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Posts posted by slave1

  1. BOO: Halloween 2009


    In Bottle: Super sweet cream


    On Skin: This is like Marshmallow Poof Lite. It has a delicious marshmallow note but it's not heavy. The cream in so smooth and clean, pure white and not a hint of sour. The spun sugar is so fluffy and yummy. I am so happy that this scent is not heavy or burnt... but I am sad that it is as light as it is. It fades quite fast. But for people who are scared of sweets or don't want anything cloying, this scent is for you. It is so pure and refined. It has no color to it, just plain tasty sugar. It also kind of reminds me of Monsterbait Underpants and I LOVE that scent too. I might try making a spray of this to wear with my Underpants oil. I may have to get more bottles of this. Very light throw and short wearlength.

  2. HELLION v2: No description (prototype)


    In Bottle: Plum and smoke


    On Skin: Oh... my...god... GODSENT! yes, this scent is quite possibly one of the prettiest scents ever. It reminds me of Queen of Spades, only much more plummy and not as perfumey. Plum is the strongest note followed by a dirty note and wrapped up in a sweet spicy smoke. I can smell a bit of wood, but the plum is the heaviest and the spices really heat it up. The spices are so well blended though, none of them stick out on their own, they just give a nice warm "tint" to the scent. It's not really like the original Hellion to me. While I liked the original, it wasn't half as beautiful as this one and it was much heavier on the dirtier patchouli vibe. And this one loves me. I wore it out to the club, and I had too many people to count coming up to me and asking me what smells so good!?!?! I had people asking me to rub my wrist on them so they could keep smelling the scent all night, and they would walk off huffing their wrist. I totally pimped out the Lab's site so hopefully I enabled a bunch of new people! I felt bad that they wouldn't be able to buy this scent though... I ahve to say this is one of my favorite BPAL scents now. Moderate to strong throw and long wearlength.

  3. ALBEDO v5: No description (prototype)


    In Bottle: Lemon coconut


    On Skin: This scent is DELICIOUS! It reminds me of The Tarot scent "The Star". It has a gorgeous coconut frosting base, on a lemon meringue pie. Pure YUM! But even though it is so foody, it has a gorgeous perfumey quality to it too and makes it perfectly wearable. It is very strong and very bright... but the brightness is kept in check with the lovely creamy coconut and frosting notes. This scent is comforting and very uplifting, another "hug scent" as I like to call them. There is also a clean note in there, almost aquatic which also tones the lemon nicely. I can see myself wearing this scent alot, even though I'm not a huge fan of lemon. The creamy coconut seals the deal for me and makes me LOVE this scent! It has a very strong throw and long wearlength.

  4. OSIRIS v4: No description (prototype)


    In Bottle: Heavy resins


    On Skin: Very sweet and dark resins, with a gritty almost dirty note. I smell a sarsaparilla note that I got from Storyville, but here it's more raw and not as sweet. I get a soft delicate wood as a base with the resins soaking into it. This scent has a dark red feeling to me, and a regal, rich feel. I think there is patchouli in it which is giving that dirty tone... but it's the sweet patchouli I like from Schwarzer Mond. As it develops further, it loses some of it's strength and mellows out nicely. I get a light minty note in the background too. It is unisex and would beautiful on everyone. I am very happy to have a bottle. Moderate to strong throw and average wearlength.

  5. SEKHMET v5:


    In Bottle: Metallic and incense


    On skin: This has a very nice and light incense tone. It isn't smokey or overwhelming, and in the background I get a slightly metallic note that I'm thinking may be herbal? This scent is very clean which is a nice change from the sticky, resinous smokey types of incense scents I'm used to. I would call this scent "Incense Lite". It does NOT resemble the original Sekhmet at all. I don't get the spices the original had. This one has a warm tint, but it's much more subtle and when the herbs peek out, it actually seems kind of cool too. So a scent that can be both warm and cool... very interesting. As the scent develops the cool notes become stronger and it takes on a soapy quality. I really like this scent but I do think it's a bit light for my tastes. The throw is very low and the wearlength is short.



