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Posts posted by slave1



    In Bottle: Spicy musk


    On Skin: I was worried about eh cinnamon and cardamom in this one and that the tea would amp on me, but it is gorgeous!!! Yay!! Monster Cat loves me!! The musk is most dominant and is so drop dead sexy… wowsers. The spices are second in line, soft and sweet. Not a heavy spice though, just warm enough to add to the sexiness and make the scent have some heat. They don’t burn my nose or make my eyes water or anything. The tea is also subtle, just a nice bitter note that balances the sweetness of the other notes. The tangerine is the faintest of all, just a nice squirt of citrus, perfect with the tea. The cherry blossom is also very light, a sweet floral that gives a little bit of femininity to the scent. Over all the scent is red in feel to me, but not blazing red… a more orangey/red tone. I don’t get mayhem from this scent, but I do get a sense of playfulness, just like a cat. It has a medium throw and long wearlength.

  2. In Bottle: Powdery fruit and spice

    On Skin: This smells like a spicy sweetart at first on me. The powdery candiness of it, with a gorgeous spicy background. The bourbon geranium offers a slight boozy note, the black patchouli seem to love me and offers a drop dead sexy feel that is heightened by the myrrh and the skin musk clings to my skin making me whimper a little. It’s all just so beautiful! I usually don’t like lemon, but the lemon peel just gives a nice slice of sourness to balance the sweetness of the other notes and compliments the tangering perfectly. The saffron creates the exotic spicy touch and brings the entire scent together. Another perfectly blended scent! I loove how this scent is sweet one moment, then sour then spicy! It morphs and creates a mood I can’t even explain. A keeper for sure! Light to moderate throw with an average wearlength on me.

  3. In Bottle: Soft, clean and minty

    On Skin: Ooo, a very soft and subtle scent. The mint is freaking gorgeous, not overwhelming, just a nice shiver of coldness cutting through the beautiful floral notes of the calla lily and cherry blossom. The tea is very friendly to me and for the first time does not amp itself like crazy like it normally does. I love how subtle this Asian themed scent is, so delicate and tranquil. The rice wine adds a sweet touch and the ho wood gives a very nice balance. This scent is beautiful, through and through. Very feminine and very soft. It has a light throw and average wearlength.

  4. In Bottle: Soft and velvety

    On Skin: Wow! What an intriguing scent! It’s really hard to explain, the blending in this scent is so well done!! The florals mixing with the incense create a sweet almost fruity note. The resins give a full deep background that is soft as velvet. The gardenia is milky and sweet and tames the sharpness of the iris. I think it is quite unisex and would be gorgeous on most anyone. I really do get a sexy ecstacy feel from this, pure pleasure but also very innocent. Yes, the ecstacy of a saint…. This is a very lovely scent, but it is also very light. Light throw and short to average wearlength.

  5. In Bottle: Extreme lily

    On Skin: This is a very strong floral. The lilies are bring and white with the pepper dancing in the background. The ginger also adds a nice spice and really creates a unique scent. The white giner is much more to my liking than the pungent red ginger I’ve smelled in a few scents that goes all crazy on me. This is a floral though, no question about it. While I like lilies this is a bit too perfumey and not really one I’d wear on a regular basis. It’s a very feminine scent as well. I’d say it has a medium throw and it actually lasts quite long on me.



    In Bottle: Tea and rose


    On Skin: This is a very straight forward scent. I get tea right away followed by a very sour and sharp rose. The rose almost has a lemony feel to it it is so sour. The carnation offers a spicy, sharp and bitter floral as well. After about 15 minutes, the carnation is the dominant note. This smells like a carnation right under my nose, very realistic. Sadly, I don’t like tea, rose or carnation notes so this scent doesn’t work on me in the slightest. It has a loight to medium throw and an average to long wearlength.

