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Everything posted by wenchie84

  1. wenchie84

    Velvet Tiki

    What a gorgeous scent! It's the perfect blend of tangy citrus fruit and vanilla, with a hint of floral on my skin. In the bottle: When I first opened it, it smelled weird and kinda gross, like hairspray. I waited a little while to sniff it again and couldn't really tell what it smelled like. Wet: It smelled like pineapple straight up. On the dry down: The pineapple fades to a light citrus and the vanilla becomes more prominent. I'm no good a depicting notes, but there's also a light floral in the background. I wonder if the florals will become more noticeable as the evening goes on... EDIT: Okay now it's died down to a light vanilla. EDIT 2: It's been a couple hours and it's finally died down to a powdery floral that's still got that citrus tang to it. In all, I LOVE this blend! It smells the way a Hawaiian beach vacation should smell. I immediately get mental images of blue waters, sand, palm trees, a tiki hut, and a hammock.
  2. wenchie84


    Unfortunately for me, Numb does not smell like anything other than soap. I had such high hopes for this scent too and sadly, it's let me down. In the bottle it smelled the way cold air smells in the dead of winter. Then, when I put it on, it smelled like cold baby powder. Now that it's dry it smells completely of soap and not even good soap, but like hotel soap. It's a shame, b/c I really wanted this to be a keeper and now it's going in the sale pile.