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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by KittyBoy

  1. KittyBoy


    I wrote this review some time ago, but never posted it. Ah well. Better late than never, right? In the bottle: Smells wet and clean, if that makes sense. I can smell the lavender, but not a lot else. Hope its not too floral. Floral + me = Ick. Gag. But, I'll try it. Wet: Mmm. Crisp and clean and slightly..citrusy? I think I like this already. Its not overpowering, and is really..clean. Did I say that already? Why do I smell citrus? There's no citrus in this blend. Hrm. Smells a bit like bitter (but in a good way!) lemon rinds. Its soft and subtle, and there are other notes, but none really stand out to me right now. Hrm, just put a little more on.. Ah. There's the lavender, and a very faint mossy/earthy/green smell. Interesting. Theres lavender, but it doesn't smell "girly" or overly flowery at all. Still a little citrusy, but with a touch of lavender and amber (or what I think is the amber. It seems to warm it up a bit). Hrm. Interesting. Mmm. The longer I wear it, the more I like it. Now its changing into a softer almost powdery scent (but not in a bad way). Eh? Not a bad thing though, not at all. It kinda reminds me a little of what my avon spray-on cologne does on me. But, better. Its warmer now, maybe thats the amber peeking through some more. Dry: Its definitely a softer, warmer version of the above. It stays close to my skin as well, or so it seems. The notes seem to have blended a little more also. I think I like this. I may have to wear some to work and see if people notice. Edit: No, I'm wrong. The "powdery" smell is actually the lavender again. But very subtle and soft lavender. Not really sweet or floral. I /really/ like this scent. I just want to see other peoples reactions to it now.