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Posts posted by slave1



    In Bottle: Orange blossom and tea


    On Skin: The orange blossom comes out right away mixed with a strong tea note. The opoponax and benzoin are sweet and resinous… deep and almost sticky. The mahogany gives a nice fresh woody note while the karakarounde brings a floral to the mix. I can’t smell the vetiver which I’m not complaining about because it’s usually icky on me. It’s a pretty scent but not really me, especially since the orange blossom and tea are so strong. I think I’d like it more as a room scent. It’s fresh, pretty and sweet, very inviting and even a little relaxing. Medium throw and average to long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Violet Pledge


    On Skin: I get violet and wood cleaner. Strong cleaner, like Pledge but not lemon scented Pledge. The Pledge feeling fades quickly thankfully and becomes just a woody note, but then there is the overwhelming violet. I’m note sure I like it, because while I don’t mind violet, I like it to be soft. This is anything but soft, it screams violet. The vanilla musk finally starts to come out… if this was the dominant note I’d be in love, but sadly the violet drowns it. I also get a nice sweet spice and a gorgeous peek of amber. The scent does fade rather quickly so it only remains overpowering for the first 15 minutes. I’m left with a violet, woody sweet scent that is quite nice. So if I can get over the initial shocl of the scent, I’m sure to wear it again. A very pretty drydown. String throw at first but fades nicely… the wearlength is fairly long but faint.

  3. In Bottle: Sweet woods

    On Skin: This is so sweet and beautiful. It’s actually much more simple than other Salon blends, which is not a bad thing. It seems more to the point, but still is very skillfully blended. The woods are very light but still dominant. I’m actually shocked at what a mild scent this is. The notes listed sounded so heavy but it’s a very subtle pretty scent. Very warm and red feeling. The pepper is also light thankfully, it doesn’t tickle my nose at all. The frankincense offers a beautiful sweet incense feel and the tobacco is lightly smoky and not scary in the slightest. I thought this would be an overly smoky scent but instead I’m treated to something quite beautiful and sweet. I would wear this again for sure. Light throw and short wearlength on me... it faded super quick.



    In Bottle: Vetiver and dirt


    On Skin: Eeek! This scent is very earthy and dirty on me, I blame the vetiver since it stands out right away. I also smell the black musk which I like, but it really is overshadowed by the vetiver. This scent is very powdery and has a very spicy… from the tamarind I think… and dark feel. The ajowan is very herbal and the mimosa adds to the planty earthy notes. The opoponax starts to come out, yay! Sweet and resinous it’s helps balance the scent. All in all, a very dark smoky, earthy and spicy scent. Sadly, not really my thing. Average to strong throw, avergae wearlength.



    In Bottle: Leather, musk and incense


    On Skin: The incense and musk are strongest followed by the leather. So dark, so spicy, so brooding. I love how this scent makes me feel even a little scared, it seems like pure darkness. The leather, on of my favorite notes, gives a masculine edge. The blood musk drips with sex appeal and fear, the incense warms the scent and gives a gorgeous spice mixed with the bite of the white pepper that tickles my nose faintly. The chamomile gives a relaxing herbal feel, so soothing that it comforts the bit of fear that the scent has created. For such strong notes listed, this scent is actually quite light and fades very fast. It would have to be slathered and I think I’m going to make my husband try just that!



    In Bottle: Sweet floral


    On Skin: I get honeysuckle and jasmine from this. A very sticky sweet floral with a slight soapy note. There is also a light tart note which I think is rose. This scent reminds me of my grandmothers little guest soaps. Dainty, floral and clean and slightly waxy. This is a very feminine scent, floral to the extreme, but as the scent develops it does mellow out and reminds me of a potpourri packets for the lingerie drawer. Very womanly and very pretty. It has a light to average throw but fades quicker than other scents so I’d say a short to average wearlength.

  7. TREAT #1


    In Bottle: Fruity delicious pink candy!


