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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by nekogrrl

  1. *does a happy dance cause, well, I can.*

  2. I /may/ have tried to do too much exercise after 5 days off.. BRAIN HURTS.

  3. So much fun today :)

  4. International Meat on a Stick Day = fun!

  5. I am the g-d packing QUEEN!

  6. Nuttier than a road lizard.

  7. ooooh, bedtime soon, yay!

  8. Trying to cool off enough after workout to go take shower before work. Perhaps having the laptop on the lap is not such a good idea?

  9. Why the heck am I wide awake originally at 8:30?

  10. I <3 my pressure cooker!

  11. *whines* don't wanna do housework. Where's my legion of maids?

  12. Crossing fingers an extra Tuesday appt will fall into place and then I won't be quite so pressed for time that day.. I need to pack!

  13. If I were a lioness I would be stalking my husband as if he were dinner.. it sucks being horny and not having a warm body to take it out on..

  14. Argh! WTH is biting me in my sleep!?

  15. Watching the man candy that is 300.

  16. Woohoo! Remembered (finally) to buy my nephew a birthday present.

  17. Hot epsom salt baths are no substitute for a good massage. Sigh.
