when it's wet. Drydown: the overwhelmingly butterscotch smell fades very quickly. This smells very, very similar to Dorian for me. Not as HELLO SWEET TEA! as Dorian, but it's in the same vein. It's definitely a gentle scent. I really expected this to be overwhelmingly white floral (which usually smells like castille soap on me). It's not. It's incredible. It reminds me of sweetened cream at the breakfast table, with a small vase of flowers nearby. Longterm wear: the longer I wear this, the more it smells like.. something vaguely reminiscent of cocoa butter. It's very, very faint. It's not quite cocoa butter, but it almost reminds me of the smell I get after having worn suntan lotion all day, but I've lost most of it in the pool. Or the smell I get when I've applied a cocoa butter stick to a new tattoo. But it's so faint that it's barely there. I'm still getting the sugared cream smell, and I LOVE it.
  2. In looking through the Voodoo Blends, I don't seem to see one that really jumps out at me for enhancing charm, charisma and confidence. I'd like to exude all three Cs, as I often find myself sorely lacking (that could just be a matter of opinion, though.) in those qualities. I'm not looking for sexual attraction, just a little boost for this meek Leo girl. What would you suggest?
  3. anmorata


    My experience with Snowblind was almost identical to Penance's - very strong when applied wet, almost akin to a "whoa, Vicks VapoRub" menthol smell. It faded within a few minutes to a delightful creamy mint. I'm in adoration.
  4. anmorata


    Sn Rose Oh yes, this is pure rose. This smells just like the wild roses that used to grow outside my father's house. I loved them.
  5. anmorata


    SN Grape: This smells like.. a combination of artificial grape (generally derived from pears) and real purple grapes. It reminds me of scratch n sniff stickers in elementary school.
  6. anmorata


    SN Hyssop: Hyssop starts off very light on me, and wafts in something that smells like a cross between some sort of green herb and a banana. I can't quite explain it.
  7. anmorata


    SN Pikaki: Definite tropical floral. It's very, very nice.
  8. anmorata


    SN Heliotrope: Wet: Strong alcohol. Drydown: very soft, sort of a powdery floral. Almost vanilla but not quite.
  9. anmorata

    Apple Blossom

    SN Apple Blossom: This scent reminds me of Prague or Phantom Queen.. it's that crisp apple smell that I get in both, and I love it so, so much.
  10. anmorata

    Mabon 2004

    Mabon: Wet: Apple! Not a ripe, crisp apple but more like apple wine. Drydown: Still a very apple wine scent, with an undercurrent of.. sage? Longterm wear: This is a lovely autumn scent. I'd love it as a candle, but I doubt I'd wear it as a personal scent.
  11. anmorata


    Tears: Wet: aquatic.. moderately salty, but not quite an ocean smell. Drydown: .. soapy. yech. Longterm wear: Tears turns decidedly chemical and very soapy on me. Not for me.
  12. anmorata


    Obeah: Wet: Spicy. Just.. spicy. Drydown: I have to agree with the other posters.. orange, clove and patchouli. Longterm wear: This one's really nice. I'd probably buy it if it were to be released, and I'd wear it often.
  13. anmorata

    Kweku Anansi

    Kweku Anansi: Wet: smoke, ashes, resin? Very dark, moderately earthy. Drydown: Aha - it's vetiver. Just barely there, but it's there. Longterm wear: this is a very masculine scent, and it's far too earthy and heavy for this foody-scent-lovin' girl.
  14. anmorata

    June Gloom 2004

    June Gloom: Wet: Lemony goodness. Surprisingly, this one didn't turn to Lemon Pledge on me. Drydown: lemony,-spicy, yummyness. Longterm wear: June Gloom stayed with me for most of the day. It faded into a nice lemony softness, much unlike the Lemon Pledge experiences I've had with lemon scents. This scent is a great one. I don't know that I'd wear it often, but I love it.
  15. anmorata


    Shattered: Wet: mm, grapefruity goodness. Drydown: fades almost instantly into a slightly fruity/powdery concoction. Longterm wear: Oddly, despite the fact that Shattered went to powder, it's a fruity powder that I really like. It's a lot more gentle than I initially imagined.
  16. anmorata

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    Mi-Go Brain Canister: Wet: What the spicy hell? Drydown: This smells like something on a dusty shelf. After about 10 minutes, a sweet fruity yet slightly acidic smell wafts up.. grapefruit, perhaps? Either way, it's much better than right out of the bottle. Longterm wear: All I get is just.. dust. Not for me.
  17. anmorata

    Antique Lace

    Antique Lace: Wet: soft. That's the first word that comes to mind. Soft. Mildly vanilla. Drydown: This really does smell like linen.. soft linen from my grandmother's chest of drawers. Longterm wear: The name really says it all: this really does smell like antique lace, without the mustyness and dustyness one might find. This is antique lace that's been handled with care. It's absolutely lovely. I'm sorry to hear that it won't be coming back.
  18. anmorata


    I really had high hopes for Numb. I envisioned crisp winter air and a hint of snow. What does it smell like on me? Soap. Particularly Dreft detergent. I also agree with the forumite that mentioned that it smells like something from childhood.. I'm not sure if it's Dreft, or perhaps Ivory. Either way, while it's a clean, fresh smell, it doesn't smell cold to me at all.
  19. anmorata

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    Hexennacht: Wet: What is that.. sassafrass? Drydown: .. powder. Meh. Longterm: Not for me. Pure powder.
  20. anmorata

    Beltane 2005-06

    Beltane: Wet: Very green. Drydown: Still very green. There's a crisp note in the background that's similar to Prague on my skin. Longterm wear: A little too green for me, but still lovely.
  21. anmorata

    Pink Moon 2005

    Pink Moon Wet: Strawberries! Drydown: Strawberries and cream! Longterm wear: It's sweet, but not my thing. A little too sweet on my skin.
  22. anmorata


    Bathsheba: Wet: mm, carnation. Drydown: still very highly carnation. Longterm wear: I never did smell the plum that everyone was talking about. I'll have to give this another try. It does, however, remind me of my mother's carnations.. they were always her favorite. Amazing how a smell intertwines with memory, isn't it?
  23. anmorata


    Laudanum: Wet: Sassafrassy sassy! Drydown: I smell like rootbeer. Longterm wear: baby powder rootbeer. Sad, I really thought this one could be a good one. Pass.
  24. anmorata

    Hollywood Babylon

    Hollywood Babylon: Wet: sweet.. sticky, sugary sweet, like cherry bubblegum. Drydown: faintly sweet, softly spun powdery sugar with cherry hints.. I don't smell the amber at all. Slightly musky. Longterm wear: After an hour, Hollywood Babylon turned to amber-y baby powder. Holly Would if Holly Could, but Holly didn't stick around with me.
  25. anmorata


    Damnation: WHEW. The vetiver combined with the frankincense smells like some bizarre variant of patchouli. I can see why Penance loves this, but I'm going to have to pass.