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Posts posted by slave1

  1. In Bottle: Rum, berries and smoke.


    On Skin: This is a delicious beautiful scent. It is very sensual… the leather and tobacco give it a dark, edgy smoky note. The chardonnay has a juicy berry feel and the rum flavors it even more. Of course the tonka’s sweetness ties it all together. I love this!!! This reminds me of lust… so deep felt and throbbing. Gorgeous…

  2. In Bottle: Dragon’s blood, amber and something tart.


    On Skin: I think it’s the rose geranium that is the tart note. The Dragon’s Blood and Black amber are strongest for sure, and the mandarin is faint. I’m not sure what melati is, and the currant hasn’t shown itself yet. I love amber scents and this is similar to Blood Amber but lighter, tarter and fainter. A very pretty scent which I instantly like.

  3. In Bottle: YUM! Sweet and orange almondy.


    On Skin: The almond is strongest followed by the orange peel. This is DELICIOUS! The nutmeg and clove give a tasty sweet spice and the rose and neroli even it out with tartness and depth. The sandalwood is light but does give a slight wood note. This is quite extravagant and I think something you’d wear to special events because it does feel “special”. I love it!

  4. In Bottle: Floral and wood.


    On Skin: I instantly smell the lily and wisteria. Very sweet and fluttery florals. The rose gives a tart and pungent note, while the sandalwood and frankincense give nice depth. I’m not too fond of florals, but I really wouldn’t mind someone wearing this around me or using it as a room scent. Very feminine and springlike.

  5. In Bottle: Patchouli and wood.


    On Skin: This is much too smoky/incensey/woody for me. The lemon gives a nice distraction with it’s crisp sour yet sweet note. This isn’t my taste but a pretty scent for someone who enjoys these notes. I don’t really think the name fits though, since the lemon gives such a bright yellow feel…

  6. In Bottle: Ozone and grass.


    On Skin: This smells very fresh! I get an ozone note and the grass stands out. The tea leaf and mosses give it an even more green feel… yes this is a very green scent… with a bit of a blue aquatic note. I love the sweetness of the fig. This isn’t how I’d expect an Apothecary to smell though… Silk Road makes me think of that more. This scent reminds me of summer break by the sea… but on a grassy hill, not the beach.

  7. In Bottle: Spices and incense.


    On Skin: Spicy! Cinnamon or clove maybe? Wow! That burns the nose a bit… so I’m thinking it may be pepper. A pretty floral halps even it out. I also smell and incense or resin that gives a smoky depth. There is a sour tart note, lemon maybe? I think I also smell tea. I like this scent… it makes me think of cooking and a spice cabinet, but it is not something I’d wear. Maybe a fragrance for a kitchen?

  8. In Bottle: Myrrh, myrrh and more myrrh.


    On Skin: Interesting… it has a bit of a powdery scent. The myrrh is VERY strong and the vetiver makes itself well known as well. This is not a subtle scent, it is in your face myrrh. It’s a bit too heavy for me but pretty nonetheless.

  9. In Bottle: Milk and ginger.


    On Skin: The ginger is strongest. There is also a floral note… in the ambrosia? The milk makes it creamy and a little sour… but the honey is light and eventually sweetens it. A very unique “milk and honey” scent… not like anything else I’ve seen in commercial stores where milk and honey are hot right now. I like it, but wish it was a bit stronger with more staying power, my skin drank it up.

  10. In Bottle: Jasmine.


    On Skin: Pretty simple and to the point. Floral. I’m thinking it’s jasmine and maybe another floral. I wish I had single notes of all the florals to be able to identify them easier in mixed blends… but this smells like either jasmine or honeysuckle… very sweet and cloying.

  11. On Bottle: Apricot and rose.


    On Skin: Pretty! I love apricot scents… even mixed with rose. This is so delicious! Fruity and floral with some sweet spicy musk thrown in to balance it out. Ripe pomegranate, juicy plum and the beautiful glamerous orchid and lily making it quite feminine. A gorgeous mix… I love it!

  12. In Bottle: Spicy and warm herbs.


    On Skin: Dragon’s blood is strong in this. Clove or maybe cinnamon… something sweet and spicy. There is a light floral… maybe jasmine? Interesting… it doesn’t make me feel any braver but it’s a nice scent. A little spicy for me, but I’d like to smell it on someone else.


