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Posts posted by slave1

  1. In Bottle: Sweet ozone


    On Skin: Wow, after just reviewing Sea of Glass I feel I’m in an ozone rut here. This is very sweet though, not sharp. It has a slight cloying note that gets to be a bit much if I sniff for too long. On the forums people said grapefruit, which I don’t smell at all. I don’t even smell citrus. I smell a sweet ozone soapy note and a light floral. The floral has to be white but also dripping sweet. After about 10 minutes, the scent darkens a little. Maybe a musk? This scent is so interesting and I love that it confuses me slightly, especially since it doesn’t fit the description quite right. I am keeping this imp, I love that it does smell like sea water… clean sea water though… no fishyness or dirt… I alos love that it’s sweet, and not sharp and as crisp as most other ozone/aquatic scents I’ve reviewed.

  2. In Bottle: Clean ozone


    On Skin: Super aquatic… but also floral. Maybe a lily? And a slight ping of lemon. Also slightly salty and bright. It reminds me of a few of Beth’s ozone scents, especially Lightning. I like that it is so clean and fresh, it’s a perfect scent to wear when you need clarity or inspiration. It is a little sharp and tart on me though, so it’s not one I’d wear. I could see this on a woman or man, it isn’t really gender specific. It has medium throw and lasts quite a while. A very nice scent.

  3. In Bottle: Dirt and floral


    On Skin: Wow, a much deeped scent than I imagined. I think that’s the musk creating a nice thick base. The lily is quite strong but not overpowering. The laural gives a lush middle note with the peony darting in and out. I don’t smell the pepper yet. The mandarin gives a slight citrus twist, nothing too “orangey”. And lastly, the woods. I left them till last because they give the scent a beautiful depth that I’ve never smelled in a floral before. This scent is sweet, but also a bit sharp. Kind of like my grandmother used to be. :P It is very light, not much throw, but I like leaning in and smelling it. It is very feminine and a great scent to wear anytime, I love that it is also comforting and soft. Not a scent that I’d buy a bottle of but I really liked reviewing it.

  4. In Bottle: Leather


    On Skin: This is a hot sexy leather blend. I love scents like Lovitar, Wanda, Perversion, De Sade, Bow & Crown of Conquest… and this one fits on perfect. This smells like clean leather, not icky and sweaty leather like Whip turns on me. This is so clean it’s almost a bit soapy, maybe a wood note in there as well? I NEED to smell this on my husband, it may knock me over with happiness. This is so sexy it just screams MAN. It makes me all dizzy with giddiness, am I a sucker for leather or what? It most reminds me of De Sade, but a little more in your face, not as comforting as De Sade. I think I need a bottle.

  5. In Bottle: Peach


    On Skin: An elegant peach! So very noble and strong! Other peach scents have turned so girly and innocent, this one holds it’s own ground and is a very strong and independent scent. The florals are a nice compliment and stay mostly in the background. The peach owns this scent, without a doubt, and while it is a fruity scent, I don’t feel like I’m eating a fruit salad which is nice. The galbanum and amber give a sweet sticky resin base which helps blend all the notes together perfectly. Vetiver usually goes haywire on me, but here it is tamed by the sweeter and deeper scents. The peach mellows out a bit as the scent dries down and we’re left with a more perfumey scent which I adore. A beautiful scent that I will keep, I love the mood it evokes. It has a nice throw and medium staying power.

  6. On Bottle: Pungent woods


    On Skin: This is a scary scent! The woods are very strong and seem to haunt the scent. The fir gives off a piney brisk chill wind and the mosses and earth remind me the forest creeping up all around a small cabin in the woods. This is such an interesting scent. I remember going camping as a kid and sitting around in our tents telling ghost stories. This scent smells like those times… all it needs is a tiny touch of campfire smoke to fit that mood perfect… but that wouldn’t fit the Nocnitsa theme correctly. It kind of reminds me of Skadi… maybe the dark and evil step-sister to Skadi? It really is dark and haunting… so brooding and scary. It sends shivers up my spine. Anyway… while I wouldn’t wear this scent as a perfume, I enjoy smelling it in the imp and being transported to another place. Beth is amazing at doing that… scent is such a powerful sense.

  7. In Bottle: Tart floral


    On Skin: I smell an acidic floral, quite tart and sour. Rose or jasmine maybe? I’m leaning more towards rose. Something golden as well… maybe ginger, myrrh or amber? It seems like a warm scent but with a sharp edge. I get a little of a herbal note. Someone mentioned weeds above and I have to agree. It smells like dried weeds and grass! All in all, it’s not a scent that pleases me… it just doesn’t work with my chemistry. It keeps getting even more sour and pungent. Too bad because it’s intended purposes above sound wonderful. Maybe I can try it once more and see if it works like it’s supposed to.

