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Posts posted by slave1

  1. In Bottle: Sweet lemon


    On Skin: Instantly I smell lemon and sweet cream. Yum! It smells like a dessert, lemon and vanilla crème with a dash of apricot. I love how the apricot and lemon blend, yet you can still smell each distinctly. The coconut adds to the creamy note, oh my it’s delicious! The opium smoke and black musk are very light and don’t darken the scent, they just give it a deeper base that the light and bright fruity notes roll around on. The florals are present but overpowered by the fruits, to me this is a fruity dessert scent for sure. While it is tropical in obvious ways, the dominant feel to this scent is sweets and playtime. It seems slightly childlike and playful. I really like this scent but it isn’t for daily wear. I think I’d wear it for days where I want a pick me up or on my way to a fun adventure. Strong throw and average wearlength.

  2. In Bottle: Dark red ginger


    On Skin: Wow, this wasn’t quite what I expected. The incense is beautiful, it is dark but so sweet and not smoky (yay!)! The musk is sooooo sexy and the mums are soft and not sharp at all. This is a ginger scent that to me isn’t foody in the slightest. Very golden and dark red in feel. This is a very different approach to the Lunacy series, it reminds me of the direction Blood Moon went in. This scent is so beautiful, and while it seems quite feminine at first, as it develops I could see a man wearing it as well. This scent is a Fall scent to me, as compared to some of the earlier Aisian Moons this year that were so bright and spring/summer like. The spices are warm and the ginger sits on top for sure. As the scent continues to grow on my skin, I get a slightly sharp herbal note… but it is pretty and melds with the other notes beautifully. The part of the Lab’s desrciption about an Opium Den really fits this scent, slightly seedy but drop dead seductive and hypnotizing. I love this Moon and will treasure my bottle. Medium throw and light to average wearlength.

  3. In Bottle: Soft floral with almond


    On Skin: This is a beautiful soft feminine scent. It feels comforting and gentle. It has a powdery amber that comes to the surface first, followed by the florals giving a slightly sharp edge. The honey sweetens it nicely and it’s not a thick drippy honey, more of a dusting of honey dust. The musk gives a deep note but not dark. The sandalwood also helps ground it and give it more depth. I wouldn’t consider this a floral scent because of that, but it is quite perfumey. It has so many more levels yet they blend together perfectly as the Salon scents always seem to. I love the almond flower, it has a slight almond oil note but not strong at all… just a beautiful echo. This scent is perfect for everyday wear. This scent reminds me of Et Lux Fuit and La Fee Verte in just the slightest… like a cousin. It has a beautiful golden white feel. It has an average throw and a good wearlength.


    Sexuality, power, confidence. A meeting of modern, sleek elegance and rich, passionate history: sheer amber, black leather, white mint, lemon peel, white tea, grapefruit, kush, teakwood and orchid.


    In Bottle: Lemon and tea


    On Skin: Weee!!! I get to write the first review!! The lemon jumps out at me right away. Lemon loves to amp itself on my skin. At first this reminds me of a less sweet White Rabbit. But it does have much heavier citrus tones whereas White Rabbit has the sweet creamy feel and the tea is more pronounced and is also a darker tea. Very sleek and attention getting, I like the boldness of this scent. The teakwood is very light but balances the tartness of this scent, and the orchid gives a beautiful bold kick as well. I don’t smell the amber at first and am also shocked the leather doesn’t shout out at me. Usually leather amps itself on my skin as well. The mint is a nice sparkle in this scent, just a dash but enough to give it even a fresher feel. The kush (which I’m assuming is Kush Incense) gives it a further exotic and slightly dark feel. As the scent develops, the tartness of the citrus fades and the darker notes come forward... ooohhh, sexy!! The scent is so very beautiful, but it doesn’t make me instantly think Manhattan. But of course I’ve only been there once so I’m not sure if I really know what I would picture a Manhattan scent to smell like. I think this would work for either men or women. It has a light to medium throw. but it fades pretty quickly on me. I may need to slather.

  5. In Bottle: Fruity incense and musk


    On Skin: Yay! I get to review this scent first, oh wait never mind I need to repost it so now I'm third. And it’s Beth’s scent so I feel extra, extra special! First off, it says Mlle on the bottle but on the site it is Mme so I’ll stick with that. HOLY BEAUTIFUL SCENT BATMAN! Ok, I’m in love… and it’s with a scent that has patchouli! Wow! I have to admit, the patchouli scares me at first, but then the other notes come out to play. The musk is super sexy and dark and the vanilla bean really oozes creamy sweet goodness. I love that the pomegranate gives a nice fruity edge but is slightly tart in contrast to the deep sweetness of the plum. The fruits are light, they are not sticky or drippy ripe at all. I get a little of a herbal note which must be the patchouli since it’s the leaf and not just straight patchouli and I’m thinking that’s why it’s working with me in this blend. This scent reminds me of a more musky dark Snake Oil. It’s beyond sexy and very in your face. I have a feeling this scent is going to be hugely popular. It has a strong throw and a long wearlength.

