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Posts posted by slave1

  1. In Bottle: Sharp and herbal


    On Skin: This scent is metallic as well. But in a brighter less sweet sense. This one is herbal and sharp, slightly soapy. There is also spice, but it’s in the background. I also smell a smoky woody note. As it dries it becomes quite powdery and the wood note becomes more obvious. As does the spice, I’m thinking it’s cinnamon? I’m also sensing a light floral in the background that sweetens the scent up a little. Pretty, but not really a scent I’d wear. I’m very excited to see if it’s magickal intent works. I really nees to pump up the power in my life. A low to medium throw, and an average wearlength.

  2. In Bottle: Spicy fruit


    On Skin: The spice in this is very metallic. Wow, yes it reminds me of money. When you hold coins in your hand for too long? A super metallic note. Actually, it’s quite icky and I’m not sure if I can handle this. I’m thinking it’s the fruity note mixed with clove. The fruit… hmm… dark, maybe a berry or fig. I’m going to try this on my wallet because I really can’t wear it sadly. The throw is VERY strong and it has a long wearlength.

  3. In Bottle: Sweet floral


    On Skin: I smell florals right away. Sweet ones, maybe orange blossom or honeysuckle. Fresh and bright with a slight powdery edge on drydown. Very feminine and pretty. I see this as innocent and can see why it would inspire compassion. It’s also comforting and soft. It does seem to be a “pick me up” scent, I would love to try it for lonliness since I’ve been feeling a lot of that lately. A beautiful room scent as well. Light throw and average wear length on me.

  4. Unreleased TAL oil



    A glorious lust and attraction blend. Used to fan flagging passions, create an atmosphere of lusty wantonness and inspire sexual urges.

    In Bottle: Earthy


    On Skin: I smell patchouli right off... earthy, dirty and smoky. There is also a crisp herbal note and something extra smoky. I also think I smell the animalistic note of civet... civet is usually more cat pee on me but here it's very musky and hmm... ugh. Sadly, these are all notes that don't work on me, but I do get a feeling of wild sexual energy. Lust, passion, fire, sex, all terms I think of when I smell this. After about an hour, it is pure civet on me. Egads. I'm all about trying this scent with my husband as soon as I have a chance. I'd use it on a candle or in an oil burner and see what happens. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  5. In Bottle: Cloves


    On Skin: Egads, this is extreme clove. So much I gagged a little since I really don’t like the smell of cloves on my skin. I also smell something slightly medicinal, maybe herbal? It doesn’t really agree with me. I’m not sure if the Magikal properties or intent of this scent work but I did use it last night and had someone I really look up to and admire email me today providing an opportunity I could only dream of. I’m also not getting the citrus note that some people have reported. I get clove, a slightly dirty medicinal herbal note and something slightly sweet. After two hours, it becomes very sexy and the clove mellows into a soft spicy musky feel. Now this I would wear… I just am sad I have to wait for so long for it to get to that stage. It has a light to medium throw and short to average wearlength.

  6. In Bottle: Pine and dirt


    On Skin: Pine screams from this scent, that sweet pungent feel from a freshly picked pine needle. There is also a very dirty earthy note, maybe the leaves? They are quite crisp and do give it a very planty feel. The cranberry offers a fruity tart note, and the wood softens the sharpness of the pine and leaves. This smells like the woods, and of course when I smell pine and cranberry… I think of Christmas, so I also get a holiday feel from this. Not a scent I’d wear as a perfume since the pine is so string but I’d love to use it as a room scent. After an hour, the pine mellows out and it’s much prettier. I’ve never hung out in New Jersey so I can’t say if it really is New Jerseyish, but it’s quite interesting. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  7. In Bottle: Vanilla, sandalwood and musk


    On Skin: I LOVE IT!!! This scent has won my heart, I want gallons of it!!! My husband took one sniff and his eyes lit up like I’ve never seen! An obvious YES! The vanilla and sandalwood are strongest, two of my favorite notes on both myself and him. He says he thinks it’s a little more feminie, so I think I’ll wear it and “manage” to rub a little off on him. :P The musk adds to the velvet texture of this scent… mixed with the amber, orris and other resinous darker notes it just seems so soft, innocently seductive and drop dead beautiful. I don’t smell the lily amazingly, it must be very light. The sea moss is also very, very faint giving just a echo of an aquatic feel. The vanilla covers everything in a creamy sauce that sweetens it all. It reminds me of a stronger and more complex Monsterbait Underpants. I love it completely. Light to medium throw, average to long wearlength.

