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Posts posted by slave1

  1. In Bottle: Sweet floral


    On Skin: Well, that’s jasmine. Yes very strong jasmine which for some odd reason I usually tend to like so that’s a good thing. Also ylang-ylang… the two seem to go hand in hand. It’s a strong sweet floral and that’s all I smell… no other notes. But it’s too strong, my husband was a bit put off by this one, he didn’t think it was sexy and even thought it smelled a bit artifical and cloying. But it dries down to a much more gentle and welcoming scent. At that point he didn’t mind it… so let it settle on your skin for about an hour before “trying it out”. Overall, not really a scent I’d wear often but nice to try out. Strong throw and long wearing length.

  2. In Bottle: Pepper


    On Skin: It wasn’t very sweet in the bottle, but after it’s put on my skin, the spiciness amps up 100 times over and there is a sweet spice as well… maybe clove? Yes, super strong clove, YOWCH! This is like that super concentrated cinnamon oil you use to make candies and lollipops. I used to use it when I made lollipops for school fundraising things, and I remember spilling some on me and wiping my eye and the burning was like nothing on this earth. I had to keep my eye closed for over a day. And the clove is like sticking your nose into a jar of cloves, very concentrated cloviness. Anyway, this is not a scent I’d ever wear… but I have to admit, I want to see it’s intent actually works. Light throw, average staying power.

  3. In Bottle: Plastic and wood


    On Skin: Wow, at first it smelled like a toy stright out of the packaging, pure plastic. After it develops on my skin, I get cinnamon, sweet and spicy. It’s also quite musky, it’s actually kind of sexy. There is a very sweet powdery note in the background. I get a similar feeling to Bengal (honey and spice) but much stronger in the spice department. I like the feeling it gives, but I can’t inhale too deeply because the cinnamon is quite overpowering and I actually really dislike cinnamon scents. But if I just left it waft by my nose, or get a slight whiff of it, it’s perfect. And yes, it actaully speeds my heart up and makes me feel a little flushed. :P

  4. In Bottle: Minty cucumber


    On Skin: The mint is in front, very wintergreeny and pepperminty... yes, six mints give this a very powerful minty strength. The cucumber is right after it, slightly bitter but beautifully fresh. I get a very ice blue/light green feel from this. The pepper is very light, but you feel the slight tingle it gives your nose, luckily it isn’t too overpowering. It’s an interesting scent, I got it mainly for the cucumber, but the cucumber quickly fades into the background. This is a mint scent for sure, so if you love mint, get this. For me personally, it’s not my cup of tea, but it was great to ty out. I think I’d prefer to smell it on a man since it has a bit of an aftershave feel to it with all the mint… Average throw and average staying power.

  5. In Bottle: Bright citrus and herbs


    On Skin: This smells like a freshly peeled orange (or yuzu), more so the peel than the fruit, with some type of fresh herb sprinkled on it. This scent wakes you up with a nice hearty slap! WOW! The description suits it perfectly. This scent just make me feel as energetic as any scent can. There is also a slightly sweet note in the back ground, faint but enough to mellow the tartness of the scent a bit… vanilla maybe? There is also a sweet spice, people have suggested ginger and I’d have to agree… especially after just smelling the Red Ginger SN… it has that slightly dirty earthy spice to it. Overall this scent has a strong throw and long lasting power. It’s a scent I’d use for aromatherapy to get myself going, rather than wear as a perfume since it is so intense.

  6. In Bottle: Ozone pine


    On Skin: This screams ozone at first… very cool and ice blue. I get a soapy Irish Spring like I get with many ozone scents… very clean, but theres a slight spice… the pepper and cardamom perhaps? The Spanish moss and oakmoss provide the earthy ozone notes, and the juniper gives a vibrant fresh sting to the scent that cuts through everything. The bamboo is also fresh and adds to the clean and bright feel. Overall this scent seems very masculine to me. The throw is light to medium as is the wearing length. I like it, but it really isn’t me.

