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Posts posted by slave1



    In Bottle: Sharp sour incense


    On Skin: This scent packs a whallop! It is very in your face, it is very sour and earthy. The scent is dark and also quite sharp. I get the exotic neroli and the very earthy moss. I get a slightly aquatic feel from the moss too, like that dirty water scent in Zombi. The cumin is that sharp spicy almost metallic fee which adds to the sourness and the patchouli is light but smoky and adds to the earthy feel. I don’t really small the Balsam unless Balsam of Peru is really sour because I can’t pinpoint that note... it’s sour like rose but I don’t see rose listed as a note. All in all this scent is much too sour and sharp for me, it made my eyes water like crazy. It has a very strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Lemon tea floral


    On Skin: Wow, this is strong! It’s three dominant notes are sadly notes that almost never work on me: verbena, tea and lavender. This smells very strongly of lemon tea with a dose of very sharp lavender thrown in. It smells like this tea I drink when I’m sick called “Throat Coat”. Well I don’t like tea and I don’t like being sick and that’s what this scent reminds me of. The sandalwood is lightly woody in the background, but very much dominated by the other notes. If you like tea, try this scent for sure. Strong throw and average to long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Clean masculine cologne


    On Skin: This is a very masculine scent to me. It is quite sexy, the leather coming out right away and an icy tone from the steel. The Dragon’s Blood is surprisingly light on me, just barely there but sweetening the scent. The black pepper offers a nice spice… the myrrh and fire warm the scent up and give it beautiful smoky depth. The labdanum and benzoin are soft and slightly sweet. All in all I love how the sweeter darker notes tone the brighter cologne like notes down. I think it’s a good scent for a man who wants a more subtle scent and doesn’t want to be too perfumey. It has a light to medium throw but sadly fades pretty quick.



    In Bottle: Sweet snow and earth


    On Skin: The Christmas pastries come out right away followed by a sweet piney note. This scent is very cold in feel but also has a warm side with the pastries and florals. The dirt and moss keep the scent from being too bright or clean. All in all, this is very much a “mishmash” that works very well!!! I like that the other notes tame the pine and keep this a winter scent without being pure forest. It has a light to medium throw and short wearlength.



    In Bottle: Ozone perfumey


    On Skin: This is a very masculine scent and quite perfumey, it reminds me of a masculine version of Ice Queen or Snow Maiden. I do like it, it seems silver and balck in tone, dark and sharp. It is very cold and I do get a dangerous feel from it. I would love to smell this on my husband. I get clean ozone and a light earthy edge. The image I get from this scent is kind of like a romance novel: feeling cold and wet coming in from the rain and into the arms of some sexy stranger. I love it! It is a light scent with a short to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Pine, apple and almond


    On Skin: I smell Christmas Tree evergreen right away and it gives the perfect forest feel. The the tart apple and sweet cherry tone of the almond come out… so sweet and fruity. It is a great holiday scent, I feel in the spirit right away from just a couple sniffs. It is not a scent I’d wear, but I love it as a room scent, especially since my X-Mas tree is artificial so I miss the smell of a real tree. It’s a very nice blend for Yule. It has a medium throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Spicy woods


    On Skin: I smell the clove right away, it always loves to amp on me. The woods are dark and full and the smoke drifts through each note lightly coating them. The nutmeg and clove give the scent a sweet spice while the orange gives a lightly tart note, the combination makes me think of X-mas right away. Something about oranges, cloves and nutmeg is instant holiday feel. The myrrh offers a nice incense that also sweetens the scent, while the musk adds to the darkness and gives the scent great depth. This is a great scent for a villain, so wicked and mysterious. It is also quite light so even if you’re a bit put off by dark or smoky scents you should try this since it’s a “lighter” dark scent if that makes any sense. It does seem a bit more masculine. I think it’s beautiful but a bit too smoky for me. It has a light to medium throw and average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Eek! It’s Numb!


    On Skin: This smells like Numb to me. That is sadly a bad thing, because to me Numb smells like foot ointment. I’m sad because from the reviews I’ve read I’ve seen Snow White, Blue Moon, cucumber and all these wonderful things brought up and I smell NONE of them here. All I smell is foot medication. That herbal, minty chemical medicated smell… with maby a bit of violet or lilac thrown in. Very powdery and very light. I LOVE Snow White, it’s one of my favorite Yules and I have to say I don’t get even the slightest resemblence to Snow White from this scent. Luckily as the scent develops, it loses a little of it’s medicinal feel but still never turns into a scent I’d wear. If you’re a fan of the BPAL scent Numb, try this one for sure. Light throw and short wearlength.



