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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Thyrra

  1. I never considered mixing scents (i.e. Fighter and Captain Cully). I'll give that a try. Thanks! And, of course, I'm still up for other suggestions if they are out there.
  2. Hello, forum-ites - I am one of those very rare posters who mostly lurks. I'm hoping you all can help me find a replacement for my beloved Loviatar. It's not a LE, but since it has been discontinued, I thought that this might be a good location to ask for help finding a GC version. This is one of my favorite BPAL oils. I love it for the dark, leathery scent, but I also wear it for LARPing for a character who is a worshiper of Loviatar. Needless to say, I'm very sad as my last lone bottle is running out. Can you all help a girl out?
  3. Hey all you wise BPALers- I'm wondering if anyone has ideas for what fragrances are similar to or would compliment some philosophy scents? I tend to wear these to work, because they are yummy, but light and not likely to offend clients or co-workers. But I really want to be an all BPAL girl. The scents I'm thinking of: Amazing Grace: it's floral with a bit of musk. I've heard that it is similar to Veil. Any other advice? Falling in Love: sweet, with a blackberry musk touch, but not syrupy sweet. Thank you in advance for any wisdom you can offer me!
  4. Thyrra

    Egg'd Mailbox

    Of all the inquisition scents, this is the only one that I just wasn't interested in. Egg in the sun? Ick. However, the lab goblins are wiser than I, and I received a fetching 'Trick' t-shirt and a bottle of Egg'd Mailbox. No worries, I thought. If I hate it, I'm sure someone on the forum will want to swap. So, I opened the bottle and gave it a little sniff. There. Will. Be. NO. Swapping. This is lovely! Warm, spiced vanilla, with a very good throw. I'm not normally a vanilla fan, but this has a spicy richness that I love. It's yummy and not too foody on my skin, and it's wonderful in an oil burner. Those lab goblins are smart!
  5. Does anyone know of a GC scent that is similar to Crow Moon? I like it - it's soft and watery but has some presence. I know I'll be sad when it's all gone.
  6. Thyrra

    Bravery, Courage, Confidence, Intimidation, Power

    Loviatar. It says, "I'm confident and sexy enough to kick your ass and still be gorgeous." And this too, (hopefully) shall pass. I had a poly relationship some years ago, and I'm now with only one of the guys. There was some oddness, but we worked it out well.
  7. Thanks! I don't really want a dupe - I can't imagine Beth's creations ever smelling just like someone elses. I'm hoping for something in the same vein or complimentary, so Bewitched is going on my list. And, heck, the name is awesome! It always amazes me how different people's sense of smell is... to me, FIL is very light and clean and sweet, and Dana O'Shee is warm and foody and sweet - not similar at all. As you say, YMMV. But I think I'll try them layered anyway and see what I come up with.... Thanks for the suggestion! ....off to add Pele to list of scents that must be sampled... Thanks!
  8. Thyrra


    Okay, it seems as though I must make Loviatar my first review, since it's she who led me to BPAL. I can't smell the leather that everyone is raving about, but to my nose Loviatar is spicy, sexy and powerful. Just as she should be. I love this fragrance - I feel strong and confident wearing it. And on the boy, it's amazing. Just incredible. It feels very female on me, and just as unabashedly male on him. Mmm.