  7. In Bottle: Boozy floral


    On Skin: Wow, this is a scent not like any other. I smell the cognac right away, beautifully sweet but boozy and slightly cherry/fruity. The black rose offers a nice contrast, tart and super feminine. The dark musk makes this DROP-DEAD-SEXY! Throw me on the floor right here, oh yeah sinful pleasure in a bottle! I’m also super excited to see that the clove is not overwhlming, since clove is a note that 90% of the time goes completely funky on me. Lastly, the tobacco flower offers another level to this scent. It’s not really smoky, but “hazy”. I really get a “club” feeling from this scent. If I had a bottle I’d make it one of my signature scents for sure. Sadly the throw is very, very light and it fades into my skin within an hour.

  8. In Bottle: Soft floral


    On Skin: This is another light soapy scent. It’s not fruity or as bright as Thagirion, but more of a soft filtered light coming through sheer curtains. It’s very powdery and dry, which doesn’t agree with my nose. It has a floral/herbal base that is quite sharp and not really pleasant to me. Combined with the powderyness, it just seems a bit too harsh, even though it has low throw. Now picture the curtains I mentioned above and imagine when you move something and it scatters dust and you can see each dust particle in the light from the window. That’s what this feels like… the scent of lit up dust.

  9. In Bottle: Red patchouli


    On Skin: This screams patchouli at first… dirt and ick on me. There is a resinous sweet note in the background but it doesn’t seem to be saving this scent for me. It’s a bit like Dragon’s Blood resin… sweet and plasticy. After about 10 minutes this is pure plastic on me, not really appealing. There is also a slight spice and the lingering patchouli as well as a sweet woody note, maybe cedar or sandalwood. It is a light scent with low throw and a short lifespan.

  10. In Bottle: Crisp fruity floral


    On Skin: I’m smelling lemon, pear and plumeria. Very bright and clean, there’s a slight soapy ozone note as well. Wow, slight is the wrong word, after a few minutes this scent becomes pure ozone and I lose the lemon and pear. This is like Sundew meets Budding Moon. I get a bit of lemongrass and a very light pale yellow/green feel from this. Pretty and bright, a nice light scent. Not really me though… Average throw and wearing length.

  11. In Bottle: Resin and patchouli


    On Skin: There is an obvious warm deep resinous base… amber I’m thinking. I smell a slight tinge of patchouli giving it an incense note. It’s actually quite nice. The amber sweetens the patchouli so it doesn’t get that “dirt” note. I also smell something woody, sandalwood I’m thinking by the sweetness. I smell a floral too, something quite strong, lily or jasmine I’m thinking. It’s a pretty scent but doesn’t really stand out to me or capture me to the point I’d want a bottle. It also soaks into my skin quickly giving it low throw and low wearing length.

  12. In Bottle: Sweet exotic spices


    On Skin: This starts very interesting. I think I smell saffron, or something super exotic. It’s not as biting as cassia usually is on me, or maybe the sweetness is cutting it? There has to be vanilla in this blend because I smell that beautiful creamy mellow note that BPAL vanilla usually turns to on me. Wow, I know what this reminds me of… Enraged Bunny Musk after it’s super long dry down phase… 5 hours later but a little more spicy. But it has that beautiful clean and sweet note that EBM becomes, I’m thinking that’s the musk. I love it!!! The spices are actually very gentle, very slight, the scent is more sweet than anything. Even the sandalwood is tame, just a mellow woody note, not as stark and bright as it can be on me sometimes. And thankfully I’m not smelling the carnation at all, which is a good thing because carnation is notorius for going wonky on my skin. This is a beauitful scent, I’ll be keeping the imp for sure. Very light throw, almost too light and sadly not much wearing length.