    In Bottle: Sweet milk and honey


    On Skin: This is a very powdery scent, clean and extremely sweet. I agree that it does resemble Burt's Bee products which is a good thing, because I LOVE their products! I have their solid perfume and this is a lot like it, minus the wax note Burt's Bees has. The honey is very sweet, but not cloying. It's the honey I love, that doesn't have any herbal or floral in it (which is what I tend to dislike in some honey scents). I am all about pure sticky yummy sweet honey. The milk is creamy and not sour in the slightest. It has a baby quality to it that makes you just want to nuzzle and snuggle. I am absolutely obsessed in this scent and am so happy I got 3 bottles. If you are a honey or milk fan, this scent MUST be in your collection. I have been wearing this scent almost every day, and even brought it when I went camping. Everyone around me was like "How can you smell so good when we're camping?" I responded... "What... I'm *STINKY*!!" which I thought was funny. They didn't get it. It has a moderate throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Smoky and metallic


    On Skin: I expected this to be a lot stronger, but it's actually quite light. The resins are warm and soft, and the smoke note is more of a grey than a black. It's amazing clean as well, which is a very nice contrast for a smoke scent. I get a very orange/bronze/golden feeling from this scent. It fits a Sunbird perfectly... I normally do not like firey or smokey scents, but this one is so tame, it works on me. Especially since I'm a fire sign. The scent is also unisex, I could imagine this on a man as well as a woman. Light to moderate throw and medium wearlength.

  8. In Bottle: Leather love


    On Skin: The leather in this is godsent. I mean, it is clean and beautiful. This isn't dusty and dry, it's much sweeter and full. There is a cologne note, but it's not too heady or overwhelming. Without a doubt, this is a masculine scent, it screams drop-dead sexy man. I made my husband wear it right away! Luckily, he LOVES it too. I wish we had a gallon of it. It is warm and has a slight herbal background. I am huffing my husbands wrists demanding he wear this as often as possible. The sweet cedar is beautiful and helps keep the smoke from being too strong. The grass note adds warmth and an outdoorsy feeling. The blood note is nice too, it's not pungent like I've smelled it in other scents. This scent is so beautiful, it is a masterpiece. I really wish my husband could wear this forever. It's my new favorite scent on him for sure. Plus the throw is strong (I love that) and it has a very, very long wearlength.

  9. Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice


    In Bottle: Ozone and incense


    On Skin: This is an interesting combination. The rain note is cold and aquatic, while the incense is warm and smoky. The dust is dry and powdery and all together this scent is alive with contrasts. The notes don’t seem to be working on me though, I can’t really *feel* it. There is a citrus note I smell as well, making the scent a bit sour on me. The scent is a bit effervescent, like a soda… maybe lemon lime? While it is an interesting scent that really makes me think, it’s not one I can see myself wearing. Average throw and average to long wearlength.

  10. THE MAGI


    In Bottle: Strong resinous cologne


    On Skin: This is very masculine in feel, it’s like a spicy resinous men’s cologne. I get a white and green feel from this, very clean spices and more cool in feel than warm. Which is odd, since resins and incense almost always warm up a scent on me. The grape is light as well, not overwhelmingly fruity, just crisp. And I don’t smell the vanilla bean on it’s own, although I suspect it helps sweeten the scent and tame the coriander. A very elegant and distinctive scent. After a drydown of about 10 minutes, it becomes more gender neutral. Very nice and formal. It has an average throw and long wearlength.

  11. Gelt



    In Bottle: Powdery cocoa


    On Skin: This smells like hot cocoa mix, powdery and sweet. After a few minutes it warms up and smells more milky than dry. Like actual chocolate coins. The amber warms it nicely and also gives the scent it’s golden soft feel. This is foody but overwhelmingly so. If you love chocolate, try this one for sure. It has such a warm tone you can’t help but fall in love with it. It stays close to the skin and triggers the come hither and nuzzle me reaction. I still prefer El Dia De Reyes but this would be my backup chocolate scent. Light to medium throw with an average wearlength on me.

  12. Every holiday season should be full of lewd suggestions and filthy double entendres, right? Lick it in earnest! Lick it with vigor! Peppermint candy cane with an extra jolt of sugar.


    In Bottle: Sweet peppermint

    On Skin: Peppermint love. I mean this is soooo yummy! It is similar to previous versions but a bit sweeter this year. I also get a bit of skin musk under it all, warming it up and making me really want to lean in and inhale it. The peppermint nicely clears the sinuses while the sugar keeps it from being too sharp. This is the perfect festive scent, gorgeous for the holidays. It’s very subtle and soft, nothing harsh or overwhelming. It has a very light throw and short to average wearlength.

