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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by slave1

  1. A traditional blend of woods used in Celtic pyromantic divinatory practices, updated and contemporized with the addition of a fae blend of orris essence, dragon's blood, juniper berry, and red rose.

    In Bottle: Sweet floral and berries

    On Skin: Wow! This is an exciting blend! Not at all what I expected, I get a deep rush of juniper berries and then the sweet Dragon’s Blood tinted with the sharp splash of rose. While it has a red note for sure, as the blend develops I get a nice fresh green note from the juniper. It is so pretty. Rarely do rose blends work on me, but for some reason this one loves me. It’s elegant and feminine, but the woods in it also give a deep earthy fresh note… so it’s also strong and substantial. About 20 minutes into the drydown, I think the rose becomes a little too strong for me. It turns the scent a bit sour. I love it in the beginning, but when the rose becomes dominant it doesn’t thrill me as much. Still a gorgeous scent and I’m keeping my imp. Average throw, short wearlength.

  2. In Bottle: Sweet wood and resin


    On Skin: This is so sweet and yummy… oh my!!! I get Dragon’s Blood from it, that must be the resinous note. I don’t get the lilac or florals other people have mentioned at all. To me it’s pretty much just Dragon’s Blood and maybe a sweet wood like cedar in the far background. Very pretty, very dark, but oh so sweet. I love it and would wear it often if I had a bottle. Very light throw (sadly, I wish it was stronger) but good staying power.

  3. In Bottle: Perfumey


    On Skin: Beautiful ozone clean and crystal clear. Very fresh and soft. This isn’t as bright and sharp as some ozone scents which I like. It’s a lot more mellow and light, slightly floral. I don’t think it smells like real rain though, more like the scent perfumes and perfumed products call “Spring Rain” or such. It’s very pretty and I would love to use it as a room scent. I’d probably not wear it though because ozone scents just seem to soapy on my skin. A unisex scent perfect for someone who loves ozone scents. Light throw and light wearlength. A scent everyone should at least try since it really is a beautiful blend.

  4. In Bottle: Clove and sweet citrus


    On Skin: I smell sweet spicy cloves at forst and a light citrus oil, orange I think? Very “radiant” and warm. There is also a soft smoky incense and several tangy herbal notes. I have a deep connection with most Egyptian history and after a recent Reiki session have been looking into past lives and wanting to find out a bit more. I ordered this right before I went into my session and thought that was a very neat coinsidence. After the session I discovered it wasn’t Ra I had the connection with, but the feeling I get from this scent is very familiar and even though I generally hate clove as a note, this scent settles in perfectly on me. I honestly feel like it heals me mentally. I get contentment and a nice mellow bliss. I am happy I have a half bottle of this, I will be using it often. It is a beautiful scent and I love it on candles and the way it makes the room smell.

  5. In Bottle: Beautiful peppermint


    On Skin: This is a fresh energizing peppermint, and it actually cools my skin. There’s a little tingling where I applied it. I should have tried this on the new moon, but I forgot, so I’m trying it today. There has been some recent unwarranted negativity in my life that I would like to send as far away as possible and I’m hoping this will help. I love that it completely clears my sinuses. I am usually not a fan of peppermint, but for some reason this scent just instantly uplifts me. My husband and I were arguing about money issues and as soon as I applied this I felt the stress just melt away. I am going to be trying this out again and I have a feeling this may be a new favorite.

