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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by redderz

  1. redderz

    Autumn Lace

    I smell Black Lace mostly in this too, with a hint of Antique Lace at the start! Once it's dry, it is pretty much the twin of Devil's Night on my skin!
  2. redderz

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I posted on the page before about my friend's bottle of Bon Vivant smelling odd - I bought her another one after and that one was just perfect! She actually sent me the other bottle of odd BV to smell, and it really does smell just like lemonade! There's no strawberry in it at all! Ah well, I'm keeping it for the novelty of it. Hahaha!
  3. redderz

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Just a query on something I've never really heard of before! I made a large order (9 bottles and a couple of imp packs) back on the 30th June, and they arrived on the 12th August. One of the bottles (Bon Vivant) was for a friend, as we made a group order, and I sent it off to her a few days after it arrived. She got around to testing it last week, and she said that she thinks it's not quite right - she says it doesn't smell at all like the last bottle she had, and that it's not nice at all, and like the strawberry scent isn't there at all. All of the other bottles that I got in the order were fine though! I emailed the lab about it last week but haven't heard anything yet, though I'm not quite sure what they could do, as they don't accept returns, of course. Is there anyone else out there who has had a dodgy bottle of Bon Vivant?
  4. redderz

    Eat Me

    Eat Me is everything I hoped Snake Oil would be. In the imp: Foody, cakey, sweet. Yum. Wet: Still cakey, but it's not too much. The vanilla and berries mix perfectly! Dry: Snake Oil. That's all I can smell! But it's sugary and slightly fruity Snake Oil, and I love it!
  5. redderz


    I'm really sad, because I absolutely loved this in the imp. I'm a big fan of cotton scents and when I tested it before, it was lovely linen. I got a bottle of it in my last order and tested it today, and all I could smell was vinegar. Really strong vinegar! I'll have to try it again later. Might be a bad chemistry day. *hopes*
  6. redderz

    Yankee Candle to BPAL

    Don't worry, I JUST got a bottle of AL too. I'm all set! Plus, vanilla is my favourite scent! So having more vanilla smellies is never a bad thing.
  7. redderz

    Yankee Candle to BPAL

    I had a similar experience, where I found Vanilla Satin reminded me of Antique Lace. Now I want Vanilla Sandalwood AND Vanilla Satin! Oooh, they didn't have Vanilla Satin there. I need to find it now! ETA: Just saw that the UK shop is having a sale too! I got a couple Vanilla Satins.
  8. I'm also waiting after ordering on July 1st, but I'm an international so it usually is a bit longer. I didn't realise that Luna Negra was backordered though - that might be a reason for the shipping being a tad longer, as well as the Carnaval and SDCC stuff.
  9. redderz

    Yankee Candle to BPAL

    Resurrecting this thread! Yankee Candles were on sale in a local shop today, so I bought quite a few. I kept sniffing the Sandalwood Vanilla one because it reminded me SO much of a BPAL scent - then I suddenly realised what it was - Monster Bait: Underpants! I checked the notes of that, and yup, sandalwood and vanilla. Yum!
  10. redderz

    Male Nude, Arms Upstretched

    I am absolutely in love with this scent. I'm a fan of linen anyway, but this is such a gorgeous comfort scent for me. Wet: It's very sharp and musky. I'm not sure what musk it is, but dark musk to me says either black or brown, maybe? As it's drying it goes very mossy and almost like dirt on me, but not in a bad way. Just like warm soil in the sun. Dry: After being on my skin for a few hours, the dirt disappears and it turns almost vanilla, but not a foody kind of vanilla. It's tinged with a hint of linen and it's just beautiful!
  11. redderz


    Wet: Pretty fizzy, reminds me a bit of Bon Vivant! The pomegranate is strong! Drying: I don't really like the initial dry-down stage. It goes a bit like cleaning fluid on me. But as it starts to dry more, it blossoms again. Dry: Fruity, almost like lip balm, but not a bad thing. Also smells like clean sheets on me - again, not a bad thing. I like it, but not sure if I'd wear it all the time.
  12. redderz

    Scent for Halloween?