  13. XIV


    In Bottle: Sweet and planty


    On Skin: This has a very organic feel. It's sweet though and I love it. I smell greenery and soft dry grasses, maybe hay. It's warm and comforting. I smell a pretty floral note too, nothing perfumey, more simple. As it dries down, it takes on a more sour floral feel on me, but still quite nice. Overall it is green and gold in tone on me. I would call it a farm or field scent to create a visual.




    In Bottle: Sweet and feral


    On Skin: I don't tlike this one... sorry. It is very feral, an animal musk of some sort... maybe civet? It smells like an animal in heat, with a sweet background note. Very red in tone, a bit resinous. Eeek, it's terrible on me, I'm sorry I can't review it any further.




    In Bottle: Sweet and spicy


    On Skin: Clove and a bit of cinnamon or cardamom. Very intense. There is also a bit of a cologne note in the back ground. Yeah, spicy masculine cologne. I get also a bit of leather. It's a little funky to me, something isn't right. It's probably the clove because clove usually hates me with a passion. It has that metallic note and it's very dominant here.

  14. CLXVI: In Bottle: Super orange


    On Skin: This is yummy, very citrus, orange to be specific. It's soft though, not tart... like an orange creamy candy. Soft and powdery, like orange pixie stix... wait, it smells like PEZ!!!! It's very well blended and the only notes I'm getting from it are orange, sugar, maybe a little vanilla. The powderyness may be from a velvety light amber. It's gorgeous and wish I had gotten a bottle of this!!!



    In Bottle: Tea and florals


    On Skin: This is gorgeous, purely feminine. It starts out very heavy on the white tea and mandarin but they fade gradually to the background but still remain noticable. As the scent develops the vanilla cream comes out and gives a rich sweet base to the scent. The florals are the dominant feel, but not one in particular, they blend and make a beautfiul bouquet. The musks are divinely soft, with the red being more dominant... and mixed with the opoponax create a lovely depth I love being lost in. Over all this scent is one I would wear alot and I love the feel of it. My only complaint and that is fades super quick and has too light of a throw for me. Guess I'll have to slather and layer. Light throw and short wearlength.



    In Bottle: Lavender and powder


    On Skin: Again I was a bit scared off by the lavender. Sadly, laender and I hardly ever get along. Luckily, the lavender fades quick and the super sweet honeyed milk comes forward. This scent is very creamy and the honey is not like honey single note, it's more a cherry scented honey, very dark and syrupy. The powder makes the scent lighten up a bit. The herbs also help cut through the thickness of the scent. The rose and cranation add a more soft and floral side... both these notes also usually hate me, but here they are manageable since the sweetenss counteracts the normal sour and bitter feel I get from them. The frankincense is very light and just offers a subtle spice, very nice. A very pretty scent, still babylike but much deeper... like concentrated baby. Thats a good thing! Strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet and herbal


    On Skin: I was scared at first, the lavender was overwhelming in the bottle... but on my skin it mellowed out and the vanilla came forward quickly. There's the soft spice of Snake Oil and the tea note from Dorian. The lavender and fennel are very herbal, a bit minty. The lily of the valley is a soft sweet floral in the back fround. I loved this scent at first, but the vanilla and the herbs blended togther almost have that plasticy mint note I got from Love's Philosophy and that didn't agree with me at all. I'm up and down on this one, I love it for the most part but then every so often I get that plastic note. Still, so very gentle and baby like. Light throw and average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet deep resins


    On Skin: Well, I loved the original and I love this one. Again it is dark and sweet… all the scents melding into a sticky barrel of resinous heaven. It’s quite similar to the original and has the same overall vibe. It has that spicy warmth, and masculine edge, even though I love wearing it. It’s a night scent for sure, one that will get you noticed and have everyone hovering around you. It’s a great contrast to Lune Noire, both sides of the spectrum. This one represents the dark, dirty, sticky side… I love resins and I love this scent. So happy to have another bottle. Strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Floral musk


