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BPAL Madness!


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About schmunchkins

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    casual sniffer


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  1. schmunchkins

    How to make a paypal order.

    Brand new to the forum & to BPAL itself, but I'm very excited to have found it and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my order. I feel terribly rude to post (especially so hysterically) before having written an introduction, but I'm seriously in a panic! I put in an order on 06/11 using paypal. It cleared on 11/11 & I got the paypal email saying that the transaction had been completed. I haven't received any further word, although looking at the CnS thread, my order should probably have been shipped by now. But then I understood that a CnS isn't always sent (or isn't always received) for internationals. Anyway, my sudden freakout has come about after reading this thread. In the details of the paypal transaction, my current address is clearly displayed to me. (Didn't write it in the comments section because I'm an idiot I figured it would show for the lab, too). BUT I've just now realised that my old, interstate address is shown as my 'home' address. Even though paypal is telling me that I attached my current address to this order, is there a chance that the lab has sent my order to the old address? Am I worrying about nothing? And (off topic, sorry) should I be worried about no CnS? Thank you in advance to anyone who can put my mind the tiniest bit at rest over this. My order is full of lovely things for me, and Christmas presents for DH & my sisters. I'm going to really quickly email the lab about this, but they won't be awake until I'm in bed tonight (although if I don't calm down I certainly won't be sleeping) and I was hoping that somebody might be up (or in a closer timezone!) and be able to reassure me. I've searched the forum quite extensively looking for some answers, but either I haven't been able to find it, or what's happened isn't actually a problem - I know that this thread has had posters mentioning that paypal resets their address to the old one before submitting any order, but, as I said, my order (in my details section, at least) has this current address clearly listed. Thank you so much & apologies again for hysterical first post.