  8. In Bottle: Sweet velvety fruit


    On Skin: This is delicious! The apple comes out first, crisp and tart. Followed by super yummy sweet honey (yay!) and the light juicyness of peach. The skin musk makes me want to lean in and nuzzle my wrist. The frankincense and myrrh are actually quite light which is nice. I thought they would overpower the scent with a darker feel, but in reality this scent has a nice balance… neither bright nor dark. The rose starts to come forward, but luckily it’s not too sour since the orange blossom helps sweeten it. I want a bottle of this, it is so beautiful and feminine. It’s not “too” anything… not too floral, not too sweet, not too tart, not too fruity, not too smoky… I love it! I thinkit’s a feminine scent for sure, and a perfect love potion since it does entice people to lean in. Light throw and average wearlength.

  9. In Bottle: Almond and citrus


    On Skin: This is neat! I smell the sweet cherry like note of almond, and also a tart and slightly bitter orange peel. There’s a little spice, maybe cinnamon? Oh! This is quite yummy! There is a creamy backnote… this smells like a dessert of some sort that I know I have had but can’t exactly place. I get a bit of a Dana Oshee feel from this mixed with orange… it has that sweet grain and creamy feel of Dana. While I love thiss cent, the orange turns me off a bit. I wouldn’t wear it but I’d love to use it as a room scent. It’s prefect for the holidays, nice and comforting and warm. It has a light throw and short to average wearlength.

  10. In Bottle: Sweet floral and resin


    On Skin: This scent is amazing. I am completely in love. The thick jasmine counteracts the tart and bitter rose. The myrrh and sandalwood give a gorgeous resinous and deep wood romp. The wine has a dark red and sexy feel, and lastly the patchouli gives a smoky but subtle wickedness. I normally don’t like patchouli but it works in this scent. I have to say, the description fits the scent perfectly. Alluring with a capital A. After a bit the rose becomes a little stronger (darn it!) but still is quite beautiful. So feminine and powerful. This is a rose scent I would actually wear… and beware me when I do because it gives me the feeling of complete power. I think this has to be one of the scents that I put into the “strong women only” category. Light to medium throw, average wearlength.

  11. MCXV: Chaos Theory III Strange Attractors


    In Bottle: Cinnamon


    On Skin: Translates to number 1115. Um, wow, wow and wow. This is extreme cinnamon. If you like spice, especially cinnamon, this scent was made for you. Sadly, cinnamon is one of my worst enemies. There is a nice sweetness in the background that I hope will come forward more. This is more of a bakery scent than a Red Hot candies scent. I think I detect a little nutmeg. I’m think if you like Three Witches, you will LOVE this scent. I will more than likely swap this scent to try and find one more my taste, sweet and foody or seductive and musky. It also has the slightest mose subtle apple in the background, quite foody for sure. This one needs a hope where it will be appreciated. It has super strong throw and amazing wearlength.

  12. In Bottle: Green tea and aquatic


    On Skin: Wow, this is very crisp and fresh! The green tea comes forward right away, as it always does on me. My skin amps green tea like there’s no tomorrow. The seaspray gives a strong clean aquatic feel and the mint and lime are very sharp. The verbena offers a lemon feel, not as sweet as it normally is on me. The aloe gives it a nice smooth and alive feel. Lastly, the white musk (one of my favorite notes ever) layers it all in the most delicate sheet of softness. It’s a scent that seems a bit more masculine to be, but still “pretty”. The aquaticness and sharpness of this scent don’t seem to make me fall in love with this blend. I’ll probably want to keep an imp and swap the rest of the bottle. Medium throw and average wearlength.

  13. In Bottle: Plants and dirt.


    On Skin: I get a very earthy feel from this scent right away. It smells like being outside digging in the garden, but in an exotic location. This is another island jungle scent… I think it’s the third of it’s kind that I’ve reviewed from the latest update. But this one is very aquatic and very planty as compared to the other two which were more floral. The palm and tropical ferns are dominant and green with the salty sea splashing them with it’s blue/white aquatic note. The bittersweet wine is much more hidden and only shows itself about 20 minutes into drydown and is very faint. A floral note does start to come out, but it’s crisp and white, not sweet or sticky at all. This becomes a very clean and pretty scent, despite it starting so earthy and dirt like. It’s refreshing and feels like a vacation. Light to medium throw and short to average wearlength.