  8. In Bottle: Clean, soapy


    On Skin: This smells like a cleanser. I mean, it’s nice and obviously very clean smelling, but as a perfume? After a few minutes it mellows out some and warms up. I smell something musky and masculine, but with a golden tint... I’m not getting the green feel that others have mentioned. Maybe amber or myrrh? There is also a woody note that is quite sweet. This scent is comforting, like laying in a warm sunny field of dried out cornhusks… right before the autumn’s coolness sets in. While it does seem slightly more masculine, I like it on myself as a comfort scent. I really do feel better smelling this after the crappy day I had.

  9. In Bottle: Fruity musk


    On Skin: A little plasticy at first… I think it’s the musk, myrrh and jasmine mixed doing this because I can almost smell those notes blending. The other notes stand out on their own. The applejack is quite crisp and sweet, the sandalwood is a beautiful woody background note and the myrtle and quine are bery light in the back as well. The citron has a beautiful tart note that only flickers through every once in a while and the thyme has a slight metallic medicinal note that eventually shows through. After a bit the plastic scent fades and the myrrh becomes dominant. Very exotic and sweet. If you like myrrh scents, try this one for sure. It is quite sexual and enticing. Not a scent I’d wear every day, but I would like it for special occasions. It is quite string, both in throw and how long it lasts.

  10. In Bottle: Hay and incense


    On Skin: Hmmm… this is an odd scent on me. I smell hay. Seriously, like barnyard hay. After a few minutes the florals bloom, very strong, white and crisp. I also smell a tea note and the hay scent is still there, but lighter. I expected the frankincense to dominate the scent, but it actually lays low in the background just giving a slight incensey note. About 15 minutes later the hay has faded (thankfully) and it is mostly elegant white florals, the lily being the dominant note. It is a pretty scent and I love the description and mood it creates, but it’s not quite me.

  11. In Bottle: Rose


    On Skin: The rose in this is quite sweet. It doesn’t have that sour twang that rose so often has on me… well it does, but not as heavy. The musk deepens it and darkens the brightness some. It really does feel like a “soft” scent. I get a little giddy and girly when smelling this. It’s very romantic and super feminine. It’s quite strong with heavy throw. For any fans of rose, I say try this since it’s a beautiful different take on a classic rose scent.

  12. In Bottle: Patchouli


    On Skin: I was 90% sure I wouldn’t be into this scent. I mean it says quite obviously “Raw, down and dirty patchouli” and that is completely not me. But…. That sneaky little word drew me in: HONEY. Yes, I am a sucker for honey so I had to try it. So, here we go. The patchouli is quite raw, down and dirty… no denying that. So it is not agreeing with me. There is a slight juniper note that gives a bit of piney twang. The musk is nice and soft and creates an overall “feel” to the scent. The oakmoss blends with the patchouli to make the scent quite earthy. I don’t smell the honey or beeswax yet. After about ten mintues I can sense a slight honey note that sweetens the scent but doesn’t stand out. A very masculine scent that doesn’t quite suit me so I’ll be passing it on.

  13. In Bottle: Lavender and rose


    On Skin: Icy and metallic at first. This is pure angst and sorrow. I take one whiff and actually feel alone and sad. Wow, I didn’t think a scent could depress me. This is like sifting through a box of old photos and love letters from a lost love. Somehow haunting but sweet memories at the same time. This is one of those scents of Beths where I am so in awe of how complex and thought out it is. There is nothing simple about it, there are so many levels. I like that it is so interesting, if somebody smells this on you, they are going to ask you about it. It catches attention like that. After about 10 minutes, it warms up a little more and doesn’t depress me as much. It’s more like a glimmer of hope. A beautiful and clean herbal/floral everyone should at least sample. Sadly the throw is light and it fades quickly.

  14. In Bottle: Incense and florals


    On Skin: This scent is very Indian, it brings to mind a Indian gift shop I went to once. The rose notes are dominant (again) and the jasmine follows a close second. I like that the other florals sweeten the rose so the rose isn’t too tart or sharp. A pretty feminine scent with a sweet syrupy feel. There seems to be a dark and resinous background note that really warms the scent up and gives it a deeper feeling. I love the description and would would perfectly willing to try this out for that specific purpose… but not as an everyday fragrance.

  15. The rose is by far the dominant note. It is super tart and strong. I don’t smell any incense or darker notes. This scent is bure brightness and floral. A slight ozone note which adds a clean element, but the rose drowns it out so that it’s just a faint afterthought. I am not a rose fan so this isn’t a scent for me at all. It has massive throw and is a strong scent… a little goes a long way.