  6. In Bottle: Musk, leather and fir


    On Skin: This is the holy “man” scent for sure. This screams I am godsent sexy stud and you want to jump all over me. I am the biggest sucker for masculine lether scents. I make my husband wear almost all of Beth’s leather blends. This one is so crisp and you smell each note perfectly but they also blend together beautifully. The leather is dominant (yay!) and the cedar smoke is soft but dark and drifts among the other notes proudly. The amber is very dark and strong and gives this scent roots. The fir needle cuts through with a nice fresh zing, and the musk coats it all in a super sexy blanket of manliness. Yes, this is a man’s scent, I couldn’t even imagine a woman wearing this but that’s just me. It is gorgeous… you all need to get a bottle of this for your man. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  7. In Bottle: Creamy chocolate


    On Skin: Yay! I get to write the first review on this one! First off, the oil seems thicker than most blends. Wow, it is simply decadent. This chocolate is lighter than Bliss and Vice, I think that’s because the cream helps smooth it out… it reminds me more of chocolate milk. Don’t be scared, some people think of that slightly sour note that can come forth in some of the milk scents, but that is not here at all. It is completely sweet cream. I also love that even though it is decadent, it is not overly sweet… just like Dark chocolate should be. As it develops the scent deepens even more. This is not a candy scent to me, it’s much more elegant and refined. This is like the Queen of Chocolate… nothing cutesy about it. It has a medium to strong throw and a greta wearlength. I had originally only ordered an imp of this, but now am very happy I have a bottle.

  8. In Bottle: Dark resinous pine


    On Skin: Wow, this is neat! I get the sharp pungent juniper, it stings my eyes. But then it gets a rush of beautiful resinous labdanum and benzoin that sweeten it up just perfectly! The aquatic notes offer a fresh burst just as it seems it’s getting too dark. There are so many contrasts and waves of notes coming forward. The lily gives a beautiful white note that adds elegance and the white sandalwood is soft yet also brightens the scent up a bit. The rose is faint and adds to the elegance of the rose without being bitter like it can sometimes be on me. This is a sext scent, I’d love it on a man or woman. It is very unique, and like all the Salon blends, is sure to inspire conversation since it really has a story to tell. Overall a dark green woodsy scent with an aquatic highlight. Low to medium throw, but average to long wear length.

  9. In Bottle: Patchouli


    On Skin: The patchouli and vetiver jump out without any caution. They knock me over, not good since these are two of my least favorite notes ever. But, I love Beth’s blends so I’m going to give this scent a chance. The champaca flower and the musk give a very dark smoky feel… kind of scary and forboding. The leather gives a masculine edge, and the white pepper really gives it bite. The oakmoss also darkens it, but in a nice soft way… like a padding to protect me from the sharp notes. The ginger sweetens it a bit, but also gives a nice spice. Very interesting… To me this is a mysterious masculine scent, and not for me at all. But I have to admit after it settles on my skin, I do warm up to it a bit more and wouldn’t mind smelling it on my husband. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  10. In Bottle: Dark earthy grape


    On Skin: This is so not what I expected. Hmmm… I like it. I like a scent with civet, wow! Ok, the civet isn’t too strong, but it does give a slightly feral note. The sage is very strong, second only to the grape/berry. Ok… not liking it so much anymore… I’m getting grape cough syrup. As the scent develops on my skin, the oakmoss gives a earthy and dark base, I like that and it also helps to soften the sages medicinal feel. Ok, so I’m liking it again. While it’s not a scent I’d wear often, I love how unique and intriguing it is. A light throw and fairly short wearlength.

  11. In Bottle: Lavendar


    On Skin: Very strong lavendar, this is a sleepy time blend for me. I feel instantly relaxed with the first sniff. There is also something bright which peeks out at just the right moment causing me to wake up. Citrus? It’s not a tart lemon, I’m thinking it may be grapefruit. Very juicy and slightly sweet. There is also something green, mint perhaps? I think this is a pretty scent and it is one of the first elementals to work on me. I would love to use it as a room scent. The throw is very strong and it has a fairly long wearlength as well.

