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BPAL Madness!


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About sadtomato

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 07/18/1975


  • Location
    Illinois, USA
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    black dahlia, 51, deep in earth, whip, desire, black rose, ostara, red moon, privilege...for now...

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    writing has always been my great love and passion, closely followed by travel, reading and music. i'm the kind of person who is insatiably curious and more than anything likes to learn and understand, i guess that's where my interest in mysticism, paranormal and the occult comes from. on the outside i'm sweet and cherub-like looking and people assume i'm innocent and pure-hearted. not many people know the real me or how dark i really am under that exterior veil of innocence. <br />art, photography, mysticism, paranormal, occultism, graphology, tarot, palmistry, lucid dreaming, nature, meditation, yogo, belly dancing, death and burial rituals, graveyards, languages, cultures, etc...
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
    cancer, rabbit. sun in cancer, moon in saggitarius. my natal chart is a bit on the strange looking side and almost identical to my best-friend's.
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. sadtomato


    this smells a lot like absinthe! the minty, anise kind of smell. wow. pretty impressive. that said...i don't think it's something i really want to walk around smelling like. but it's a nice trip down memory lane!
  2. sadtomato


    this is all grape and rosemary on me...but it's quite nice. like an herbally wine.
  3. sadtomato

    Count Dracula

    leather, wood and patchouli...i really like this. it's dark, sexy and mysterious. maybe a touch masculine..but i think it's nice on women as well.
  4. sadtomato

    Lucy's Kiss

    Created to represent the essence of Bram Stoker’s tragic heroine, Lucy Westenra. Seductive, wanton and deadly, but underscored with a soft, wistful innocense. The gentle scent of rose and a blend of Victorian spices. unfortunately, this is that particular rose note that induces migraines for me. ugh.
  5. sadtomato


    this is interesting..musky, woodsy, and a little peppery. it's very light and not very long-lasting, though. nice scent.
  6. sadtomato


    mossy and clean smelling with a bit of musky cologne smell to it. i'd say a nice, light men's scent.
  7. sadtomato

    Milk Chocolate Buttercream

    this one doesn't really smell chocolatey on me...more like buttercream. just sweet, creamy, maybe caramelly. way too sweet for my tastes, but not a bad smell at all.
  8. sadtomato

    White Chocolate and Sugared Violets

    wow, a white chocolate scent that doesn't go gacky on me! this one is actually quite nice. the violet kind of tempers the white c hocolate and makes this a sweet violet scent rather than a gacky, way too sweet candy scent.
  9. sadtomato

    Tiki King

    i'm not a fan of the scent of coconut in fragrances, but this is actually quite nice. it blends with the musk and wood so well it takes on a totally different kind of feel than it usually has. i'm digging this one big time. a nice summer feel to this. unfortunately, it turns quite powdery on me after about 20 minutes.
  10. sadtomato

    White Chocolate and Strawberry

    another gacker. the white chocolate is nasty on me...sickeningly sweet. and this strawberry is very fakey strawberry smelling on me. yuck.
  11. sadtomato

    White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut

    White chocolate, marshmallow, and coconut. gack. this smells like that last candy left in the valentine's day sampler box that no one wants to eat. way too sweet, syrupy and scary.
  12. sadtomato

    Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel

    lots of chocolates go wonky on my skin, but this one isn't doing that. deep, dark chocolate that really smells chocolatey! and the caramel is awesome...as is the smokiness. this is probably the best chocolate scent i have ever tried.
  13. sadtomato

    Fire Phoenix

    i dunno why, but this smells like lemon pledge on me.
  14. sadtomato

    The Robotic Scarab

    umm...yum! metallics, leather, and anise are a wonderful combination...who would have thought it. this is nice! a little bit of sweetness and a lot of freshness. a cool scent. i love it.
  15. sadtomato

    Machu Picchu

    this is all very citrusy fruits and nothing else on me. boo hoo.