    In Bottle: Candy cane


    On Skin: This is pretty darn to the point, it’s an extra sugary candy cane. Delicious peppermint blended so well with sweet vanilla sugar. I love it! It is quite tamer than last years Lick It which was a bit too pepperminty for me. It’s not exactly a scent I’d wear, but I LOVE it as a room scent. I think I need to get a bottle just to help me start getting in the Christmas spirit. Yum, yum and another yum! Light to medium throw, short to avergae wearlength.



    In Bottle: Almond


    On Skin: Almond screams out with it’s telltale cherry scent. The clove is second, very spicy and slightly metallic. Clove is a note that 9 times out of 10 hates me. Here is just the case, it is overwhelming the scent and it’s metallic feel just gets stronger and stronger and combined with the bay the spice just gets funky on me. The butter rum offers a delicious sweet boozy note in the background, but I can’t get past the clove. It does fit the description though… it’s very exotic and I can feel the whole “port feel”. Sadly it is not me and it’s off to the swaps. Strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Pure sweet innocent flowers


    On Skin: This is the most cute, sweet little innocent scent. The violets are dominant followed by the super sweet vanilla. The gardenia is milky white which gives the blend a creamy undertone. This smells like a violet icecream. It is so nice! I normally am not a fan of violets but mixed with the vanilla and gardenia I have been won over. It is slightly *sickly* sweet, which for me is not a problem since I love sweet scents… but if you get overwhelmed by seetness, this may not be for you. Medium throw and avergae wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet boozy love


    On Skin: This bourbon is decadent… deep and boozy but not “I’ve been drinking all night, cut me off”. The sugar sweetens it and makes it quite delicious. I get a very musky smell from this, and slightly resinous… wow! What in the world? This is a dark, powdery, slightly smoky scent. The mint is very light, just a hint of it showing through. I’ve seen other people compare this to Snake Oil, and I’d have to say I agree. A much lighter version of Snake Oil. But that same sweet, resinous, soft feel. It has a very light throw and a super short wearlength. It fades after about 45 minutes on me.



    In Bottle: Sexy dark and scary


    On Skin: I saw vetiver in the description and almost didn’t want to try it, but wow! This scent is really sexy!! The woods are indeed very dark and take on an almost leather feel. The vetiver is earthy, but in a good way and not too dry or powdery. The lemon rind offers a beautiful bright note that creates a gorgeous contrast to the scent. This is a very masculine and rugged scent. I want my husband to wear this… right… now!!!! It’s freaking amazing! I am so happy I tried this scnet and am hoping my husband will like it as much as I do. It has a strong throw and short to average wearlength.

  14. BESS


    In Bottle: Sharp herbs


    On Skin: This is super dry and powdery in tone, it made my nose get all twitchy. The herbs are very strong and sweetened slightly by the grape spirit. The rose provides a sour yet bitter note and the sourness is amped by the lemon peel. I don’t get any orange flower from this… All in all this scent is much too powdery and sharp for me. It actually gives me a headache so sadly I had to wash it off. Medium throw and not sure of the wearlength since I washed it off.



    In Bottle: Sweet florals and earth


    On Skin: This is a very unique scent, the dominant note I can’t pin down! It’s sweet yet slightly pickley. I also get a “Zombi” feel from this right away and I’m thinking that’s because of the earth and moss. There is a cold feel, maybe one of the herbs is mint? It really is a nice refreshing chill. The sweet note is really racking my brain… what is it!?!? It’s a bit bubblegummy so maybe lotus? The sweet note is what makes this scent for me since I’m generally not into earthy or mossy blends. As the scent develops I smell jasmine and the incense is lightly spicy… a very sweet spice but it does make the scent quite powdery. This is such a neat scent, I will keep the imp for sure. Light to medium throw, short to average wearlength.



    On Bottle: Lemony woods


    On Skin: Lemongrass is the donimant note right away, very bright and yellow. It is quite sour and makes me eyes water a bit. The woods are second, especially the cedar which is sharp as well. Combining these with rose just really brings home the sour, sharp feel from this scent. Even the jasmine can’t sweeten this scent on me. I can’t smell the patchouli at all surprisingly. The blend is quite calming but not really pleasant on me, I’ve never really been crazy about lemon blends. It is a dry scent, slightly powdery. If you like lemon scents, try this one for a woody variation. Medium throw and average wearlength.

  17. WANTON

    Feminine sexuality in its rawest form. Palmarosa, red sandalwood, attar of rose, patchouli.