  14. In Bottle: Cherry almond


    On Skin: It’s the sweet cherry scent of almond in your face. But it quickly morphs as the other notes catch up. Wow! I am so excited by how interesting this scent is! The jasmine and lilies are heady and sweet, the cinnamon leaf is spicy yet herbal and green, the patchouli is smoky and slightly dirty, the incense gives a beautiful soft spicy feel without being super smoky and the saffron, bergamot and fig leaf are in the background but weaving in and out of the blend. As the scent develops further, the almonds sweetness dies down and the smokier and spicier notes become more dominant. I get a very Moroccan feel from this scent, exotic and dark. Overall it becomes a spicy incense blend laying on a bed of sweet dried flowers. Because of that, it is quite powdery and not really a scent I’d wear often. But I did love watching it morph into different levels. Very light throw and short wearlength (it faded super quick on me).

  15. In Bottle: Sweet verbena and herbs


    On Skin: I get a very yellow green feel from this scent. This is so pretty! Verbena usually goes all lemon on me, but here it sweetens up even more and is like candy. The ginger is also less aggressive than normal and gives a soft spice. The grass and sage give the green notes, bright and alive. I wore Carnaval Diabolique yesterday and it reminds of that ever so slightly. This is a little more alive and vibrant where as Carnaval is sweeter and much more candylike. The rain gives a very distant echo of ozone that adds to the freshness, but doesn’t make it an “ozone” blend exactly. The amber adds to the sweetness with a velvet resin that helps balance the normal sharpness of some of the other notes. Very pretty. Light throw and short to average wearlength.

  16. In Bottle: Floral and wood


    On Skin: The florals are strongest and very sharp. I get a soapy not right away that is also a bit sour. This scent is very white but there is a soft darker base that gorunds the scent and keeps it from being overwhelmingly floral. It is very perfumey and I like that although it is an elegant floral it has the darker notes that give a sexy and naughty edge… like a woman all dressed up who finally lets her hair down and rips the slit in her skirt a little higher. The notes blend so well it’s hard for me to say which one is dominant. I can say that the florals are sharp with the gardenia giving a very slight milky white feel that balances them, the wood is soft and dark and the whiskey sweetens and deepens the scent. The absinthe is a note I really love and I smell it right away from Absinthe, La Fee Verte and other BPAL blends. This is a gorgeous scent with medium to strong throw and average wearlength.

  17. In Bottle: Dirt


    On Skin: This is a very earthy dirt scent. Wet soil, dark black and full of nutrients. It is also very smoky with a brimstone feel. Somewhere in the back I actually smell a little floral. This reminds me of survval on an island. Cutting through overgrown plants, digging in the dirt, a fire warming your night and for cooking, tropical flowers in the distance, a light mist of sea air. This scent scares me a little while The Isles of the Demons is more bright and fun and alive. While this scent is quite interesting, I don’t see myself wearing it. It’s off to the swaps. Light throw and average wearlength.

  18. In Bottle: Cold and sweet


    On Skin: This is so bright and unique!! I get a Snow White and Ice Queen feel from it right away. That beautiful clean white glittering snow note and also the slight pine. The clay and stone confuse me, this smells alive and bright, I don’t get dry stone or thick dry clay at all. The incense is coming forward, a nice soft spice and not smoky. The aquatic notes are very strong and give a wet feel, but not dripping wet, more like a little quick splash... maybe slowly melting ice? The florals are sweet and I think give a fruity tone as well. This scent has a beautiful cold crisp feel. A perfect fix for me since we’ve had a hot summer here in Colorado. A must try for fans of Snow White, Ice Queen and Skadi. Average to strong throw, medium to long wearlength.

  19. In Bottle: Super sweet floral


    On Skin: This smelled like those little violet flavored Pastelle candies at first. This is the most delicate scent I have ever smelled. It feels light purple and is so dainty and fragile it’s amazing. This is a scent that is going to make people lean in and breathe in deeply. It is gorgeous and it seems to have a beautiful skin musk feel to it… I wonder if there is white musk in it. The scent is very very light and powdery, super feminine without a doubt. The ylang ylang is very tame and the violet seems to be the dominant note. The franincense might be the musky note I’m sensing, and if it is, it is the most gentle frankincese I’ve ever smelled. I don’t sense the grave loam, if it’s supposed to be earthy… this scent is completely light and pretty with no dark notes at all. I do love the scent and will keep my imp for sure. But it wears off quite quickly sadly. Light throw and short wearlength.

