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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by slave1

  1. In Bottle: Sweet and smoky


    On Skin: This smells almost identical to last years blend. Beautiful sexy dark musk, the mulling spices and the delicious sweetness followed by the perfect autumn smoke note. The booze note does come out more in this blend because I could barely notice it in last years blend. I also get a very, *very* light apple note, far in the backgorund but it does offer a slight tart contarts to the smoke and sweetness. This is very much a Fall evening scent and I love the mood it creates. I am liking the 2006 version better and also would love to use it as a room scent. It has a medium throw but a pretty short wearlength.

  2. In Bottle: White florals


    On Skin: This is an extreme floral through and through. I was hoping the night musk might help mellow it out a bit, but the musk is very light and I am thinking this floral is just too much for me. It is all white or light colored flowers, so the name fits perfectly. To me the lily and lilac are strongest. It is very white/light purple in feel. The sandalwood has a light woody note in the background, giving it a nice clean depth. But all in all, the overwhelming florals seem almost like a floral scented cleaning solution to me. I smelled this on my friend and it smelled heavenly on her since the musk came out more, but on me it is amped florals to the extreme and just isn’t working. I do get a night feel from this, like a beautiful flower garden in the moonlight. Strong throw and average wearlength.

  3. In Bottle: Floral, resin and leather


    On Skin: Of course I’m a little worried about the patchouli, but wow, it isn’t strong! Patchouli is being my friend again for the third time in a row! It is there, I smell it’s tell-tale earthiness, but it’s softened by the beautiful sweet honeycomb, honeysuckle and magnolia. The red musk is drop-dead sexy… and wears beautifully next to my skin… meaning it’s combining very nicely with the skin musk as well. The ginger gives a sweet spice and the leather gives a GORGEOUS naughty sex appeal. This is a Trick scent for sure. I am sooooooooooo happy this scent works on me, I will treasure my bottle. Very dark, sexy, and fits the description to a T!!! YAY!!! Medium throw, average wearlength.

  4. In Bottle: Buttercream, orange, cocoa


    On Skin: The orange and buttercream are strongest. The buttercream is thick, and the orange is very sweet and candy like (no fresh juicy orange). The chocolate is also quite strong… this smells like those chocolates filled with orange buttercream exactly!! Wow!! I was worried about the cardamom and clove, but they are VERY faint, just a slight spice in the back playing with the also light ginger. The mint does actually cut through, and adds to the candy feel. The fig and coconut I’m having a real hard time finding. I’m thinking the fig isn’t standing on it’s own… rather it’s blending with the orange and sweetening it making a beautiful candied fruit feel. Now the coconut… hmmm… yes… it is also blending, but with the buttercream. It’s like a coconut buttercream flavored with orange and fig. Perfect! As the scent develops, the ginger comes forward and it reminds me of candied ginger and that adds another unique element to this scent. This is a sweet delicious scent, but not really one I will wear bunches. I think I will save it for festive Halloween events and maybe use a little for a room scent. Medium to strong throw and very good wearlength.



    In Bottle: Fruity sweet yum!


    On Skin: This is number 972. Ok, this is fruit in a good way. I also get sugar which is a grand thing in my book. This smells like sweet pink candies… yes slightly like Aqualina’s Pink Sugar but not as cotton candyish, more fruity. There is also a soft gorgeous skin musk in the background, can a scent be any more beautiful??? I want gallons of this, holy moly. This scent is very “pink” in feel and quite girly. Light throw and average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Menthol and sweet ick


    On Skin: This is number 894. This scent does not like me at all. I am actually quite scared of it. It is super strong and has a very toxic smell to it. I get rotting fruit, menthol and plastic. I’m not sure what fruit it is, it’s sweet but not an obvious fruit… maybe mango or papaya. But it’s overly ripe and at that point of turning. I also get an herbal feel from it which explains the menthol note. That’s a s far as I’m going to review it because it is terrible on me and I must wash it off. Sorry… :P Strong throw and unsure of wearlength.


    Previously reviewed by roesmoker.



    In Bottle: Dirt and floral


    On Skin: This is number 222. This is a very clean feeling scent. Fresh and bright. I smell white and lighter colored florals. I also detect a slightly earthy dirt note that helps ground the scent while also making it even more alive. I smell a soapy note, perhaps a white musk and it starts to beome stronger as the scent develops. Very pretty, and I can see this scent being worn by either men or women. I like the scent, but nothing really stands out to me and it also fades extremely quickly. The throw is light to medium and the wearlength seems very short.


    Previously reviewed by roesmoker.

