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Posts posted by slave1

  1. THE HIEROPHANT: Tarot Oil


    In Bottle: Frankincense?


    On Skin: It smells very incensey but also piney. Light and soft with a nice green note. The incense gives it spice but it’s not overwhelming. Also maybe pepper, clove or cinnamon in the background?

  2. In Bottle: Sweet lotus.


    On Skin: This is pretty!!! The lotus has it’s signature bubblegum sweetness, and the tartness of the rose compliments it nicely. I actually like this rose scent… I can almost taste rose flavored gum… LOL! This is super girly and I can’t imagine a man wearing it… It's so innocent! The floral is a little strong after a while and gives me a slight headache. I do like it in small doese though. This would be a nice scent to make a spray of. Medium throw but it does fade fairly quickly.

  3. In Bottle: Patchouli and pepper.


    On Skin: Very incensey and peppery. Spicy! Wow! I also smell the musk, violet and vetiver right away. Interesting… what a combination. I now smell the woodiness of the sandalwood. I don’t smell any grapefruit sadly… I like this scent but it’s not me. I have to say it’s the most complex and interesting scent I’ve smelled in a long time though.

  4. In Bottle: Rose and wood.


    On Skin: The rose is strongest… very sharp and tart. There is also a woody note which some people have said is sandalwood and I’d agree with that. But I’m not a fan of roses on myself so it’s off to the swaps with this one.

  5. In Bottle: Ozone extreme, very airy.


    On Skin: Pretty and strong ozone. Very marine. I still don’t think this scent smells like rain thoguh. Every time I smell real rain it’s very earthy and wet where-as this scent is so fresh and laundry like. I like ozone scents, but don’t like to wear them. They’re a bit too soapy for me. But it would be a beautiful air freshener or spray for your closet. I also think it’s a bit masculine… soapy scents remind me of Irish Spring which is masculine to me.

  6. In Bottle: Dill?


    On Skin: Wow, the mixture does make it smell like dill at first! How odd! I love the description since I’m dying to visit the Bone Church. The rosewood and geranium rose are showing there dominance followed by the frankincense. The lily is sweet in the background. A very pretty scent. After an hour it turns to an almost honeysuckle like scent…

  7. On Bottle: Sweet, spicy and a bit metallic.


    On Skin: Carnation! Wow, very soft spicy floral. I have seen reviews of people comparing it to “O” and to me that is not the case. It’s not even slightly like it… O is so deep, sweet and honey filled. This scent is light, floral and spicy. I like it, but am not crazy about the dominant carnation note.

  8. In Bottle: Almond


    On Skin: Almond, honey and something spicy… maybe cinnamon? Very lght yet tasty… I love it but it is so faint! I wish this scent had some power because it would be a favorite for sure, but it seems to just soak in and vanish…

  9. In Bottle: Sweet musk.


    On Skin: I expected this to be so smokey, but it isn’t at first. The musk and tobacco are dark, deep and sweet. I usually dislike any scent that mentions smoke, but this one is so sexy and sweet… and actually kind of light. Very interesting.

  10. In Bottle: Very green and crisp.


    On Skin: Yum! Smells like bamboo and tea! Maybe even apple? I also smell some floral… not sure what… lily maybe? Very light and clean… very invigorating. So pretty and feminine. I would wear this on a warm sunny day, sit on a porch swing and drink lemonade.

  11. In Bottle: Wow! Fire and smoke.


    On Skin: This is an amazingly potent smoky scent. My eyes are even burning like around a real fire. Ouch! This is very masculine and much too strong for me. If you want to smell like fire and woodsy smoke, here is the simple first choice for you.

  12. In Bottle: Leather, plain and simple.


    On Skin: It smells like my husband when he’s wearing his leather coat. Very snuggly and comforting. I hope I can talk him into trying it since he won’t be wearing his leather for a while since it’s been so warm here. I can’t believe Beth captured this scent so perfectly. WOW!

  13. In Bottle: Very sensual and gentle. Myrrh is strongest.


    On Skin: I can’t believe how pretty this scent is! I thought it would be masculine, and it is slightly, but it is also beautiful! The storax gives a nice deep woody feel to it as does the balsam. I’m not sure what herbs are in this, but they are not too pungent… just kind of soft and spicy. I amost smell clove… I would love my husband to wear this. It does have that Egyptian royalty feel to it… very nice!!