  6. In Bottle: Cherry


    On Skin: This is so strongly cherry I almost fall over… it’s a very artificial cherry, like cherry coke… no wait… it smells EXACTLY like cherry Chapstick. I used to be addicited to that stuff as a kid so I am 100% sure about that. How funny, I bet if I wore it out and about someone would comment and say that I must be wearing cherry Chapstick. It’s very waxy and strong. It’s a nice smell, but not really anything I’m dying to smell like. LOL! After about 15 minutes I get a slightly menthol note as well. So now it’s reminding me of that lip balm “Cherry Ice”, I used to love that stuff as well. As for it’s intended purpose, I’ve only worn it once and nothing exciting happened but I’m not giving up. I’ll update after the next time I wear it. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  7. In Bottle: Patchouli


    On Skin: Oh no, my dreaded enemy… patchouli. This has an insanely strong amount of patchouli in it, there’s no missing it and it’s telltale dirt note it has on me. There is also vetiver without a doubt, another note that hates me. This isn’t looking very promising. Not that these oils are supposed to be worn anyway, but I can’t even handle my room smelling like this. Which is to bad because latelt I’ve thought of giving up on some important things in my life and I could really use help in the determination department. Overall it is very earthy and resinous with a dark feel. This scent doesn’t work on me at all. I had to go wash it off. It has a very strong throw but I can’t comment on the wearlength since I rinsed it off.

  8. In Bottle: Mint


    On Skin: It starts with a sharp mint with a sweet undertone. Pepperminty, kind of like Lick It. Underneathe there is something I can’t quite figure out, but it’s a little “funky”. A little metallic making me think it’s something herbal. I love the intent of this oil. I used it and I actually had a breakthrough on how to handle a problamatic situation that’s been bothering me. The imp was worth it just for that! I’m excited to try it out again. This oil has a strong throw and a powerful wearlength.

  9. In Bottle: Sweet wood


    On Skin: This scent has a beautiful warm resin feel. Very soft and slightly woody. It also has a powdery note, which is probably the resin because resins always go slightly powdery on me. Hmm… maybe amber? It has a light smoky incense note too, but nothing overwhelming, just enough to warm it up a bit more. It’s very pretty and very comforting as soon as I smell it on my skin it feels welcoming and like a nice hug. I can’t wait to try it out for it’s intended purpose although I don’t usually need help with charisma since I’m so outgoing, but of course I wouldn’t mind “shining in the crowd”. I really like this oil and wouldn’t mind having more… It has a very light throw and the wear length is short to average.

  10. In Bottle: Woody incense


    On Skin: This starts out very strong. The dark myyyh jumps out right away along with the sandalwood and musk. Very deep and bold. The frankincense gives a lovely warm incense feel, while the amber further deepens the warmth. I love it! At first I thought it was quite masculine, but as the scent develops it has more of just a sexy raw feel to it that could be beautiful on men or women. I’m looking for the honey, but again it doesn’t surface on it’s own. It blends in very well and helps soften the sharpness of the hyssop, cardamom and cypress. The herbs do give it a nice edge and I like that they aren’t too pungent. There is a slight soapy perfumy feel to this scent that if inhaled for to long makes my eyes water, but I love just catching a whiff of it. A lovely incensey and woody scent, slightly feral but also elegant. I’m going to love this on my husband I’m sure. Overall it drys down and fades pretty quickly. I’d say it has a light throw and short wearlength.

  11. In Bottle: Herbal wine


    On Skin: When I first smelled this scent I was quite taken aback. Um… ick? The wine smells a bit past it’s prime and the herbal notes make it a bit medicinal. I also get a deep sweetness and spice. I figure the spice is from the elemi and cassia and the sweetness is from the honey and palmarosa. I don’t really smell the usually obvious lemongrass… hmm.. The cognac mixed with the wine is so overly boozy I think that is what is killing this scent for me. Kind of like the wine note in Kali, it kills me for the first half hour until it finally develops into something beautiful. I’m hoping The Death of Sardanapal will do the same. I do like the myrrh note, but then again I always love myrrh. I try and compare this with the artpiece the scent is named for, I see glutton and debauchery and chaos. This scent fits that perfectly. Sadly, I wouldn’t call this a honey scent either since I really don’t smell the honey individually. As the scent develops the cassia remains the strongest note. Cassia and I are not friends no I don’t think this is a scent I will wear that often, but it is quite interesting and will probably get me lots of comments when I do wear it. . It has a very strong throw and a nice long wearlength.