  8. DCCCLXXXII: Number 882


    In Bottle: Fruity and fizzy


    On Skin: I get a sweet dark fruit first off, berries maybe, but there is this odd almost chemical feel under it. I also get a bit of a cola soda note complete with a little fizz. This scent is very light. While I like catching a slight whiff of it, if I lean in to truly get a feel for the scent and breathe in deeply, the chemical note is just not pleasing. It makes me a little queasy. As the scent develops I also get a tart lime note. Interesting… it’s reminding me of a lime cherry cola. The scent fades COMPLETELY in about a half hour. Low throw and very short wearlength.


    Previously reviewed by roesmoker.

  9. In Bottle: Sweet and citrus


    On Skin: I get a lemon-lime feel at first from the lemongrass and lime, but then it becomes deeper and more complex. I smell planty notes and soft florals... the florals are so well blended it is hard to pick them each out individually. The coconut meat is interesting because it isn’t as sweet as normal, but still ads a creamy feeling. The amber gives it depth and a bit of a powdery edge and the musk also adds to the depth in a sexy way. I do get a TAL “Milk and Honey” feel from this, very comforting with a sweet/sour feel. I like this scent and think it will catch people’s attention. I consider it alive and bright, different from all the Fall and Halloween blends I’ve been reviewing lately. This has a Picnic feel for sure. Light throw and average to long wearlength.

  10. In Bottle: Bright florals and musk


    On Skin: The florals jump out right away and are slightly soapy. Hmmm… lily doesn’t usually turn that way on me nor does plum blossom so it must be the osmanthus. This scent is quite sharp, not what I was expecting. After about 15 minutes of drydown, the scent really starts to fade and I can smell a few of the deeper notes… the skin musk clean and soft to the skin and the honey very VERY lightly coating the florals. The amber is subtle and makes the scent a little powdery combined with the sandalwood. The most shocking thing is the Eastern spices. Usually they amp on me and here I can barely notice them. This scent isn’t what I expected at all, and I’m a bit sad it is so faint and fades within 20 minutes. My skin just soaks it right up. It is a very feminine scent, beautiful and golden. But if you are looking for a honey scnet like I was, this isn’t the traditional BPAL honey at all. The honey is a very distant highlight note. This blend is floral and very close to the skin. Super light throw and very short wearlength.

  11. In Bottle: Caramel apple


    On Skin: Oh yum… oh yum… oh yum. Can I eat my wrist? The details in this scent are so dead-on I have no idea how Beth does it. I smell the sweet butter of the butterscotch… so sticky. The brown camelized sugar, gooey… more yum. The tart and crisp apples, I can feel myself biting into them and tasting each of these flavors. And under it all the slight booziness of the coconut rum. I am in love!!! This scent is amazing and one of the best foody blends I have ever tried. I want to wear it, bathe in it, scent the room with it… oh yes! This is so perfect for the Halloween season!! I think this ties with Sugar Skull 04 for me as my favorite scent to get festive and in the mood for Halloween. My bottle will be used quickly which means I must order another. Strong throw and short to average wearlength.

  12. In Bottle: Sweet yummy cake!


    On Skin: Of course I was all about this scnet the moment I saw “sugared currant scent of offertory soul cakes”. The dominant note in this scent on me is the cakes for sure. Moist, crumbling yummy goodness. The currant is light and doesn’t really give this scent a fruity feel, just added sweetness and a little color. The incense is smoky and sweet with a little floral but not overwhelming. This blend is fairly light and I have to breathe in deep to appreciate how lovely it is. While it is a foody scent for sure, it isn’t extreme, it’s gentle and soft. I see this as being a darker more Fall version of Eat Me. Sadly, the soul cakes fade fairly quick and I am left with mostly the incense in the drydown. Still a great scent and I’m glad I got a bottle since I will have to slather it. Very light throw and very short wearlength.

  13. In Bottle: Sweet, smoky pine


    On Skin: I smell the pine right away, but it’s not that crisp tart pine, it’s a very sticky sweet pine… like concentrated sap. It’s actually quite yummy. Ok, it’s the sarsaparilla that’s yummy. I want a sarsaparilla signle note! The almond milk is also delicious, so creamy and decadent. This scent is like a rootbeer float in a bar in the mountain town of Deadwood. So interesting!!! So many levels! And the patchouli doesn’t hate me again. Is patchouli suddenly deciding to smell differently on me? Usually it smells dirty, earthy and slightly rank, but here it’s just dark and smoky and combines with the sweet tobacco smoke perfectly. This scent is a great masculine scent for a man that doesn’t want to smell like the normal department store scents. It’s completely unique. I’m making my husband try this one for sure. Sadly the almond milk (my favorite note) fades the quickest. I’d say this is mainly a pine and smoky scent. Light to medium throw, short to average wearlength.

