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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Zirekile

  1. Zirekile


    After reading the various reviews on O, I had to try it. In the imp: All I could smell was the scent that clung to all of the bottles - a sweet, flowery smell that reminds me of old women. =/ On me: Well, it certainly didn't have the sexy smell I expected. It wasn't a bad smell, mind you, it was just... powdery. And that made me incredibly sad because I was really hoping for a sexy scent. Boyfriend's review: "Well... it's not bad, I like that one you were wearing yesterday (Embalming Fluid) so much better. It's more you." Sigh. I guess I'll let my sister try it, see how she likes it. =( Edit: After several hours, a shower, applications of Embalming Fluid, and repeated washing, O is still kicking and smells divine. Still not sexy, but it's got a sweetness to it that's rather nostalgic for me. I'm enjoying it.