  12. batwoman.gif


    Bat-Woman, Albert Penot.

    Ratkirani, calla lily, moonflower, honeysuckle, night-blooming jasmine, French lavender, verbena, grey amber and nighttime air.


    In Bottle: Fresh light floral


    On Skin: This smells like a garden at night. I can actually see bats flocking to this beautiful floral. While the picture that inspired it is quite dark and grey, this scent captures the beauty and subtle power. The Cala Lily comes forward first… drool… I love it!! The ratkirani fits the scent perfect, here's the description of it: An Indian flower related to the jasmine and sacred to Ratri, Lady of the Night. I get jasmine but it isn't overwhelming like it usually can be on me. The honeysuckle is also quite light, not thick or syrupy at all. To me the lily, moonflower, verbena and nighttime air stand out the most. The "nighttime air" is slightly cold and crisp, stark and clean. The grey amber adds to the moodiness of the scent and also adds softness. The lavender gives a calming sleepy effect and I actually like it. This scent is so well blended, wow. I get a white grey tone from this scent. Absolutely gorgeous. It has a light throw but the wearlength seems to last quite nicely. I smelled it on my wrists the next morning after sleeping in it. By the way, it's a lovely sleeping scent. :P


    edited to add image - clover

  13. In Bottle: Pure bubblegum lotus


    On Skin: I knew what to expect with this one. Lotus always turns right to bubblegum on me. While I like it, I like it in small doses. So many BPAL scents rich in lotus just seem a little too girly for me since they are so bubblegummy. But this one turns much more womanly. After the scent settles in, I get a soft and powdery soapy note. Very light and feminine. The amber is so deep and velvety, but not dark, more golden than anything. The pine resin is thankfully not piney at all, just a nice slight fresh wood that is adding to the soapyness, along with the rose otto. I get a golden pink tone from this scent. The bubblegummyness leaves alltogether. I like this scent, but am content with my one bottle. I don’t get any of the lunar oils in this scent either… were they put in? They usually have their trademark creamyness. Overall the sweeteness of this scent gives into the sharpness, so if you’re scared of it being sickly sweet… don’t worry and give it a try. A very light throw and short wearlength.

  14. In Bottle: Herbal sweetness


    On Skin: I smell the mead, quite more of a winey brand than a pure honey note. I’m a little sad about that, but that’s ok. I get an herbal Dana Oshee from this. Soft and clean, warm and pretty. The thyme, carnation and yauhtli offer sharp and slighty bitter notes while the honey mead and honeysuckle give a syrupy sweet goodness. The wood and ivy freshen it up and the frankincense gives it a beautiful deep incense feel. While this is a nice warm summer scent, it also has a slightly dark side. I like that… I smell a little citrus, lemon? It gets a little soapy as the scent develops but that also fades. All in all a nice floral scent with herbs and outdoorsyness thrown in... green and yellow in tone. I wouldn’t label it as a honey though, for those of you who are severe BPAL honey addicts like I am. A nice throw and an average wear length.

  15. In Bottle: Soapy


    On Skin: Sweet aquatic. It has that sharp fresh note, quite soapy. Clean but also warm. This is a warm aquatic as oposed to a bright green/blue… I’m thinking more the crystal clear blue of warm shallow tropical waters. It is pretty but a little sharp for my nose. I get a little lotus, but not enough to give the bubblegum feel, just enough to sweeten it up a bit. I am eager to try it out for it’s intended purposes. I see it fitting some of them well: glamour, spirituality, fantasy. It does spark some energy in me and I feel more motivated than I did a few minutes ago. This would be nice to wear to a Reiki session… to see if abstract ideas, mediumistic power, receptivity, spirituality, visionaries and percetion would be increased or helped. Light throw and short wear length.