  7. OUIJA


    In Bottle: Dusty dry floral


    On Skin: This scent doesn’t work on me at all. It smells very dusty which cause my nose to twitch. It is very dry in tone, purely dried out roses that have been sitting in a potpourri bowl for years and have inches of dust covering them. The woody notes add to the dusty dry feel but give the scent it’s depth. This is a very light scent, I really have to lean in close and breathe in as deeply as I can to even begin to smell it. Not a scent for me at all. It has a super light throw and very short wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet, powdery and musky


    On Skin: I smell the musks right away, deep and full. The myrrh gives a powdery note and the dragon’s blood is very sweet and red in feel. The florals give a nice feminine edge while the patchouli and civet bring a raw and almost feral feel. This scent has so many levels. I like that the notes all seem to balance each other out and blend so well. This is a masterpiece of a scent. It has several notes I usually hate: civet, patchouli and rose, but it also has notes I love: musk and myrrh. With such strong notes, I thought it would be a strong scent, but on me it is quite light in throw. It does have a dark mood though, red and sexy. I do love this scent and will be wearing it for sure. Light to medium throw and average to long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Jasmine extreme


    On Skin: Jasmine is the dominant note on me followed by the rose. This scent reminds me of a sweet soap. The jasmine is strongly floral and the sweet heliotrope does a great job of counteracting the sourness of the rose. It’s pretty, but not really me. It also has a slightly artificial scent to it. Very feminine and pink violet feel in tone. It’s a soft scent with light to medium throw and an average wearlength.

  10. Sinus pain relief.
    Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, shea oil, coconut milk, henna leaf powder, witch hazel, camphor oil, rosemary oil, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Elixir blend.

    This bomb wasn't labeled other than "Sinus" so I'm assuming it's Oof.

    I LOVE this scent, it is very strong with a Eucalytpus note. Menthol herbal and I think a slight citrus? The bomb is white in color.

    I get severe migranes and sinus headaches so this scent is going to be a lifesaver.
    I have been suffering from congestion and sitting in a bath with this bomb totally cleared out my sinuses. It was so nice!!!
    As with the other bobms it had a nice long fizz and made the water moisturizing but not heavily so. Just a slight slickness, not oily or sticky.

    The scent is strong, which is needed for clearing the sinuses. Very nice!

    I think I will order a dozen of these. It truly helped my sinuses and made me feel better. It gets an AAAAA+++++++!!!

    And as I've said about the other bombs, the bath rinsed out nice and clean. No residue and I didn't have to scrub an oil ring away. Yay!!!

  11. I hope this bomb was Moxie. It wasn't labeled except for the Black Phoenix logo. It's orange and has a beautiful orange color and smelled like Moxie to me. :P


    It turned the water a light orange. It moisturized very well without being overly oily or sticky like some oils in the bath can be. I loved how long the bomb fizzed...

    The fragrance is just right, and such a beautiful refreshing citrus. This scent wakes you up and leaves you feeling quite energized. To me this is for a wake up bath, not so much for a relaxing bath.


    As I've said about the other bombs, this one left no residue. The bathtub rinsed out nicely with just a few grains left on the floor. No oily residue which was very nice. I hate having to clean and scrub the bathtub right after I've taken a bath, you know?


    I love the feeling this bomb evoked, I want another!!

    Yay for Moxie!!!

  12. I'm hoping my bomb is a Zazzle, it didn't have a label other than "Chocolate".


    I normally am not a fan of chocolate scents, but this is DELISH!!!

    It completely reminds me of hot cocoa mix, the color, the scent, the mood.

    I love it!!

    The bath water turned light brown and the fizzyness was very nice. I used the whole bomb, I know some people like to cut theirs in half, but I prefer a full on decadent bath with extreme scent and luxury.


    The scent was perfect, not overwhelming or underwhelming.

    The water was very moisturizing and not oily or sticky at all.

    I felt lightly scented after I rinsed off and left the bath.

    There was only a little residue left in the bath, little sandy bits but not an oil residue that some bombs leave behind. That was super nice because I hate scrubbing the tub after a bath.


    I give the bombs a thumbs up for sure!!

  13. Nyx


    Named in honor of the primeval Greek Goddess of Night. A scent reflecting inky black skies and eternal desolation. Night-blooming jasmine, warmed by myrrh, lifted by the promise of rose.


    In Bottle: Myrrh


    On Skin: This is pure myrrh. I have Penitence on my other arm and they smell quite similar except Penitence has the smoky frankincense and Nyx has florals. Nyx is a bit sickly sweet due to the jasmine whick quickly overpowers the myrrh and becomes the dominant note. I don’t really smell the rose other than a slight sour echo in the background. Nyx is much more feminine than Penitence and it doesn’t please me as much. I think the jasmine is just too strong for me because it’s starting to give me a headache. It has a super strong throw and fades slowly so an average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Sweet earthy floral


