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Posts posted by nekogrrl

  1. CCXXV


    In bottle: GRAPE. Or could be the blood note; this reminds me both of The Blood Garden and Head of Holofernes and Candy Phoenix.


    Wet on skin: FIZZY GRAPE. Seriously. There is no Penitence here.


    Dry on skin: Still /very/ grape. No myrrh or frankincense. The throw is (of course, always happens with blends I don't like) very strong.


    Verdict: So going to the swap pile.

  2. CDI


    In bottle: A heavy on the vanilla Snake Oil.


    Wet on skin: There's something sweet here other than the Snake Oil, but I have no clue as to what it is. This is Snake Oil enhanced. I'm not getting much of anything different from normal Snake Oil, and that's throwing me off a bit.


    Dry on skin: I'm still getting only Snake Oil. (Not that I'm really complaining too much..)


    Verdict: Keeping it, for sure, but kinda headscratchy over the apparent lack of extra additions.



    In bottle: tea with something green beneath it.


    Wet on skin: light musky tea with something green beneath it.


    Dry on skin: A bit stronger on the musk, with that lovely green note hanging around still.


    I have a feeling this will be quite lovely down the road, once the Dorian has had a chance to age a bit. (Not that I'm not loving it right now..) Keeper! :D

  4. Wet on skin: the amber is really baby-powdery, and nearly takes over. However, underneath is this lovely orangey glow. (Me to the hubby: But it smells like the sun!)


    Dry on skin: The powderiness of the amber has died down, and the frangipani and probably the almond are more prominent, but it's not overwhelming.


    Final thoughts: This is a beautiful scent to wear during late spring/early summer, when it's warm but not fully bleah! with the humidity, or to remind yourself there is warmth during winter. :P

  5. Wet on skin: To me, it was a very white floral (which does not suit me so well). To the hubby, it was 'halfway to bug spray'.


    Dry on skin: Mellowed out to a nice light floral, with an undertone of the moss. The cucumber was probably there as well, but it wasn't an OMG cuke! *gag* type of thing.


    Overall impression: Very nice, and something I'd wear again thanks to the underlying greenery.

  6. I will have to say 'meh' to this. I was hoping for a more ambery scent, but this is all spiced orange and tangerine. Wet, it smells like a fizzy orange powder, and.. nearly 7 hours later, it still smells the same. At least it has good lasting power, but not a lot of throw.


    ADDED May 3:


    Wet on skin: FIZZY TANG. Or a fizzy Sweet 'n Tart. It's definitely candy-like, and citrus, and.. fizzy. Reminds me of Candy Phoenix in the fizzyness department.


    Dry on skin: No change. Ugh. I have no idea what's doing this in this blend, but it's not working for me.

  7. Wet in bottle: sweet earth.


    Wet on skin: lovely sweet earth, with a faint floral note.


    Drydown: The floral is a touch stronger, mixing more with the earth notes.


    Dry: I feel like I'm in a freshly turned rose bower, but the rose is not as heady, there are other notes keeping it from going HELLO ROSE. It's such a lovely scent.


    I'm so glad I hunted down a bottle! :D

  8. Wet on skin: Pink pepper ahoy!


    Drydown: Pink pepper still.


    Dry on skin: Pink pepper and I think I'm picking out some of the benzoin.


    15 minutes later: Still very pink pepper, and I /might/ be getting some berry goodness.


    Verdict: While I like the scent of pink pepper, something this strong isn't much fun.

  9. Wet on skin: Honeyed jasmine.


    Drydown: The jasmine fades a bit, the honey is staying strong. The.. rose, I think, is starting to come out.


    Dry: It's a nice, sweet floral scent. There's something faintly sharp in the undertone that I don't know what it is, but it adds to the scent rather than distracting from it.


    Verdict: It's a nice floral. Not exactly my cup of tea, though.

  10. Wet on skin: Rose! Holy crap rose!


    Dry on skin: Oh holy mess, the frankincense and myrrh are having a hell-for-leather fight with the rose. This is not a good scent. It's making my eyes water!!


    Verdict: One of the previous reviewers mentioned she could see her grandmother wearing this. Yeah, this is smelly old lady perfume. Off to swaps it goes!

  11. Wet on skin: Very strong dark chocolate with a hint of cherry.


    Drydown: The chocolate tones down and blends more with the cherry. It's getting decent throw.


    Dry on skin: This is a very nice chocolate cherry scent. Still decent throw.


    Verdict: Probably won't get this as a bottle, as I don't wear chocolate scents very often, but will be holding on to the imp.

  12. Wet on skin: smells very cologne-y and masculine. I can't specifically point to any notes which would be doing this, but it makes me want to try this on the hubby.


    Dry on skin: morphs into a softer scent, then almost immediately disappears on me. Sad.


    Verdict: I was hoping for something more musky/herbal.

  13. Wet on skin: Dark plum, with a bare hint of.. fecal matter.


    Drydown: the fecal matter smell is gone very quickly, which is a good thing!


    Dry on skin: Plummy sandalwood.


    Verdict: Eeeeh. It's a nice scent, but doesn't wow! me.

  14. Wet on skin: Wow, what am I smelling? This is such an.. unexpected scent. I think it's the palm date and vanilla. If it stayed like this, I wouldn't be unhappy.


    Dry on skin: The vanilla is still prominent, but the ginger and oakmoss are beginning to warm up the scent, and this is becoming just.. YUM.


    Verdict: Oh hell yes I'm getting a bottle! :lol:

  15. This is certainly a true-to-description perfume.


    Wet on skin: Very strong white chocolate and strawberries. Both scents are true and do not smell plasticy or fake.


    Dry on skin: no change.


    Hour later: the scent has faded, and the strawberry note has gone a little plasticy.


    Verdict: Not going to get a bottle. It's too sweet, I just wanted to try it. :)

  16. Mmmmmm...


    Wet on skin: Plummy goodness.


    Dry on skin: The plum fades somewhat, and the vanilla sandalwood comes more to the fore. Every now and then I get whiffs of rice, but it doesn't really stand out.


    Verdict: This is a lovely soft scent, something I'd wear for an elegant night out.

  17. I think I love this scent. :wub:


    Wet on skin: Sharply spicy, with a hint of sweetness.


    Drydown: Pine shavings. :ack:


    Dry on skin: The teak is coming through, with a touch of sandalwood and musk. This is just lovely.


    Verdict: Definitely bottleworthy. I'm hoping the pine shavings will age out - if not, it's blessedly a short phase.

  18. In imp: sweet citrus


    Wet on skin: very peachy. Very strong peach.


    Drydown: the florals are starting to come out. I can definitely smell the tuberose. The peach is starting to tone down and mix better.


    Dry on skin: The peach floral is still there, very close to the skin. I get no lemon peel, no blood orange, no carnation (which is what I was hoping for, to spice up the sweetness).


    Verdict: It's nice, but not what I was looking for. Eisheth Zenunim will still be adequate for my peachy needs. :)

  19. This is such an odd scent on me.


    Wet on skin: I get oranges and.. something really clean-smelling.


    Dry on skin: The musk has come out more, and maybe the black currant. I really don't know exactly what I'm smelling. It's got this strange.. smoky-clean smell to it.


    Verdict: This one DEFINITELY needs a second opinion.

  20. This scent is so not what I expected.


    Wet on skin: Very musky, with hints of honey and beeswax.


    Dry on skin: Still musky, but with more beeswax and vanilla flower.


    Verdict: I'm not sure if I like this on me. Will have to get a second opinion.