  16. In Bottle: Super bright mint


    On Skin: Boom! This wakes me up. It’s a beautiful sweet mint, it reminds me of the mint note in Spooky. Oh my god, it’s beautiful! I would normally say I’m not a mint fan, but this is so sweet and yummy and doesn’t burn my nose like some mints can. It isn’t sharp like Lick It, or some of the icy scents… this is much more sweet and mellow. I also get a slight coconut from it. It’s kind of like Spooky without the chocolate. I love this scent, I wish I had more of it. I hope it gets released on the TAL site soon! Light to average throw and fairly short lasting power.

  17. In Bottle: White floral


    On Skin: I bought this on Ebay on a whim since I want to try all the Astrological oils. I’m not a Libra, but went for it anyway. I am soooooooo happy I did! This scent is GORGEOUS! I normally hate rose scents, but the apple and ylang ylang sweeten this up and take away the sour yet bitter edge rose usually has on me. I get a beautiful tart and sweet apple… crisp and fresh. The musk softens the whole scent and seems like a nice white linen covering the other scents. The sandalwood, one of my favorite woody notes, gives a very gentle base that keeps this from being to overly feminine, but still, this scent is quite womanly. I love it! When wearing it I instantly feel glamerous and beautiful, it’s a mood picker upper for sure. :P The throw is strong and it has wonderfully long lasting power.

  18. In Bottle: Dark sweet powder


    On Skin: This is a beautiful soft resinous blend. Very powdery, it gives me a little of the “I think I’m going to Sneeze” factor, but just slightly. I also get a soft dirt note, earthy and dark. The patchouli is there, but not strong enough to gag me. The sandalwood is gorgeous in this and seems darker than normal, maybe because of other notes. The musk gives it a nice feral edge, quite sexy. I would love this on either a man or woman, it’s quite sultry. I really thought I’d be scared off by the patchouli and vetiver in this blend but it actually smells divine on me. Strong throw at first but fades quite quickly.

  19. In Bottle: Sweet resin


    On Skin: I get Dragon’s Blood right away, very sweet and warm. I also get a light floral, not tart or “flowery, but more syrupy and sticky… like sweet pea or lily. I also smell something woody… maybe cedar or a soft sweet wood like that. I normally am not a big fan of Dragons Blood, but this blend is quite pretty. I have been surrounded with a lot of negativity lately from some shady people who I can’t get to leave me alone so I think I’m in need of a bottle of this. This scent has a storng throw and good wearing length. I may wear some to the club tonight to ward off any negativity that might be waiting.

  20. Used to open up options in your life, overcome obstacles, and create opportunities. This blend increases your potential for success, inspires creativity and quick thinking, and helps you to be more flexible, adaptable and open to change.

    On Bottle: Smoky wood

    On Skin: I get a sharp woody note and a soft but strong smokey note. Also something minty. The smoke and wood are quite warm while the mint scent lends a cold tingly feel. Very interesting. It does wake me up and stir my senses. I could see this actually performing its intent, I do feel invigorated after smelling it just once. I think it's nice to use as aromatherapy in the bottle, to take quick sniffs of it, but it's not a scent I'd wear or want my room to smell like. It has a light throw and average wearing length (even though I know it's not supposed to be worn).

    NOTE: This thread is for the Twilight Alchemy Lab oil. If you're looking for the BPAL Bewitching Brew of the same name, those reviews are here. --Shollin



    In Bottle: Floral baby lotion


    On Skin: At first this smells like Johnson and Johnson Baby lotion with a light floral mixed in. Then the florals become much stronger. I get a bit of honeysuckle and jasmine. I also smell a light herbal note in the background that gives a green feel to the already very colorful scent. The herb may be mint since it’s crisp and fresh, but it is a background note and the florals overwhelm it. There is something very faintly resin or musky in the background as well, just soft enough to give it a bit of a sweet base. This stays pretty consistant through the dry down. Floral baby lotion. It’s not really me, but I don’t dislike it either. The throw is light as is the lasting power… it faded within an hour.