  14. In Bottle: Almond cherries and spice


    On Skin: Yum! Very sweet! The dark cherry also has an almond essence to it, very nice. The cassis gives a soft spice that actually works on me for once. YAY!! This scent smells so sweet and tempting for a child, but it has a evil, dark deceptive side to it, I love that. The patchouli is balanced by the sweetness so it doesn’t become dirt on me like it normally does, it just gives a dark, smoky note in the background. This scent screams red and gives a very warm feel. I actually feel my face starting to flush. I can smell the verbena so lightly in the background, it’s almost non-existant, but since it’s been in a bunch of scents I’ve reviewed lately, I notice it and am able to give it a nod hello. But it’s hiding, because the cherry and spices own this scent. This is one of the first spict scents I’ve liked. I don’t think I need a bottle, but I will keep my half imp. Strong throw at first but fades to medium throw. Long wearlength.

  15. In Bottle: Sharp cedar and sour rose


    On Skin: Wow, cedar is the front here without a doubt. Very pungent, woody and sharp. The labdanum offers a sweet resinous smoky feel and the teak adds to the strength of the woods. The rose is very sour, tart and sharp, not my favorite note. If you like rose and woody notes, this one should be up your alley. This blend doesn’t seem to work on me at all sadly. It is so sour it just turns me off, but there is a sickly sweetness underneathe it all that also turns my stomach. Sorry Beth, you know I love your blends but this one doesn’t love me back. Very strong throw and long wearlength.

  16. In Bottle: Violet


    On Skin: The dominant note is the violet water, followed by the sweet strong jasmine. This is actually quite pretty, the violet is so innocent and then the dark musk shows itself and gives a slight sinister edge. Very velvety and soft. The vanilla gives a gorgeous sweetness and adds to the youthful and innocent feel of this blend. This is a very floral scent, if you love violet and jasmine you must try this scent. As the scent develops though, the musk base becomes even stronger which makes it even better in my book since I’m not a fan of pure florals. With the violet and musk combined, it is quite powdery. While this is a very pretty scent, it is still a little too floral for me. I will keep my imp though, to sniff whenever I need a violet fix. Light to medium throw, average wearlength.

  17. In Bottle: Dark woods and smoke


    On Skin: This is incense, strong and in your face. It is dark, smoky and full of vetiver. Very planty, earthy and smoky. The cedar reminds me of being in a sauna where the walls are made of cedar and it’s damp and slightly mildewy. The frankincese is very strong and smoky… I feel like I am in a church and there is incense burning everywhere. It’s just too much for me. The sandalwood seems to blend with the cedar and not really stand on it’s own. This is not a scent I’d wear, it’s just much too smoky and incensey. Medium to strong throw and long wearlength.

  18. In Bottle: Woody herbal lavendar


    On Skin: Very strong and quite sour woods with a sharp herbal edge. I also get a bunch of lavendar. Sadly, lavendar is one of my least favorite notes, and combined with the herbs, this sour sharp scent is almost too much for me to handle. I smell lemon I think as well. This smells like a lavendar soap I think, which if you love lavendar, you must try this blend. It’s relaxing but also the sharpness of it offers a nice pick me up. In the background is a slight sweetness, maybe violet because it’s seems floral and purple still. Lavendar and violet compliment each other pretty well. But it is not a scent I’d wear. I’m thinking of using it for a linen spray or sachets for my bed sheets. It is a great sleep blend, just not a body perfume for me. Medium throw and long wearlength.

  19. In Bottle: Dragon’s blood and cassia


    On Skin: This screams cassia on me right away. Spicy and quite a compliment with the sweet dragon’s blood resin. But… as cassia always is on me… it becomes overwhelmingly strong. It actually burns my nose. The patchouli is tame and actually blends with the myrrh and blood musk well enough that it doesn’t give the trademark dirt note it usually does on me. The smoke is also under control, just offering a depth with a slight dark feel. The pomegranate gives a nice rich burgandy feel, sweet yet tart, but it doesn’t make this a fruity blend at all. The dragon’s blood and cassia are still in control. The smoke starts to become stronger making this blend feel a bit like an incense. This scent reminds me just slightly of Blood Moon. Interesting. The pomegranate comes out a little more as the scent develops, and it really begins to remind me of holiday candles. It’s pretty, but the cassia really kills it for me making it a scent I wouldn’t wear… but I might use it in an oil burner during the winter holidays. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  20. In Bottle: Apple


    On Skin: The dragon’s blood resin in this blend is very, very light. This scent is primarily apple and hyacinth on me. The apple is yellow or a Granny Smith maybe and it provides a sweet, crisp note, and the apple blossom and hyacinth are nice soft florals. The white musk is also light and seems like a gorgeous thin layer of silk that the apples and blossoms have fallen onto in the fall weather. I do get a light hint of “The Hesperides” in this as well, “Ladon” is just more feminine and pretty. This scent is very white with a touch of Autumn yellow/gold. I wouldn’t even consider it a Dragon’s Blood blend since the resin is so in the background that you can hardly notice it. I think it’s a beautiful scent, I do wish there was a little more Dragon’s Blood in it though… I may try layering it with a drop of the plain Dragon’s Blood blend. Very light throw and average wearlength.