  12. In Bottle: Vitamins


    On Skin: Eeeekk… this seriously smells like vitamins. Not fruity enough to be Flinstones, but close. There is also a dark earthy scent in the back, but the pungent sharp sour note stands in front. I think I get a little ginger in there, and maybe a sweet floral. It does smell wet, but not so much aquatic… more stale. As the scent develops, the sharp tangy vitamin note mellows out a little, but not enough for me to like this scent. It really just smells off on me, but it was very nice to try. Soft throw and short to average wearlength.

  13. In Bottle: Jasmine and musk staraght forward


    On Skin: I smell the sweet jasmine right away, mixed with the wisteria I get a light violet tone. Very floral, very pretty. The red musk also makes itself known just as quick, it’s not hiding. It warms the scent up very well giving a very seductive edge. The musk does have a feral note to it, but nothing overwhelming like civet goes on me. The scent is very sweet, and if I sniff it for too long, I get a *slight* Play-Dough note… but not enough that it turns me off. This smells very vintage and it brings to mind a slightly seedy seduction… just a little naughty. I love it! Sadly, it is very faint… I’d need to slather this one I think. Or maybe it’s intentionally soft to make people lean in and really get close to experience it. Very low throw and short wearlength. Still I’d love to have more… it’s a gorgeous blend.

  14. In Bottle: Sweet slightly soapy floral


    On Skin: This is a very strong scent. The imp leaked in transit to me, and I left the envelope it came in in a collection of boxes I was going to take to the dumpster. That envelope has been scenting my house for over a week now. Wow, it’s got throw. It’s a pretty floral, with a soft warm feel. There is a slight soapyness to it, but not that aquatic/ozoney soap, more of a sweet pretty floral feminine dainty tea soap. That fades though and it morphs into something completely different. This scent is really pretty, and that means a lot coming from me because I’m not usually a big fan of florals. It does smell a little tropical, which is very nice since I love that feel. It has that coconut meat and overly ripe fruit tone to it which can be a little overwhelming if you inhale it for too long. I like when I just catch a whiff of it when I walk into the room and smell the envelope. I think that Gardenia may be one of the “milky blossoms” found in Chaste Moon because that came to my mind right away. Beautiful, I’d love a bottle of this. Super strong throw and long wearlength. A hit in my book for sure.



    In Bottle: Citrus and tea


    On Skin: This is number 177. The strongest note is tea, a nice light tea with a squeeze of lemon. This actually reminds me of White Rabbit, but softer. White rabbit has black tea whereas this one seems like a suntea or a milder form of tea... hmm maybe greentea? White Rabbit is also sweeter with the honey and vanilla notes, this one seems much more citrus and bright. The lemon note is nice and not Pledgelike at all. A very pretty scent, it also reminds me of a few of the Asian scents like Shanghai. Actually, as the scent develops it’s much more like Shanghai or Holiday Moon than White Rabbit. A medium to strong throw, average wearlength.

  16. In Bottle: Sharp floral


    On Skin: This is a very sharp floral aquatic. It is one of those scents that does bring tears to my eyes because of how pungent it is. It smells like floral sea salts that you would use for your bath. The florals seem to be overcome by the “tears” though and it becomes more soapy and aquatic as the scent develops. Very bright… a white and blue feel. It’s a pretty scent but the aquatic perfumey feel gets to be a bit too much on me. Average to strong throw, short to average wearlength.

  17. In Bottle: Beautiful clean ozone and soap


    On Skin: This is so pretty and feminine. Usually ozone scents feel masculine to me, but this one is so very womanly. It is so elegant, quite perfumey as well. It is a sharp scent, but not so much that it’s pungent. I think the lotus and the blooms help soften it with their sweetness. The champagne gives a bubbly effervescent feel that makes it sparkle even more. Yes, sparkle is the perfect word… this scent is pure sparkle. A perfect scent for a formal party or for an event you just want to feel extra special. It’s a little less sweet than Bon Vivant… Shattered is the more adult version. The mint is undercontrol, it gives just the slightest tingle and isn’t medicinal at all. The grapefruit is sweet & sour at the same time and gives a beautiful juicy feel. Over all, a gorgeous scent. If you like aquatics and grapefruit, you must try this scent. A medium to fairly strong throw and average wearlength.

  18. Twin to Deimos and child of War, Phobos is the embodiment of terror and mortal fear. Chilling white musk, lemon verbena, white grapefruit and lemongrass.