  20. In Bottle: Sweet darkness


    On Skin: This is so wonderful! I expected dark scary smokiness. Instead it is sweet, deep and quite alive. It is lush, dark green and quite exciting. While it is dark, it isn’t pitch dark, there is light shining in little patches, here and there. When you make your way through the jungle, the greenery traps you inside, but the sun finds you every once in a while. After about 15 minutes it starts getting an ozone feel, probably from some of the florals. This is very much a jungle… I smell the sweet sap from tropocal trees and flowers, the planty and earthy notes from the floor, and the slight ozone of the nearby beach. The musk is also present which gives the scent it’s distinct darkess, it is very velvety and makes the perfect base for this scent. A very light throw and short wearlength.

  21. On Bottle: Sharb herbs and floral


    On Skin: This is a very green scent and is is extremely sharp. There is a strong ozone feel and the ferns are very dominant and herbal. The lilac comes out second, not shy at all. It is very pretty and feminine but far too floral and herbal for me. I don’t smell the black currant oddly, and the rose is there but softer than the lilac and fern. The absinthe gives a nice contrast and I can feel a little note of La Fee Verte in there with the beautiful sugar giving the lighest dash of sweetness. The sharpness is still dominant though and it tears up my eyes a little, I’d apply this sparingly. I get a very green and lavender feel from this scent. A light to average throw but when you do catch the scent it is sharp which is why I wouldn’t slather this. Nice long wearlength.

  22. In Bottle: Salty wood


    On Skin: This is so interesting! I smell the salty air right away. The wood is the second most dominant wood, deep, wet and musty. The rum is sweet and dark with a gorgeous spice that is very attractive. I actually think this scent is quite masculine and as far as shi and pirate scents go, this is my favorite so far. It is also a bit perfumey, but not in an expensive department store floral way… more soapy and ozoney. I really want to smell this on my husband. Average throw with a nice long wearlength.

  23. In Bottle: Tea


    On Skin: I think I need to give up on any scents with tea I them because my skin amps the tea and that’s pretty much all I get. I’m not a tea fan at all, but other notes talk me into it. For instance in this scent, I was won over by the sugar cane and honey. This scent becomes a very Aisian feeling tea scent. I already have a bunch of those scents so I’m not sure if I’ll be keeping this one unless it really morphs. Let’s see… the tea is very strong as I have already said. The lemongrass adds to the Asian feel and the mint gives a light yet sharp herbal note. The honey is not syrupy like in O or other heavy honey scents, but it combined with the sugar cane does sweeten the scent. And the orange blossom is present but very much in the background. Overall, this is the most strightforward “cup of tea” scent I have smelled. While other blends are more creamy or floral or go other routes, this sticks to a warm cup of tea at teatime. Tea lovers must try this scent since it is so realistic. Light throw and short to average wearlength.

  24. In Bottle: Sweet Fruit


    On Skin: The guava and apple jum out at me right away. And I smell the white pepper too, it’s a light spice but gives that super slight twitch to my nose. This is a gentle and extremely sweet scent, a MUST for fruit lovers. I get a pinky yellow feel from this. This reminds me of a huge jar of candy at the Carnaval, because while it’s fruity, it does have that sweet spun sugar note that screams candy. Another yum scent for me!! I’m getting rock candy, lollipops, snowcones… all the fruity carnival sweets. I get a slight bubble gum feel to it, but nothing like Jailbait or Aunt Carolines Joy Mojo or Siren become on me. This is also a great pick me up scent or for whenever you need a reminder of carefree summer days. This is a very young and girly scent. I could never see a man earing it, that’s for sure. Medium thorw and short to average wearlength.

  25. In Bottle: Buttercream


    On Skin: At first in the bottle, I smell Hellcat and Gluttony. But it changes right away. Wow, this is beyond foody. This is dessert goods to an extreme! I can smell the milk and honey, sweet and cream like, and I can smell each crumb of the sweet cakes. Caramel isn’t a note listed, but I seem to smell it. I also smell spices, cinnamon maybe? Something is spicy for sure and it’s sadly not agreeing with me. I got a 10ml of this unsniffed because it sounded like it was made for me so I’m going to wait for it to develop before I give up on it. There is a slight berry wine note, but it isn’t overwhelming like Kali or Bachanalia. After about a half hour, the wine comes out a bit more, deep and beautiful adding an adult quality to the scent. Ok, I’m happy, this is warming up on me wonderfully. The spices and wine in it save it from being an overly sweet foody scent. It has more levels that deepen it and make it quite wearable for many people. It would also be delicious as a room scent, especially for cold days since it gives off such a warm feel. Strong throw and long wearlength.