    In Bottle: Rose and pickles


    On Skin: Red sandalwood sometimes takes on a slight pickley scent on me… here is just the case. It is quite strong and slightly sour… The rose adds to that sourness. The palmarosa has a bit of a bitter edge, similar to geranium. And the patchouli adds a earthy spice in the background. An interesting blend but not really one for me especially since I really dislike rose and patchouli. This is more for someone who loves rose and especially with an earthy woody twist. I don’t really get female sexuality from this either, it seems much more masculine to me. Overall I would call it a woody rose incense blend. Strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Lily and jasmine


    On Skin: Wow, a lot of the blends I’ve been reviewing have had jasmine in them. I don’t love or hate jasmine, but it is a note that generally seems to take over. In this scent it is quite heavy and gives a purple tone. The lilies are the second in command, they lend a more elegant tone. The orchid plays along with the other florals beautifully as does the ylang ylang… this scent is very white and purple in feel. The white plum is sweet but not overly fruity, this is still what I would call a floral blend but very delicate in nature… not overwhelming at all. A very feminine scent, very light and soft. It has a light to medium throw and a short wearlength.



    In Bottle: Super eucalyptus


    On Skin: The Jabberwocky is one of my favorite parts of Alice in Wonderland… The eucalyptus is crazy strong. Wow! Yes, I’m awake. The orange sweetens it just slightly and has a lovely citrus tone. And the pine has the sort of artficial Christmas sweet feel to it. This really isn’t a scent for me, it’s super strong and none of the notes are ones that really work on me. I see it more as a room scent, and even then used very lightly since it is so overwhelming. It has a very strong throw but short to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet floral


    On Skin: I get a soft powdery violet feel from this scent. The jasmine and neroli seem to be the dominant notes. The carnation and bergamot help cut the heavy sweetness of the jasmine. I can’t actually really smell the patchouli in this blend… just that I get a little hint of incense. The vetiver is suprisingly light as well, just a little helping of earthy tone. About a half hour into drydown it becomes primarily a sweet floral incense. Pretty but nothing that special to me. It has a medium throw and average wearlength.

  21. This is a super old review of mine, but it looks like I never posted it...




    I was excited for this scent since 2 of my friends say it's one of their favorites.

    In the bottle it is very "dirt" scented. :P

    I put it on and the first thing I thought was... it smells like a fishtank. This is not a bad thing, fishtanks don't smell like fish, they smell like very earthy water... maybe it's the algea in them. I'm thinking it is the moss notes that give this scent.

    After an hour, it's smelling better. It's a sour Poison like smell (which I love) with the dirt scent still dominant... but it's also turning kind of powdery. I'd say it still smells a bit aquatic, but that's a good thing. I love this scent, it is like nothing I've ever smelled and I think it will catch people's attention.



    In Bottle: Rose soap


    On Skin: this is full on rose, very soapy and it gives me an old lady feel. Rose is almost always sharp and sour on me, and here that is the case again. The jasmine sweetens it up a bit but not enough for my liking. The neroli gives an exotic feel and the Arabian Musk and Egyptian Myrrh are quite sexy but they’re faint background notes. I can’t really smell any mandarin… The rose is dominant and that’s pretty much all I can smell. This scent is so sharp it makes my eyes water a bit, very perfumey. I love the dark exotic notes in the back, but the front notes scare me off from this scent. Average to strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Clean and ozone


    On Skin: The ozone in this scent is quite different. It seems to be touched with a bit of citrus and also something sweet. Beautiful white florals, so clean and elegant. This scent just seems so graceful. As a matter of fact Princess Grace (someone I always greatly admired) comes to mind when I smell this. A ozone scent, complete with florals and a light fruit undertone. It is a womans scent for sure, full of beauty and grace. Very light, but an ozone scent I could actually see myself wearing. Most ozone and aquatic blends go very soapy on me. This one has so many more levels and keeps from being too sharp. It has a light to medium throw and average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Super sweet fruit


    On Skin: The dominant note is a very sweet fruit with a tart edge, more of a red grape than a green one… and not fresh grapes, more like grapejuice. There is also a beautiful soft floral. I also think I smell the telltale sweet bubblegummy lotus. The blending on this scent is amazing and it’s making it hard for me to determine individual notes. I just a very pretty feel from this, muted colors and warm undertones. I love this scent, I just wish it was stronger. It has a very light throw and has a short to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Tea and berries


    On Skin: The berries are the dominant note, very dark red and purple in tone. They aren’t very juicy, it’s a more powdery berry feel. Next I smell the green tea, but it is quite subdued, usually green tea is very strong on me but here it takes a back seat. The sage gives a sharp green herbal note, very refreshing and helps the berries from being too heavy. The dark musk is a background note and adds a nice depth and evens the scent out overall. The scent is quite light and I really need to breathe in to smell it. Too light in fact, it doesn’t do much for me sadly. Super light throw and short wearlength.