    On Skin: Not what I was expecting… it does have the rose note but there is also a sweet earthy note that darkens the scent and gives it weight. It’s also a bit fruity,,, hmm… green in feel… I love it! It’s actually quite hard to pin down what I’m smelling. I do still smell the slightly sour rose. The roots earthy scent is moist and not dusty dirt at all. The fruity note also has a kind of vegtable feel to it, maybe like sweet cucumber? Seriously, this scent is really confusing my nose. I smell the lily from Black Lily, that almost vanilla milky sweetness. It has an average thorw and short to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Wood


    On Skin: I smell cedar, like a sauna or fresh wood at a lumber yard. Very sweet… The myrrh is golden and absolutely royal. The frankincense is gorgeous as well, resinous and slightly smokey. It seems quite masculine to me. While it is a pretty scent, it isn’t really me. If you’re a fan of incense or scents like Midnight Mass, this one is for you. Very sweet and resinous and also quite strong, it’s not a subtle scent at all. Dark in feel with a golden center. I love how royal it feels, I think this scent stands on it’s own. Strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Spicy musk


    On Skin: The musk is the strongest note by far! This is very sensual and warm. I instantly feel seduced by the first whiff. It’s like an exotic spicier Snake Oil. It has a nice soft incense note and the spices weave in and out of the scent without being overwhelmingly spicy like they are in Morrocco on me. It does turn a bit powdery, but I think I can handle it. If you are a fan of musks try this, if you’re a fan of musks AND spices… get a bottle! It is dark, mysterious and super sexy. It’s perfect for a gothy girl too… it just reminds me a lot of incenses my gothy friends use. Beautiful and I can imagine it on a man or woman both. Medium to strong throw, average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Chemicals


    On Skin: At first this smelled like Elmers Glue. But as it warmed up on my skin, individual flowers started to come out and it became much prettier. The florals stay quite sour though… I wish this had a nice musk or amber to soften it up. This scent is extremely potent and very floral. If you like florals, try this one for sure. I like that it does have a “night” quality to it. Not a bright garden in the daytime, more of lush sticky florals on a hot night. Pretty and very feminine, but just a bit too perfumey for me. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  18. SHUB-NIGGURATH Original blend and 2006 version


    In Bottle: Both versions smell very foody and gingery in the bottle. The 2006 has a little lemon to it.


    On Skin: I decided to compare the two versions side by side to tell subtle differences. It also appears I never wrote a review for the original version which I’ve had for over a year. Interesting. Anyway, here we go:


    Original blend: Extreme gingerbread. Yum, this makes me slaivate and I don’t even like to eat gingerbread! I think it’s just because it reminds me of holiday cooking and I want cookies right now!! It is warm and slightly dark, the spices so playful and teasing. I agree with the “aphrodisiacal” description because this would seduce almost anyone. It makes me lean in and bury my face in my arm… I could see other people following me around and leaning in close too. I smell ginger the strongest, but it is sweetened by a little cinnamon and clove. The resins are gorgeous and remind me of the sweet resins in Schwarzer Mond. I adore this scent. It has light to moderate throw and short to average wearlength.


    2006 Blend: The first obvious difference is the prescence of lemon. I smelled no lemon in the original version. In the 06 version it is there, but it’s not an overwhelming “lemon blend”. The sweetness from the ginger and spices mellow it out and keep it from being too sour or citrus. Again I smell the sweet resins which are “pure love” on my skin, I could bathe in them every day. The original version is also much lighter and fades muck more quickly than the 06 version. Maybe it’s because the original is old and may be losing it’s potency? I applied the scents around the same time on each wrist, and after I sniffed the 06 version, I can barely smell the original version on my other wrist. The 06 version also seems much more moist and foody, like gingerbread freshly baked. The cinnamon is also stronger in the 06 version. This version has a strong throw and average to long wearlength.

  19. Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku, Wada hori Yû.

    Osmanthus, white honey, ti leaf, hibiscus, and sugar cane.

    In Bottle: Soapy floral

    On Skin: Oh no, this scent didn't turn out on me like I was hoping. The florals are amping on my skin to an extreme. The ti and hibiscus are very fragrant and very cloying on me. The osmanthus is also a strong floral but with a tea note. Very sharp and when mixed with the other florals I get a very soapy scent from this blend. I can smell the honey, but it is light, too light to sweeten the scent even with the help of the sugarcane. All in all this scent makes my eyes water and is far too sharp and sour for me. It is very white in tone and has an Asian feel. For fans of BPALs most recent Asian themed Lunacy's this is a must try for you. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  20. cupidcomplainingtovenus.gif


    Cupid Complaining to Venus, Lucas Cranach the Elder.