    Previously reviewed by Aurelius.


    CHAOS THEORY II The Butterfly Effect CCXXVII


    In Bottle: Fruit and nuts


    On Skin: This has a sweet fruity note, melon I think. There is also a nutty tone, something very autumn like. It’s an interesting mix, I usually get a spring or summer feel from melon, but here it is like fall, darker and mellow. I also smell a floral although it’s light, lily maybe? This is so neat! It’s not like any BPAL scent I’ve smelled before. Sweet and pretty with a dark undertone. The throw is VERY light and it also fades quickly. Too bad, because I love this scent!



    CHAOS THEORY II: The Butterfly Effect CCXCI


    In Bottle: Sweet overly ripe fruit


    On Skin: First notes I get: berries, tea and cake. This is a sweet foody blend, yum! I smell a mix of berries and a light tea note, almost like an iced berry tea drink. There is also a heavier foody note in the background, I say cake because it does feel edible, fluffy and soft. This scent is so light, I have to slather it on because I love it and really want to smell it. The notes are mixed together so well it really is hard to pick them out each individually, so I just say it’s a fruity dessert cake. Maybe even with a little homemade whipped cream on top. Beautiful! As the scent develops I get a stronger vanilla feel, and even a VERY faint Milk Moon undertone… not buttery at all, just milky creamy. I LOVE this scent!!! I wish I had a bottle! Wear length is light to average.

  22. In Bottle: Beautiful aquatic floral


    On Skin: This is a gorgeous scent right off the bat. I get a bit of sweet melon, something green and fresh maybe cucumber, and also a watery ozone note. This does remind me a bit of Blue Moon but not as sweet. As the scent develops it becomes a nice healthy floral. Robust and blooming but not overwhelming. The perfect amount of fresh flowers. In the background I get a little of a herbal minty note that makes it even more fresh. This scent has a very blue-green feel. I really love this scent, I would love a bottle. I’m adding it to my wishlist. Average throw and average wear length.

  23. In Bottle: Minty and fruity


    On Skin: Peppermint right away, very crisp and clears my sinuses. I get the after-dinner-mint thing too. There seems to be a tart citrus note as well, but it's in the backgound and very light, but it ads to the clean and sharp feel of this scent. This is so interesting! This is a scent that really wakes me up and invigorates. It is also a bit sweet. I get a soft floral, nothing sickly sweet or cloying at all. After the scent develops, I get a very light lilac or violet note that other people on the forum have mentioned as well. It’s not really my kind of scent, but I’d love to use it as aromatherapy because it really does pep me up and clear my sinuses. Throw is strong, wear length is average.

  24. In Bottle: Pure dirt


    On Skin: Like Zombi, I get fishtank water from this. Dirt and ozone. After about 5 minutes, it turns into pure dusty dirt. That’s it. Super earthy, slightly moist but also crumbly and dusty. I feel like I’ve been gardening. I like the smell, but it’s nothing I’d ever wear as a fragrance or use as a room scent. I actually don’t know what I’d use it for, as a novelty I guess. It’s simple and straightforward. Dirt. I get a very *slight* whiff of the moss, it makes the dirt a little fresher if that makes any sense. An interesting scent, average throw and short wear length.

  25. In Bottle: Tart citrus


    On Skin: Very lemon Pledge at first. Sweet yet also tart but sadly quite artificial smelling... Now it’s more like LemonDrops, not chemically like Pledge (yay, happy that phase passed quickly). If I inhale too long it does give me a headache though. The throw is very strong at first. This is so very NOT gloomy, I find that quite fun. It’s one of my favorite descriptions ever. I don’t really get mist or rain from it, I don’t smell anything wet or ozoney at all. There is a light floral in the background as well. It’s pretty, but not me at all. The throw is strong and wear length is pretty good.