  13. In Bottle: Patchouli


    On Skin: Patchouli is quite possibly my least favorite note. This scent screams patchouli. Dirt and incense… dirty incense… earthy, dry, powdery… nothing good. There is a slight sweet note, the heliotripe, and I do like the slightly fresh herbalness of the oakmoss. But that still doesn’t redeem the scent for me, this one is being thrown in the swap pile without a second doubt. A very dark scent, slightly smoky and I don’t get a good feeling from it. Above average throw and average wearing length.

  14. In Bottle: Lily


    On Skin: Oh my! As I always say, I’m not a huge fan of floral scents, but this one is an exception. It is so sweet and innocent. The beautiful lilies coated in honey… it just drips with sweetness. It’s slightly cloying so I can see it being too strong for some people. Strong throw, wow, but fairly short wearing length. This scent is pure hot summer, flowers in full bloom with sticky stamens and bees buzzing around gathering pollen. All bees would visit this flower that’s for sure. And I think everyone would buzz around a person wearing this scent, it captures attention right away. I love the lovely lily and my favorite note ever, honey. I want a bottle of this.

  15. In Bottle: Soft amber


    On Skin: MMmm! So velvety and soft! This is the amber I love… completely lush and cozy. The roses are actually tame here and more in the background. The orris and jasmine are slightly more strong, but this is truly an amber scent, not a floral. The citrus provides a light tart note that is also blanketed by the amber. I also get a honey note from this… seriously I swear I smell a bit of honey single note in there… I think this scent is very different from the description… it’s doesn’t seem showy or grand, it seems more decadent and comforting with a nice slice of sexiness. I love this scent which is a nice surprise since I usually hate rose scents, luckily the rose in this is almost non-existant. As the scent develops, the jasmine comes out stronger and is slightly powdery. It’s actually very pretty and I can see myself wearing this often.

  16. In Bottle: Moist blooming garden


    On Skin: Wow! This wakes me up! It starts as a vivid bright garden but also has a nice calming velvety base that soothes and makes me want to sleep in the flowers. I smell some beautiful waxy flowers… hmm… lily and maybe jasmine, strong and elegant. This scent is floral through and through, but I also get a slight wet aquatic note, like morning dew or a light April shower. Very colorful… all the different flowers in the garden plus their gorgeous greenery. This is an amazing showcase of Beth’s blending powers, all these notes mixed to create a perfect “feel” of Spring. This would also be a great room scent since it would brighten anyones mood. I don’t get fresh flowers as often as I’d like, so I think I’ll be reaching for this scent whenever I need a floral pick-me-up. Heavy throw and above average wearing length.

  17. In Bottle: Lemon and cotton


    On Skin: This is a very clean, light and softly sweet scent. It’s slightly perfumey and quite beautiful. I love the contrast it has with Enraged Orangutan Musk, that one is so dark whereas Bunny is so bright and springlike. This scent is innocent compared to the sexiness of EOM. I’m usually not a fan of lemon, but this isn’t that “lemon Pledge” note. This is more real and fruity, a pale yellow and violet pastel feel. Very spring and flowers in a meadow… I love the clean cotton blossom note with the clover sweetening it up. The powder is also light, not cloying or too dry which I’m happy about since super powdery notes make me sneeze. I really like this scent and am eager to find an occasion to wear it. Good throw and an above average wearing length.

  18. In Bottle: Butterscotch candies


    On Skin: YUM! Vanilla ice cream with a butterscotch/rum sauce. There is a very slight spice… not exactly cinnamon or nutmeg, but sweet. I thought saffron would be “exotic spicy” for some reason not this sweet yumminess. I’m not getting much of the sandalwood which is interesting since it usually amps on me. This is purely delicious. After the terrible chemistry reaction I had with Closet and the so-so chemistry with Underbed, Underpants is clearly the winner. This is a more adult sexy version of Antique Lace with no slight floral like Antique Lace has, instead Underpants has the sweet spice. This scent is a tasty dessert, I could drink the bottle (but won’t!)… This is an instant favorite and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy I ordered 3 bottles. It makes me think of an adult butterscotch sundae, with rum thrown in. In matter of fact, I’m going to try making one so I can have a taste to go along with the scent. Good to average throw and normal wear length.