  14. In Bottle: Very soft and floral.


    On Skin: Ok, with a name like this I expected something dark, scary and sinister. I mean… spiders!!! But this scent is so light and wispy… I can just see flowers dripping out of it! I wish I was a “floral person” because this is beyond pretty, but somehow I’d expect it more on a dainty sweet innocent girl. I don’t really sense the woods… it is pure flowers with a touch of some minty herb. Sadly, my husband didn’t like it… but at least bugs were brought up… he says it smells like bug spray.

  15. ARCANA


    In Bottle: The lemon and neroli stand out.


    On Skin: I haven’t been liking lemon scents on me, they all seem to turn to Lemon Pledge. The lavender softens the spice of the frakincense and rosemary but still the scent is very pungent. This review is pretty short but just because there isn’t much I can say about it… it’s pure Pledge on me.

  16. In Bottle: Patchouli maybe? Something very earthy and dirty.


    On Skin: This doesn’t smell light or warm to me at all. It seems very earthy and brown. I think it may be patchouli that stands out the most and I don’t like it. Woody and incensey… kind of smokey. Oh well, it’s going to the swaps.

  17. In Bottle: Elegant!!! Like a beautiful ritzy perfume.


    On Skin: This is BEAUTIFUL! O ordered Alice and hated how it turned to Carnation on me… however in this scent the carnation is light and pretty. The plum sweetens it and the musk makes it drop dead gorgeous! It does remind me of a commercial Department store scent, but I can’t put my finger on it. It also reminds me slightly of my favorite discontinued Body Shop scent: Ananya. I am ordering a bottle of this just for that!

  18. In Bottle: It smells like cherry, patchouli and something boozy… maybe rum?


    On Skin: I like the cherry and rum, but the patchouli or incense note is bothering me. I think I’d like I better without that. It does smell quite manly and tough though, even with the cherry note. I’d like to smell it on a man before I decide if I want ot keep it. Hopefully my hubby will oblige.

  19. In Bottle: Pure buttercream.


    On Skin: The buttercream is strong at first… but there is something spicy shining through. I thought it was cinnamon but they don’t have it listed. Maybe the mead and rum? I LOVE this scent. It is delicious and I want to eat my wrist. I love the honey, almond, and buttercream the most. :P This is one of my favorite scents.

  20. In Bottle: Very aquatic.


    On Skin: MMM… the moss is strongest along with the watery blue-green notes. This smells like a very clean swamp, like if you were to bathe in the swamp but you used a strong smelling soap while doing so. Most aquatic soapy scents I like better on men, this one is a bit floral though but lightly. I’m not smelling any pine from the evergreen yet. For fans of aquatic scents, this is a must.

  21. In Bottle: Pungent! Wow! Pine and something spicy?


    On Skin: Smoky and floral. The smoky is an incense or something of that sort. The floral sweetens it and I smell wood, maybe cedarwood? I am not fond of wood, smoke, incense or floral scents so this one is a miss for me. Also, this scent is very strong. A little dab will do you.

  22. In Bottle: Juniper and cypress.


    On Skin: The pine scents are strongest… wow! That’s an eye opener! The musk gives a dark depth which takes away the Pine-Sol feeling I first had. The name describes the scent perfect. A beautiful dark forest. I don’t really like woody or pine smells so it’s not for me, but it’s a nice scent for anyone looking for something foresty or outdoorsy.

  23. In Bottle: Musk.


    On Skin: Yum! It’s turns to rootbeer! It has a sweet note and actually reminds me of Snake Oil a bit. I generally don’t like spicy scents, but this one I love. It gets attention that’s for sure. After 10 minutes, it smells even more like Snake Oil. So I love Snake Oil which means I love this.

  24. In Bottle: Floral.


    On Skin: Dainty and pretty light floral. I don’t know all my flowers that well by scent… lily of the valley or sweet pea maybe? Or honeysuckle? Anyway, it’s a sweet floral note that is very distinctive. I don’t really like to wear florals but this would be nice as a sachet or candle. It has the potpouri quality.

  25. DELPHI: The smoke of Sacred Incense of Apollo twined through laurel branches, bay, and honey wine. (Gender neutral)


    In Bottle: Laurel and honey.


    On Skin: I don’t like this combination. While I am a huge fan of honey, smelling it mixed with laurel just doesn’t work well. The scent seems funky and doesn’t meld right. It smells pungent and even a bit metallic which makes me a little sick. Sorry, this one doesn’t work for me at all.