    On Skin: To me this smells like a watermelon and pink lemonade Jolly Rancher mixed together. Sweet but also so tart! I want to lick my wrist, it smells so realistic! I am so happy I swapped my Treat #2 for this, it is so much more “me”. This scent feels very pink and very girly, if someone smells this on you, the first thing they’re going to say, is “yum, where’s the candy” and the second things they’re going to say is “are you going to share???” As the scent develops, the tartness fades a little and it actually becomes creamy, how interesting! I love it even more!! This is one of the best sweet BPAL scents I have ever tried. I am going to treasure my bottle. Average medium throw and average to long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Citrus!


    On Skin: The yuzu and grapefruit come screaming out of this one! This will wake you right up. A very original scent from Beth, I don’t there’s anything like this anywhere. I have seen the comparison to Aizen-Myoo but this one feels much more extreme. The kumquat comes front and center as well! A very bright and tart fruit blend, with subtle florals in the background that try and sprinkle some sweetness on the blend but instead lay buried beneath the strong fruits. Very pretty, very bright, very in your face. As the scent develops and about 20 minutes into drydown, the scent does mellow and soften up a bit letting the florals peek through. I like the originality of this scent but it’s a bit too citrus for me. If you are a fan of citrus, put this one at the top of your list. Strong throw and great wearlength.



    In Bottle: Delicate aquatic


    On Skin: Very aquatic, I love the feeling this evokes. And with such strong notes listed in the description, I am shocked at how delicate this scent is. The eucalyptus is very soft, not the usual screaming medicinal note it turns on me. Here it is fresh and green-blue, very pretty. The bergamot is also gentle and tame and just a bit earthy. The ambergris gives the beautiful deep ozone feel and really defines the scent. Very clean but with a dark forboding feel just under the surface. I’m usually not a huge fan of aquatic or ozone scents, but this has to be my favorite in that category. Not an everyday scent, but a good one to make you feel like you’re near the ocean. Light to average throw, good wearlength.



    In Bottle: Fruity floral


    On Skin: The first thing I get from this scent is shampoo. Seriously, it smells like shampoo! Which is not a bad thing, I used to work in a salon and I would just go around smelling all the shampoos because I loved all the sweet fruity ones. I smell gardian right away, gorgeous and creamy, the perfect floral. I also smell the stargazer lily and ylang ylang. The other florals blend in very well with these. White Moon was much too floral on me, Kindly moon is more gentle and sweet. I can handle this one. The vanilla bean and lotus soften the sometimes sour feel of multiple florals and the blue musk is delicious and velvety! Wow! It does give the scent a light blue feel, combined with the slightly aquatic/ozone feel I’m getting from some of the florals. I can’t really smell the sandalwood. I do get a fruity note as well which must be the peach blossom. I’m happy I ordered 2 bottles. Light to medium throw and short to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Orange and pumpkin


    On Skin: The ornage peel is actually the most dominant note on me, it comes out quite strong, but isn’t too tart since the gorgeous ginger, cardamom and pumpkin both sweeten and warm it up. It smells foody but also quite sexy due to the drop dead lovely Egyptian amber, one of my favorite notes ever. The fig leaf slices though with a slight green note. I get a nice buttery feel from this scent, not sure which note is doing that but it’s quite tasty, the pumpkin I think. This is not your average pumpkin scent at all. I am generally not a huge pumkin fan, but this one is along the lines of Pumpkin King, foody but also quite regal and with beautiful depth. I’m considering a second bottle, it’s that good!! It has great throw and average wearlength on me. This is going to be my Fall scent for sure!



    In Bottle: Sweet menthol


    On Skin: This is a strong scent! This is the number one blend you should use if you want to clear your sinuses. The dominant note is mint, peppermint I think. It’s sweet with a little spice that might be cinnamon… it’s so neat because it has the brisk coolness of the mint with an afterhit of warm cinnamon! A very nice contrast! I also get a bit of bite to it, maybe white pepper? There is a sweetness to this, and I am reminded of a candy… I’m not sure which one, but the moment I smelled this on my skin, I knew I had smelled it before. In the background there is a woody smoky note, maybe an incense of some sort. Another beautiful contrast. This is an amazing scent, full of levels and opposites… I love the conflict that really seems to work together! Thank you to my sweet enabler for letting me get a chance to review this. Strong throw and average wearlength.