    ADDED Feb. 6:


    In Bottle: Dragon’s Blood


    On Skin: Dragon’s Blood jumps out right away, no mistaking that scent. There is also a soft spice, cinnamon maybe but at least it’s not making my nose burn. It’s comforting and warm but reminds me of several of Beth’s other Dragon’s Blood blends… it doesn’t seem as original to me. I would love to see if it works though, if I had read this description this morning I would have had my husband wear it to his job interview ealrier today…

  13. In Bottle: Sharp and pungent juniper.


    On Skin: The juniper and cypress stand out. Now the violet comes to the front followed by the sweet Lily of the Valley. The violet makes it powdery. The myrrh warms it up and gives it nice depth. Again, florals aren't my thing to wear... I'd like this as a room spray.

  14. In Bottle: Floral and wood.

    On Skin: Sweet lily and jasmine with sandalwood. Pretty and feminine, very delicate as it’s description states. The lemon is faint and the musks give it a more spicy depth. I think this would be quite floral for a man but I’d love to smell it on my husband.

  15. In Bottle: Jasmine and myrrh.


    On Skin: I was excited about this scent since I love evil queens. It is very regal. :P But sadly the jasmine is too strong for me… wait… it’s fading and the warmth of the myrrh is showing through. I don’t think this scent is evil or wicked… I’d expect something more musky and smoky, but it is a beautiful scent.

  16. In Bottle: Violet.


    On Skin: Light floral, either violet or lavender. Also a light aquatic ozone note hiding in the background. Also something citrus, maybe lemon? Very feminine and relaxing. The aquatic notes turn a bit soapy as all aquatic and ozone scent do on me…

  17. In Bottle: Leaves and water.


    On Skin: This has to be the most interesting scent I’ve smelled so far. WOW! It smells very Octobery! The smell of freshly fallen leaves that have landed on the wet ground from rain or melted snow… Woody trees and cold air. I do wish there was a bit of smoke in the scent since I’m used to people buring leaves or lighting their fireplaces here in October in Colorado. It’s not a scent I would wear, but I want to hold onto it and make a room scent or a sachet for when I need the feeling of fall.

  18. In Bottle: Patchouli and moss.


    On Skin: Very smoky and dark. The juniper berry gives it a crisp pine scent and the myrrh warms it up. I like the oakmoss, but I dislike patchouli and it overwhelms this scent for me. This one is going to the swaps.

  19. In Bottle: Very cedarwoody.


    On Skin: The herbs give a nice spice to the cedarwood. This is very masculine and sturdy. I think it’s a bit too smoky for my husband, he usually likes sweeter scents so this one is off to the swaps.

  20. In Bottle: Apple and wood.


    On Skin: The apple is so clear, I can almost taste and feel myself biting into the peel. The bark and leaves make you feel like you just picked the apple off the tree. It smells of outdoors and the fall, so pretty. I wouldn’t wear this as a body scent, but it would be beautiful as a room spray.

  21. In Bottle: Dragon’s blood.


    On Skin: I love Dragon’s Blood and it’s the first note I smell. I like the musk but the patchouli is a little heavy for me, I’m hoping it will fade. I don’t smell the cinnamon yet, but I do smell the vetiver. I would love to smell this on my husband.

  22. Whoops! I put my Justice review above! I meant this:


    STRENGTH: Tarot Oil


    In Bottle: Green and planty.


    On Skin: I smell outdoors… a field. Dandelions and grass. Fresh and crisp… green and yellow come to my mind right away. A perfect spring/summer scent... warm and sunny. I’d love to use this as a room spray since it just wakes you up and smells so clean. After about 10 minutes it’s turning more floral… lilac maybe? Very pretty.

  23. JUSTICE: Tarot Oil


    In Bottle: Floral and fruit.


    On Skin: Beautiful! This is my favorite tarot so far… oh my! It is glamorous and feminine. I can’t really pick out individual notes, it smells like an expensive perfume though. It is a bit strong and may annoy other people because it does stand out so much. But I like making a statement. I know it’s floral but it seems like there’s some sweet fruit in there as well, and maybe green tea? Very elegant.

  24. THE MOON: Tarot Oil


    In Bottle: Floral and sensual.


    On Skin: I’m thinking the flower is either lily, honeysuckle or jasmine. Heavy but pretty. Now I think I smell lilac or lavender as well. This is a dark deep floral not bright at all. That’s why I think it feels seductive. There must be a musk or incense note in there giving it it’s depth.

  25. THE WORLD: Tarot Oil


    On Bottle: Clean. Sandalwood and floral.


    On Skin: A nice clean earthy scent… but not dirty. I smell some type of light flower or bloom. I also smell a sweet spice after about 10 minutes… cinnamon probably. Very interesting and complex.