  19. In Bottle: Sweet floral


    On Skin: I love this. It isn’t a strong perfumey floral, it’s sweet and has a nice resinous base. I think I smell jasmine or lily, but not too heady. This is very feminine and pretty, not masculine in the slightest. If you like light, sweet florals this would be a great choice. The resinous base saves this from being just another floral and also gives it a beautiful depth.

  20. In Bottle: Incense and pickles


    On Skin: Yum!! It’s the beautiful sexy note I get from Voodoo Queen, Venom, Dior Poison and others… starts out like pickles then turns spicy and slightly incensey… Actually, the incense in Gamaliel is pretty intense, it’s quite nice. The scent then changes… Musk and a beautiful velvety base… I also smell something slightly lemony. Hmm… a light note of lemon tea. And I also get something sweet in there… slightly creamy. This is very nice, I’d wear this again for sure.

  21. In Bottle: Minty Fruit


    On Skin: At first it is a bit astringent like. The herbs make it slightly medicinal but that fades quite a bit luckily. There is a very nice soft fruity or maybe a sweet floral note as well. I’m not sure what it is since it doesn’t really stand out. I get a velvety golden feel from this scent, so I’m thinking there might be an amber base. This is so pretty!!! But it has a VERY light throw, I wish it had a little more “oompf”. I really like this, I just wish it had more staying power and throw.

  22. In Bottle: Resin


    On Skin: Beautiful resinous amber and maybe myrrh. Sweet yet warm and soft. I just want to cuddle this scent. It has a slight spice which warms it up even more. I also smell something sweet, maybe a light honey or vanilla… or maybe even a sweet floral, it’s very light though. This is very exotic and I would love it on a man or woman. I’m loving it on me right now… I feel super, extra extremely seductive. This gives you that extra oomfph I think. I don’t think it fits the description that well… since I get such good feelings from it… hmmm. I think I need a bottle though, this is “teh sex”.

  23. In Bottle: Soapy floral tea


    On Skin: Soapy… very soapy. A floral dainty feminine soap. I get rose after a few minutes which is one of those notes that hardly ever works on me. Especially this rose, it’s a very tart and sour tea rose. Eeek… super old lady. This is one of the only scents I’ve ever had to wash off, it really just made me wince. Sorry.

  24. In Bottle: Woody musk


    On Skin: Very deep cherry and a woody musk. The almond gives the entire scent a cherry feel, very sweet. The red sandalwood gives a nice warm woody note while the Egyptian musk coats the scent with a soft velvety layer. The oakmoss is lightest but does allow for a nice fresh note that brightens the scent a bit. The almond fades the quickest allowing the sandalwood and jasmine to come forward more. Very nice and clean. The jasmine actually takes over as the dominant note, a sweet thick floral. This is so beautiful! I would wear this for sure, it feels so feminine, even with the darker notes. You have to like jasmine to wear this though because the jasmine trumps the entire scent, but luckily it has so many layers that it isn’t “just jasmine”.

  25. In Bottle: Sweet florals and cucumber


    On Skin: First off, thank you to Kellerbl for this sniffer. I am in love with this scent! Cucumber is the dominant note, yay! It’s one of my favorite notes so I’m a happy camper. I also get sweet florals that sweeten the slightly bitterness of the cucumber.

    This reminds me of my old favorite Victoria Secret lotion “Tranquil Breezes”. I grew up with that lotion and then it was discontinued right after I got into college. It came back for a while but it’s never been the same. After about 15 minutes, the cucumber starts to fade a little. I smell the aloe coming forward, fresh and crisp. The florals are still standing on their own, gorgeous as can be. I want gallons of this scent, seriously… right now. It reminds me of being a teenager and I loved that scent… cucmbers are just so refreshing and crisp. It’s a perfect spring and summer scent. I hope when Blue Moon comes back in 2007 it will be this same formulation.