  13. CHYPRE


    In Bottle: Lavender


    On Skin: The lavender amps on my skin, wow! This is a bit to much for me, especially since I am not a fan of lavender. This scent is very sharp and bright, the violet provides a sweet soft background combined with the lightly soapy feel from the white musk. The neroli is present as well but very much dominated by the lavender. This is a very strong scent, and if you’re a fan of lavender, this is for you. I’m not sadly, so this scent isn’t going to work for me. It also fades rather quickly. Strong throw but short to average wearlength.

  14. In Bottle: Sweet honey floral

    On Skin: This is so light and gentle. I get a sweet almost honey feel from it, very golden in tone. The notes listed honestly turned me off, but I am so glad I tried this one. This scent is so faint you do have to inhale deeply to get a good feel for it. I do smell the rose and it offers a light sour floral note that is balanced by the sweet ylang ylang and deep resinous copal. The frankincense adds to the deepness with a slight spice, but nothing that stands out. The angelica offers a very faint greenish earthy feel but again only for a moment and then it dives back into the blend. I am so overwhelmed with how well the Salon scents are blended. It really is hard to pick apart the scent! Bravo Beth!



    In Bottle: Earthy floral


    On Skin: I get a blast of earthy planty extreme with my first sniff. But soon afterward the florals amp and it becomes a beautiful perfumey blend. It’s a dry scent, powdery and also sharp. Very well blended, I can barely pick out the individual notes. I do smell florals, and a citrus spike with a soft musk undertone. The earthy notes are still very present as well. I get a green feel from this for sure. I also get a soapy feel from this, it is very clean. Unfortunetly the soapy tone is a bit too sharp on me. But about ten minutes into drydown it does level out and the benzoin resin helps soften it. A very pretty scent but not quite me. For people who love florals, sharp scents and outdoorsy feel. Strong throw and average to long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sexy sweet amber


    On Skin: This is beautiful!!!! I LOVE amber and this scent makes me more than happy! Perfectly resinous with a sweet dark sexy feeling… I want to roll in this all night long… This is the smoothest note I have ever smelled, it just coats my senses perfectly. No surprises, no funk, no change in feel… it is amber at it’s best. I feel like this amber was made for me the way it amps on my skin and screams “smell me now!!!!” Yes, I need gallons of this one as well. Overall it’s a little powdery, slightly incensey, and extremely sexy... a deep golden tone with a dark base. Light to average throw and the wearlength appears to fading pretty quick sadly, I need to slather it.



    In Bottle: Carmelized wood


    On Skin: Ooo! A very sweet, woody resin! It has a carmelized feel that reminds me of syrup! Sticky and yummy! I get a very woody feel that turns powdery very quickly. I also sense a bit of spice that really warms it up... kind of a smoky pepper. It also feels a bit boozy… so interesting! I love the feel of this scent even though the dusty powderiness of it upsets my nose a bit. Not a note I’d wear on it’s own but I’d love to layer with it. Light throw and short to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: White floral


    On Skin: This is a gorgeous lily. Wow! It is the definition of elegant, so proud and captivating. This to me is the best lily scent yet. In the bottle it is a little sharp, but the moment it hits my skin in blends with my chemistry into a soft sweet creamy white floral. There still is a sharp note, but it isn’t sour, it’s sexy and very perfumey. I would love to see this scent become a general catolog scent since it seems to be a perfect perfume on it’s own. Very feminine and catching, this scent makes a statement. Light to medium throw, and like most single notes it’s wearlength on me is fairly short.



    In Bottle: Soft and sweet


    On Skin: This is so gentle! It is one of the softest sweetest scents I have ever smelled. I always thought heliotrope was more bubblegummy, and while it does have the bubblegum scent to a degree, it also has a soft powdery feel. It has the beautiful sweet depth of honey, and the velvety feel of a skin musk. I love it. I love that it is uber girly and makes me feel innocent yet sexy. It has a golden pink feel. I would love to have gallons of this as I feel about a bunch of BPAL single notes. They’re so beautiful and unique! I could see myself wearing this daily, it could fit any occasion. It has a light throw and very short wearlength on me... it fades within minutes.