    On Skin: Ok, this is probably the prettiest floral ever. I am so happy I ordered 2 bottles unsniffed. Oh my god… I could just drown in my wrist… This is so feminine and gorgeous. The blue musk is dominant giving it a bit of a Blue Moon edge, then the florals come into play, the gardenia perfectly creamy. The amber is soft and with the other resins create the softest blanket for the other notes to be cuddled in. The pear is sweet and a bit tart, the oakmoss clean and a bit ozoney. The sweet clove is a shocker, because clove tends to go metallic on me, but here it is very subtle and warm. I cannot explain how much I love this. I thought I wasn’t a floral person, but I will wear this scent whenever I want to go outside my foody box and feel all ladylike. Beth you are AMAZING! Medium to strong throw, average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Fresh, clean and sweet


    On Skin: This smells like apples and the original Blue Moon minus the cucumber. It has a clean, crystalline overall feel. Very clear and bright. The apple is dominant, but not in a fruity way… it’s just crisp and juicy. The musk is drop dead sexy, very light, a skin musk. This scent is unisex, I think it would smell fabulous on anyone. It does have a perfumey quality, but nothing generic or mainstream in the slightest. I am not a fan of apple scents, but I LOVE this one if that tells you anything. I love how it is so clean, yet so soft and velvety. It’s very sexy yet elegant, a refined scent for sure. And the bottle art is probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Medium throw, and average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet dark purple musk


    On Skin: I love how purple this scent is... purple is my favorite color and this is so regal and deep it makes me swoon. It is the purple cousin of the latest version of Red Moon. The neroli is soft, the sandalwood is deep and woody, the tobacco offers the perfect amount of dark smoke. The pomegranate just adds to the red/purple tone and gives a slight sweet tartness. It's not as strong as it normally is on me, and doesn't *quite* have it's characteristic sweet-tart note... hmm... I still love this scent and am so happy I ordered 2 bottles unsniffed. The amber is powdery and blends so well with the deep copal. The oakmoss is light and very much in the background. And the lavender also stays in check, it normally amps herbal on me, but here it's just a clean slice here and there. An overall gorgeous scent with a medium throw and short to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Tea and fruit loops


    On Skin: This has an extreme fruit note... the blue berry and re currant obviously. The green tea comes out next... so now it smells like fruity tea. The vanilla and benzoin give a nice sweet depth. The ginger and coriander give the blend a spicy tone. The scent is very playful, and I LOVE the inspiration.... Beth has the best sense of humor. It is bright, juicy and full of color. I still get a bit of the Fruit Loop feel, but I love it and will wear it when I need spunk and color in my day. Strong throw and medium to long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Aquatics and cucumber


    On Skin: Freaking beautiful. Very cool, aquatic and fresh. A cousin of the original Blue Moon. I need gallons!!!! It has the gorgeous crystal blue feel, so nice and cooling. The florals are soft and clean. The aquatic notes are dominant and the cucumber is second in line. I love the velvety musk and the refreshing agave. I love this as a summer scent, it wipes away the 90 degree summer days we've been having. I am 100% in love with this scent. I want it as a perfume, a bath oil, a body spray and a linen scent. So very beautiful. Strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet and earthy


    On Skin: Ooooo. Now this is fun. It is super powdery sweet… like honey dust. The myrrh and resins really give it the most gorgeous deep and dark feel. This is freaking sexy, I want a bottle for sure. It feels naughty and seductive, a true come hither scent. Yes, this will be a night scent for me for sure. Even the rose behaves itself which is rare for my skin chemistry. It is there though, sour and a bit sharp, but it’s needed as a nice contrast to the heavy nature of the other notes. I love this as a perfume and would also love it as an incense or room scent. Give me more now!! Moderate throw and average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Pomegranate incense


    On Skin: Pomegranate loves me. It’s a note that has decided it needs to be on me, a lot. I keep buying pomegranate scents! It pretty much turns to candy on me, yummy Sweet-tarts to be exact. The pomegranate is dominant here, with a nice smoky frankincense base. The fennel and lavender are herby and sharp, the anise is light and just a nice background spice… but starts to become stronger as the scent develops. The verbena adds the perfect citrus sweetness with that slight sour edge. The hemp is fragile… so very delicate and clean. I love it’s contrast. The scent does have a very dry and powdery feel. The throw is light to moderate and it has an average wearlength.