    Apple blossom, fig, white peach, honey absolute, red sandalwood, and wild thyme.


    In Bottle: Sweet and tart fruits


    On Skin: I smell the apple blossom right away, a sweet but also slightly tart floral. The peach is next, so delicious but not overly sticky sweet. The fig offers a darker fruit note that helps the scent from becoming too sharp and bright. The red sandalwood is another grounding note, giving a slightly woody earthy base for the other notes to cling to. The honey is very mellow, sweetening the scent but not making it cloying. Last the thyme adds a sharp green shot that balances the scent very well. Overall this scent is quite fruity and feminine in feel. Sadly it fades SUPER quick. It started out so strong but my skin just drank it up. I love this scent and just wish it lasted longer on me. Light to moderate throw and short wearlength.

    Edited to add image - clover

  21. WOLF MOON 2006


    In Bottle: Woody pine


    On Skin: The 2006 is a much more piney/woody scent than the 2004 version. 2004’s seem much more light and slightly aquatic. This years version is much more outdoorsy and sweet. The juniper berry has a sappy sweetness, the pine, sandalwood and cedar give very robust woody notes. The amber is beautiful and adds warmth along with the dark musk. Gorgeous. The tonka doesn’t really stand out on it’s own but I think it’s helps sweeten the scent overall. There is a cold feel to this scent, even with some of the warmer notes. I would describe it as a chilling scent with a beautiful warm center. I think it is completely different than the 2004 version but that’s fine, it’s an amazing scent on it’s own. I would also tell people who worry about the pine note to still give it a try. While it is a woody scent, there are so many levels that I wouldn’t just cast it off as “a pine scent”. I personally am not fond of pine scents but I think this blend is a keeper. The overall feeling it evokes and how absolutely feral and wild it feels makes it worth trying. Strong throw and long wearlength.

  22. LYCAON


    In Bottle: Resin and musk


    On Skin: A beautiful dark scent, feral and spicy. This reminds me of Scwarzer Mond, but a little darker and not as sweet. The dark myrrh, musk and resins really give a delicious depth. The olive leaf offers a very nice green slice through the scent. The patchouli in this scent is like the patchouli in Schwarzer Mond, dark but not overwhelming, which is very good for me because patchouli is usually evil on me. Here is works perfectly fine! The ginger offers a gorgeous spice and the incense gives even more depth with a nice sweet smoke. Very animalistic and fits it’s description perfectly!! If you like Scwarzer Mond I have a feeling you’ll love Lycaon. It has an average to strong throw but it does fade quite quickly on me so I’d say shortt to average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Rose and resin


    On Skin: The rose comes out right away. Sadly rose is one of my least favorite scents. This rose is sharp, it cuts through the amber and musk right away. They do their best to try and tame it, but it doesn’t work. This scent is sour and quite powdery. I get a very red feel from this. If you like rose, you should try this for sure. It’s a more sexual rose, not a prim and proper old lady rose. It has depth and grit, it’s a very dark red velvet rose. Not a scent for me though. Strong throw and long wearlength.



    In Bottle: Wood, spice and resin


    On Skin: I smell smoke and dragon’s blood right away… a dragon blood incense it seems. The pine is tame, not sharp at all… and the wet moss and dry leaves give a beautiful earthy sweet decay. I also smell something very spicy, I’m thinking cassia. I do get an old feel from this, I could completely picture this as how a castle would smell. It tells stories of many years and generations… wise and allknowing. Very dark and cold, shadows and darkness… things forgotten. I don’t love it, I don’t hate it. I’d also like to smell this on a man. I do love the feelings and stories it evokes. Light throw and average wearlength.



    In Bottle: Citrus and floral


    On Skin: I get a lemon note from this, soft and slightly tart, maybe verbena? This scent is very golden yellow in feel. I loved it at first, about a year ago, but now my opinion has changed a little. I haven’t been liking lemon or vebena scents lately, not sure why, I’m just not in the mood for them. It also has a soapy note with a velvet feel so I’m thinking there might be white musk in this. I looked at other people reviews of this scent, and for some odd reason people say they smell cinnamon in it. So either they got a funky batch or I did, because there not even the slightest hint of cinnamon in my bottle. None at all!! I do smell a cool note, quite chilling. Menthol for sure so I’m guessing a herbal mint or eucalyptus. That note becomes quite strong, chilling my nostrils as I inhale. This is a pretty scent, very light and refreshing. Moderate throw and long wearlength.