  20. ARKHAM


    In Bottle: Lemon and woods


    On Skin: First off, this is the original discontinued Arkham, not the revisited version Springtime or Picnic versions. It is very strongly a woody lemon scent. Very outdoorsy smelling. But sadly, it also smells very much like wood or floor polish. It’s quite medicinal and sharp. I smell pine, lemon, dirt and florals. The lemon is the verbena and the pine is from the juniper, and the floral is quite obviously lavender which hardly ever works on me. Combined with juniper and verbena the entire scent becomes very sour and sharp. The nutmeg is a very light spice in the background, barely showing itself. Strong throw and average to long wearlength.

  21. In Bottle: Earthy and lemony


    On Skin: The verbena jumps out right away followed by the deep meaty sweetenss of the coconut. I also for some reason get a slightly piney note. This is very exotic, not a typical scent at all. I also think it is quite unisex. The fig and plum are gorgeous deep dark fruits that sweeten the scent with their juices. The coconut is my favorite note, it is sweet as well but it has such fullness that it completely encompasses the scent… damn that is delicious! The vetiver is actually quite mellow, a little earthy, just enough to balance the sweet notes. The lavender is also held in check and gives a nice calming effect. And the white musk is the base, velvety and sexy. While I love this scent, I think my husband thinks there’s too much going on and he doesn’t like the sharpness of the verbena. But I think I’ll keep my imp just because it is so fun to smell. Strong throw at first but short to average wearlength.

  22. In Bottle: Tea and citrus


    On Skin: The tea screams out of this and I do get lemon even though it’s not mentioned. The vanilla helps sweeten it and also gives it a nice subtle softness. This is beyond masculine, I can not in any way picture this on a woman. I know many women have reported loving it, so I guess I’d need to smell it on them, because to me it really seems manly. The musk and tea combine and just spell out man for some reason. I get a bit of an overwhelming feel from this, it is very strong. But I still love it and am going to demand my husband try this scent on himself so I can sniff away at him in pure lust. Strong throw and great wearlength.

  23. In Bottle: Soft and violet


    On Skin: I get a violet feel from this right away. Soft and dainty and a lightly powdery floral. I also get a bit of a white musk note with the tiniest touch of a clean soap feel. It’s also very sweet, vanilla I think. This is like a stronger floral version of Antique Lace. Also, this doesn’t remind me of the scent “Midway” in the slightest, the vanilla is the only foody part of this scent, it is much more a floral whereas “Midway” is pure foody love on me. There is some incense but it is very light and not at all smoky… just a bit spicy which blends so very well in this scent. Very pretty and a very soft scnet. It has a low throw and short to average wearlength on me.

  24. In Bottle: Gorgeous fruit!


    On Skin: This scent is dripping with a beautiful fruity juicyness! I LOVE this scent!! I get honey right off the bat, that AMAZING BPAL honey that there’s no missing. Also a touch of wine and a little pomengranate. There is also a floral note, I’m thinking rose because it’s slightly sour. I could live without the rose, but the rest of the notes are gorgeous! I get a red/pink feel from this scent with a golden halo surrounding it. I would love to wear this scent if I had more of it, but I’ll treasure the imp I have. Light to medium throw and short to average wearlength on me.

  25. In Bottle: Floral


    On Skin: This is a very sweet, soft floral blend. I think there is jasmine in this, and a touch of sweet Dragons’s Blood resin which would also explain the tell-tale red/pink color of the oil. It’s slightly soapy which does add a powdery note (maybe a touch of white musk?), but nothing overwhelming. The scent does ease me… I’d love to use it during a stressful day and take a nice deep breather. I hope it does help attract good fortune because I could really use that right now. Overall a soft pretty floral blend but nothing I’d wear as a regular scent… just when I neded a pick me up. Thank you so much GypsyRoseRed for gifting me this and giving me a chance to smeall and review it. :P It has a light to medium throw and a fairly long wearlength on me.
