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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by cherrytart

  1. cherrytart

    Fearful Pleasure

    Oh, I love this. It is the scent of warm apple cider with oranges floating in the punch bowl while faintly in the background, the smoke of burning leaves drifts through an open window. It lasted for quite a while on and the scent stayed true. I really want to order a second bottle.
  2. cherrytart


    This is the Resurrected version. In the bottle it is cotton candy and taffy. Very yummy! On me it is pure coconut suntan oil. It smells good and there is no plastic scent. It faded after a few hours and was completely gone by hour four.
  3. cherrytart

    Hollywood Babylon

    This scent is wonderful on me! People at work comment on it and I love it when I catch a whiff of myself throughout the day. It is sweet but the musk keeps it from being sickly sweet. I have an imp now but my next order will include a bottle.
  4. cherrytart

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Thank you for all of the suggestions. I will try to get my hands on Drink Me and Baba Yaga. Everyone is so nice and helpful here!
  5. cherrytart

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Does anyone know of a BPAL scent that smells like pineapple? I just love the scent of pineapple cookies, sundaes, etc.!