  16. In Bottle: Rain


    On Skin: Very crisp ozone scent. I get the feeling of rain right away, that beautiful clean almost laundry-like scent. And it is a bit dirty as well from the vetivert! Wow!!! That’s something like what I wanted, but I’d prefer a more clear “dirt” or earthy note than this one which is more patchouli/incense like. This scent is a bit minty which heightens the “clean” notes, but there is a lso a dark side. This isn’t a pretty rain, this is a scary storm… a hurricane! So complex yet simple. Big kudos to Beth on this! It has a pretty strong throw and lasts quite a while on my dry skin.

  17. In Bottle: Dirty pickles (yes, you read that right)


    On Skin: It still smells like dirty pickles. There is a “dirt” note, very earthy. And then there is a sour note that reminds me of pickles. Ok, after a few minutes the sour note appears to be rose I think and it sweetens up slightly. The orchid and the rose are pretty strong florals that compete for a while but I think the rose is winning. The labdanum creates the darker, herby and earthy note. Mixed together, they create quite a unique scent. Not me really, but fun to sit and review. They do contradict and confuse me, kind of like love and sorrow… and in the end go hand in hand. A scent worth checking out for sure if you enjoy florals.

  18. In Bottle: Apples!


    On Skin: Juicy apple! I feel like I’ve just bitten into an apple, I even smell and taste the peel. How fresh and vibrant! The herbs seem crisp as well, a little minty and add to that beautiful fresh scent! Very invigorating. After a few minutes the scent darkens as the amber shows through. I like how it just changes slightly. This seems like a fall/autumn scent. Very pretty and gender neutral. I think this would be a perfect room scent for this Fall, I will be keeping the imp for sure.

  19. In Bottle: Sharp herb


    On Skin: This clears up your sinuses quickly. Very sharp and medicinal. There is also a nice rich spicy note that really deepens the scent overall. Almost a little woody or resiny. I smell pine or something that reminds me a bit of Christmas. Not strictly a “planty” scent. I like that it has more levels and really catches my attention. It is still very minty and medicinal though and not something I would wear as a scent. I do like it to use as aromatherapy though since it does give a quick jolt of energy and awakeness.

  20. In Bottle: Dark floral


    On Skin: The narcissus seems to be the dominant note. A nice elegant and unique floral. The myrrh has a nice sweet and powdery feel that wraps itself around the narcissus. The opium adds a incense note that is slightly spicy and exotic. This scent blends well and warms up on my skin very nicely. But… it’s a little soapy for my taste, the narcissus I think… I do like how it does seem “dark” and that although it is pretty it doesn’t give a happy bright feel, it’s more depressing and quiet. Gloom… yes, very nicely put.

  21. In Bottle: Spicy leather


    On Skin: I usually like leather scents, but this one is very strong. And super smoky. It’s almost like Brimstone with leather. It burns my eyes. I don’t smell the gardenia or jasmine, but the rose is in the background, a little tart and sharp. Also, shockingly I don’t smell the cinnamon. Cinnamon is usually a note that jumps out and burns my nose… I think the vetiver and leather drown it out so it doesn’t surface on me. This is a strong scent with quite a bit of throw. Sadly, I don’t like it so it’s off to the swaps.

  22. In Bottle: Sweet orange


    On Skin: I smell orange right away… and then Dragon’s Blood resin? There is also a bit of spice… very light though, maybe gnger? It smells a little soapy as the scent develops. Not bad but not very fragrance like to me… more like a cleanser and not something I would ever want to wear as a perfume. The scent overall is very light with minimal throw and lifespan. I really want to try this out around my husband and see if it works the way it’s intended to. Hopefully he’ll like it more than I do.

  23. In Bottle: Industrial cleaner


    On Skin: The lilac screams at me. The other florals are a bit more subtle. Although there are 3 strong woods in this, they play smaller roles and don’t overtake the scent. The orchid offers a nice elegant floral note and the bergamot is a little bitter and dry. The red musk is light as well, but is softly warming the scent. I like th combination, it was quite sharp and pungent at first, but after five minutes the scents blend together and create something quite pretty. I can see this being gender neutral but would prefer it on a man. Not a bad scent at all but it doesn’t have anything that sticks out about it enough to warrant it as a keeper in my book.

  24. In Bottle: Chocolate dirt


    On Skin: The cocoa is the dominant note with patchouli following close behind. The patchouli gives a “dirt” scent that I don’t really like with the cocoa. I don’t smell leather or florals, but the incense is a bit smokey. This scent is very powdery and dry, also slightly sweet. A bit masculine as well. It’s not a scent I like for myself personally. A bit too dry and the patchouli is too strong for me.

  25. In Bottle: Spicy rose


    On Skin: Well hello rose! And cinnamon! There is no hiding these notes, they are in your face! The cinnamon burns my nose right away, I am so sensitive to it! And the rose, it’s super tart and sharp... all 3 of them! Sexual dreams? Not so sure about that, I don’t think I can even wear this to ty it out. These are two of my least favorite notes, and together I dislike them even more. I would have to say, this is one of my least favortie scents yet. Sorry Beth. :P