  21. In Bottle: Sweet and spicy citrus


    On Skin: I get clove right away and something warm and citrusy. It’s a sweet citrus so I’m thinking orange, especially since I get a red/orange feel from it. There is also a slight metalic edge to it, that is from the clove. As it develops on my skin, something musky and resinous starts to come forward. Beautiful! I love musk and musk loves me. Luckily, the clove starts to fade and so does the metallic edge. With the sweetness of the fruit it balances so well… this is quite a different sexy scent for me. While it’s a musk scent and musk scents are always sexy in my opinion, this one has a more serious feel. Not raunchy, not seductive, just “real”. It is very warm and I love it. I can’t wait to see if it’s intent works. Light throw and short to average wearlength.

  22. In bottle: Medicinal woody and pungent


    On Skin: This is a very strong blend. I get a smoky woody medicinal note, not very pleasant at all. As it develops on my skin it becomes very menthol/herbal. I think it is eucalyptus… very pungent, but also slightly dirty. A little while later into the drydown a sweet citrus surfaces, it smells like orange and now this scent reminds me of an orange cleaner. It’s very fresh and the “cleaner” smell starts to fade luckily. It does give me vigor but I don’t like the way it smells. I think I might pass on this scent since other blends give the same effect but smell better to me. Very strong throw and long wearlength.

  23. In Bottle: Lavendar and rose


    On Skin: This is a sleep blend so lavendar was to be expected. Sadly, I am not a fan of lavendar, especially when it turns sour on me like this blend has and the rose makes it even more sour since it is another floral that doesn’t like my skin. It is much better used on linens or candles and not on my skin. I anointed the proper spots and I am actually feeling sleepy and relaxed right away. I’m going to go to bed in about 10 minutes and I can’t wait to see how it works. Fairly strong throw.

  24. In Bottle: Dark sweet resin


    On Skin: I exclaimed “Oh yum!” when I opened this bottle. I didn’t expect this at all!!! It is a super dark and sweet resinous blend. I get the opoponax right away, the sweet resin commands this scent. The terebinth and myrrh add to the resinous feel making this have a sticky feel. This scent is black for sure, with a slightly golden brown tone. The night musk gives it a very sexy edge… a black fur blanket. The patchouli is actually quite pretty, earthy but not dirty. YAY! Patchouli is my least favorite note but it’s my friend here. The amber gives a soft spicy feel as well and is slightly powdery but not enough to make my nose twitch. I am not familiar with Zdravetz but it’s supposed to be a geranium-like note. That might also add to the earthy feel I get. All in all, this is a resin blend without a doubt. Deep, dark, swet and sticky. More masculine I feel, but I will be wearing this too because I LOVE it. Not a typical scent for me, and not one for the lab either. I can’t say it reminds me of any of their other blends. Huge kudos to Brian!!!!! I love that these two scents are the polar opposites of each other. Two completely different feelings and I love them both. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  25. In Bottle: Floral


    On Skin: This is an extreme floral at first. The orchid is strong and regal and the motia attar gives a sweet jasmine note. The Blue lotus is sweet, but not overly sweet like regular lotus. I get a dark background note… maybe the massoia which is supposed to be earthy/barky. The mugwort is slightly herbal but nothing sharp, just a nice soft minty feel. The cucumber and pear are also very light, so to me this is not as close to Blue Moon as I was hoping. I wanted those two notes to just amp the hell up on my skin. The pear is more in the front than the cucumber, I can barely smell the cucumber but the pear does offer a sweet fruity note. The jonquil and calamus I’m not to familiar with other than Jonquil is a floral and Calamus is supposed to be a sweet aphrodisiac. The crystal musk is so very light, but ads a beautiful clear and soft note to the scent, not overly musky, but just soft and velvety. This scent fades very quickly on me. Wow, that’s sad. I must slather!! This scent is very well blended because after about 20 minutes, it’s hard to read each individual note, they just blend together in a beautiful feminine blur with a light blue tone. I see myself wearing this a lot, it has become one of my favorite Lunacies. Very light throw and super short wearlength.