    In Bottle: Extreme citrus

    On Skin: Phobos is the most citrusy scent I have ever smelled. More lemon than grapefruit for sure. Wow! Very refreshing and this would be an absolute perfect scent to use as a “wake-up” aromatherapy oil. It’s lightly tart but the white musk sweetens it and also deepens it, what a great mix!! I also think the floral lemon verbena helps sweeten the scent. I am usually not a citrus fan, but this scent puts me in a good mood. It says summer to me… warm, bright, yummy. I also get a Lemondrop feel from it, candied goodness. And I love, love, LOVE the white musk in it. Such a soft note usually, but it really provides a nice base for all the citrus. Strong throw at first, but fades after about an hour, so short wearlength.

  19. In Bottle: Woody resin


    On Skin: I smell the sandalwoods right away, they are actually stronger than the Dragon’s Blood. The sandalwoods also seem darker… so I’m thinking if there is white sandalwood in this scent, it’s very light and the others shadow it. It’s a nice blend especially with the sweetness of the resin. The woodyness of it makes it quite earthy and balances the sweetness. If Dragon’s Blood is normally too sweet on you, I think you should try this blend. All in all a very nice scent. It doesn’t do much for me though, I am kind of neither here nor there with Dragon’s Blood for the most part. It also fades super quick. Light throw and short to average wearlength.

  20. In Bottle: Chemicals


    On Skin: Eek, this smells toxic. Seriously, this smells like carpet cleaner… Resolve or something. My husband says it smells like antiseptic. For some reason the Celestial blends just don’t like me. There is a very metallic herbal in this and something slightly spicy. I also smell a wood of some sort, maybe fir? As the scent develops, it sweetens up a bit and loses a bit of it’s medicinal feel (thankfully). It becomes an energizing and stimulting blend. I might use it for aromatherapy but I don’t think I’ll wear it as a body scent. Strong throw and very long wearlength.

  21. In Bottle: Red smoke


    On Skin: This is very, very smoky. It remind sme of Hellfire right away… not good. I really don’t like heavily smoky blends. While this one is sweet, I just can’t past that heavy cloud of smoke. Then a floral starts to come out. Hmm… smoky flowers, this really isn’t working on me. I am not getting the soapy note so many people have mentioned. I just smell smoke, a resin, and flowers… a resin of some sort and patchouli. Nothing about this scent captures me and I really don’t like it. Sorry Beth! I hate not liking a scent… Strong throw and long wearlength.

  22. In Bottle: Sweet pretty incense


    On Skin: This is an exotic heavily incensed blend. The florals are niced controlled by the smoke and incense, they tone the sharpness down perfectly. Normally I reallt don’t like rose blends, but here it is so well blended it doesn’t stick out so it works fine on my skin. I LOVE the amber musk, it makes this scent drop dead seductive… it’s a “come hither” scent for sure. It reminds me of a distant floral cousin of Snake Oil or Snake Charmer with a smoky edge. The throw starts strong but fades pretty quickly. Overall average wearlength.

  23. In Bottle: Very masculine cologne


    On Skin: This is a man’s scent for sure. Rugged, strong and sturdy. Metallic yes, but also very, very aquatic. I like how clean it is and how it catches your attention right away. My husbands verdict? He likes it! He also remarked about getting a “clean vibe” from it. There is a wood note, very soft and pretty… sandalwood I’m thinking. I think I need to find a bottle for my hubby. Strong throw and long lasting power.

  24. In Bottle: Smoky wine


    On Skin: This is an autumn scent for sure. The wine is the first note I smell… deep and red with a slight spice, followed by smoke. It does smell like a leaf bonfire, amazing how Beth does that. The lunar oils lend a nice smooth feel to this scent… they always seem to be slightly creamy to me and really bring a scent together... I love that! I smell a pine or mint or something herbal that does give the scent a light chill… very nice! The animalistic note is a musk of some sort, soft and fuzzy helping mellow out the herbal/pine note. The wine remains in front and gives the scent a feeling of cheer. As with almost every Autumn/Fall scent I’ve tried, it’s not for me. It is quite pretty, I’d just rather use it as a room scent. Medium to strong throw, average wearlength.

  25. In Bottle: Smoky Fir


    On Skin: The fir and herbs are super strong and would border on medicinal if it weren’t for the deep smoke mellowing them out. Normally I don’t like smoky scents or tree/forest scents, but the smoke helps cut the sharpness of the fir and really blankets the scent in a soft and comforting feel. Icy herbal fir and warm smoky incense… a beautiful contrast. This is actually quite sexy… but I think it would need to be on a man, it seems very masculine to me. There is also something very sweet in this scent… it’s fruity… maybe berries or cherry? An amazing blend, just not one I’d wear myself. Strong throw and great long wearlength.