    I'll be wearing Lambs-Wool 09 along with Jack for Halloween tomorrow! Delicious!
  13. redderz

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    Gorgeous scent, but you only need a tiny bit! It's very strong! In bottle: Spicy pumpkin. Yum! Wet: Still spicy pumpkin, but there's a hint of something sweet. Dry: The blackberry starts to come out now. It's so delicious! Smells like a pie with pumpkin and blackberry inside. Very sweet!
  14. I'd love to find a BPAL scent like Tuca Tuca. I have a feeling that Beth could do it so much better. Scents with similar ingredients seem to be: Defututa Veil Peitho Venice But I haven't tried them to compare.
  15. redderz


    Samhain 2009 I really, REALLY want to like Samhain. I see so many good reviews of it. I've let my 2009 one age for a year and have just tried it again. Wet: Very sweet, juicy apples. This is good. Very good. Drying: Something medicinal coming out now. Ugggh. Probably the fir needle and woods. Obviously I don't do good with woody scents. Dry: Still with the medicinal, and I can smell the patchouli strongly now. It's making me feel sick though. Nooo, Samhain, I really wanted to love you!
  16. redderz

    Black Lace

    I have a bottle of Black Lace from last year, and one that arrived yesterday. There is a BIG difference between my aged one and the new one! I get the apple from the new one too, which confused me for a bit, but I'm an apple fan so it wasn't bad at all! Once it dries, the apple fades and I get a slightly sugared Black Lace scent. I love this scent so much. It's a total comfort scent for me. *clutches her bottles tightly*
  17. redderz


    Both in the bottle and wet on my skin, this smells exactly like strawberry Hubba Bubba bubble gum! It's nice, but I was expecting something dark and sexy. Dry, it reminds me of something that I've smelt in The Body Shop. It's much better now, but I don't think I'll get a bottle! Still, I'll use my Imp!
  18. redderz

    Scent for Halloween?

    I've been wearing Jack layered with Lambs-Wool all weekend! Wow, such an amazing combination! It reminded me of apple pie so much that when I was driving home I stopped off and bought one to eat!
  19. redderz

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    I bought Mouse's Long & Sale Tale unsniffed just KNOWING I'd love it, and... I do. In the bottle: Wooo, vanilla and something very sweet! The sweet pea I'm guessing. Wet: Wow, this really reminds me of Dorian! For some reason I smell lemon and tea. It's totally gorgeous though. Dry: What amazing throw and staying power, and it dries down to a gorgeous soft vanilla and sandalwood scent. This just shot to my top 3.
  20. redderz

    Event Horizon

    I'm unsure of what opium smells like, so I don't really know how to describe Event Horizon, really. I received it as a frimp the other day and am trying it out right now. It reminds me a lot of a place in Camden that I go to - I think, the indoor market. As it's progressing on my skin, it's actually turning quite nice, though while I was busy doing things I did forget I had it on and stopped to wonder if I had washed my hands because of the strong scent of Imperial Leather soap. D'oh. Aside from the slight soapyness that I only get if I'm far away from my wrist, when I actually sniff my wrist I can smell something more complex. I'm surprised by this! I didn't think I would like it that much.
  21. redderz


    In Imp: Ooh, cider! Apples! Wet: Reminds me a lot of Fearful Pleasure, which I looooove. I can smell the milk in the background though, which makes it ever so slightly different! It has a good strong throw too! Dry: Delicious. Warm, appley and spicy. After a few hours, the ginger really comes out, but it's not overpowering. This is a lovely, warm, snuggly scent and I must get a bottle of it!
  22. redderz

    The Temptation

    In the imp: I smell peach blossom and wisteria. Wet: Please don't turn to rose on me... I can still smell peach so that's good. Dry: Still not getting any rose. Yay! This is a lovely sweet, peachy floral.
  23. redderz


    In the bottle: Mandarin orange, very clearly! Wet: Floral and lovely. There's too much of a mixture for me to pick out anything in particular now! Dry: Soft and floral. Very nice.
  24. redderz


    In the imp: I can really smell the tonka in this one! That's strange, because usually I get the violets in things first. Wet: Ah, there we go. Very, VERY sweet violet. I'm not getting any incense yet. Dry: Uh oh, it's turning to beer on me. What on earth could that be? Oh dear.
  25. redderz


    In the imp: Lovely creamy floral! I can definitely smell the jasmine and lilies. Wet: Pretty much the same as another lily/jasmine combo I've tried. It's nice though. Dry: Pretty and summery.