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BPAL Madness!


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About buddhy

  • Rank
    lil stinker


  • Location
    West Sussex - England
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    *SMELLY THINGS*<br />Lush: <br />I have always loved smelly things. I have had a bit of a fling with Lush over the last 2 years. And by a bit of a fling, I of course mean a full blown obsession. I had to call it quits last Christmas - I was giving them an extremely generous portion of my wage each month. I stopped buying last Christmas and I'm just running out now - a year later. And I still have a huge stash of perfumes and shower gels. The shame! <br /><br />Yankee Tarts: <br />I'm sure this company is frowned upon by some here as their scents aren't always true to pure scent. Some of them are a bit synthetic, but I love them and always have one burning in the house. Less of an obsession this time, but I do of course have a stash of them that I am working through. I like anything sharp and fruity, but I find the foody/sugary scents quite comforting. <br /><br />Perfume in general:<br />I love perfumes and perfume bottles. Packaging is quite a must for me. I have always enjoyed marketing and advertising and packaging is a good portion of that, so it's important to me. My favourites are Jean Paul Gaultier Classique, Nina by Nina Ricci and Ginger by Lush. <br /><br />*READING*<br />My favourite books are - <br />His Dark Materials Trilogy<br />The Alchemist's Cat<br />Memoirs of a Geisha<br />All the Harry Potters, but my favourite is The Prisoner of Azkaban<br />1984<br /><br />I didn't think I liked anything wizardy and magical but since I now have His Dark Materials, Harry P and The Alch's Cat on my list, well... maybe I do. I'm a grown woman! Should I be reading this stuff? It's found in the young teen section of book shops. Hmm... <br /><br />*FILMS/MOVIES* <br />Not only do I like watching films, actually going out to the cinema is a real treat for me. I like the atmosphere, I like the Nachos... in a way I even like the way your feet stick to the floor! It's an experience and the best way to see any film. The price to see a film these days is not impressive though - £7.50 each?! That makes a film £15 before Nachos and a drink which also comes to over £6. Making it an expensive evening. <br /><br />Some of the films I like to re watch are...<br />Kill Bill 1&2<br />Reservoir Dogs<br />Pulp Fiction<br />LEON<br />Chicago<br />Memoirs of a Geisha<br />Charlie and the chocolate factory<br />The Wizard of Oz<br />The Skeleton Key<br />Mr & Mrs Smith<br /><br />I also like any kind of chick film - ten things I hate about you, how to lose a guy in ten days, Bridget Jones' diary, what women want... etc. They are an easy watch. <br /><br />*THEATRE*<br />Okay, I don't have a lot of experience with this. But I have seen WICKED in London and I loved every second of it. Even the cocktails in the break! It was a beautiful experience and I would love to see another soon. <br /><br />*FOOD*<br />My favourite food is Indian food. I really enjoy the stuff. I try and get a good, healthy, spicy dose at least once a week. AT LEAST. <br /><br />My second favourite food is cauliflower cheese, made by my Mum. Yum. <br /><br />And finally, sage and onion stuffing. I'm a vegetarian so there's no sausage meat in my stuffing. <br /><br />Fried eggs are quite nice too. <br /><br />*JAPANESE STUFF*<br />Ever since we had a Japanese student living with us for a few years when I was a kid I've loved anything from Japan. <br /><br />Stationary, Bento boxes, tissue packs, chop sticks, socks with an out pouching for your big toe (so you can wear them with flip flops!), sweets, origami, writing... <br /><br />*AMERICAN STUFF*<br />Just another like of mine. I think it's probably just anything that you can't easily obtain in the UK. In this day and age you wouldn't think these things were so out of reach, but they are! <br /><br />They have some really cool clothes, accessories, sweets, drinks... the list goes on! <br /><br />*ACCESSORIES AND HANDBAGS*<br />I might have a few handbags. I might. Okay, I DO! I have some very prized handbags. My favourite at the moment is my new Fiorelli. It's very NOW and I think it's fab. <br /><br />*COSMETICS*<br />MAC:<br />I had another obsessive fling with MAC. I like eye shadows and I don't wear much other make up. I have over 120 eye shadows from MAC. Why do I do nothing in moderation? But I enjoy being able to blend and mix and colour coordinate. Their eyeliners are great too. Like paste with a brush. Nice. <br /><br />Lip balms:<br />I like lip balms. Flavoured ones. Not coloured ones though. I like ginger and lemon Badger Balm, tropical Chapstick, watermelon Chapstick, Original Chapstick, glossy ones, fruity ones, Tea flavoured ones, Bergamot and orange ones... <br /><br />Mascara:<br />My favourite one at the moment is Bourjois - Clubbing. This is excellent and great value for money too. <br /><br />*TELEVISION*<br />Everybody loves Raymond<br />King of Queens<br />Scrubs<br />Hollyoaks<br />Who's line is it anyway?<br />Nevermind the Buzzcocks - old and new<br />That 70's show<br />Desperate Housewives<br />Hustle<br />Dragon's Den<br /><br />THE LIST GOES ON...
  • Mood


  • Favorite Scents
    Gardenia Violet Rose Musk Cherry Blossom Lime Lemon grass Carnation Ginger Vanilla Sugar Earthy Woody


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. buddhy


    I've just got my very first order of BPAL (from a fellow member, not BPAL - that's coming in a few weeks!) and this was one of my imps. As soon as I sniffed it I thought... ooo, how masculine! I then put it on MrB's wrists (he was willing, surprisingly) and now he keeps sniffing his wrists. It's turned into something soft but masculine on his skin and it's wonderful! Quite sexy really. He has just asked if he can have a bigger bottle. Two surprises in one day!
  2. I was a huge fan of the Ginger range from Lush and I was heart broken when it was discontinued. Has anyone come across anything that they think smells similar? The same? I'm willing to try anything! Thank you in advance.