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BPAL Madness!


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About booklover786

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday October 11


  • BPAL of the Day

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    United States


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  1. booklover786

    Scents to Curb Your Cravings

    That helps a lot! I really like your description. From now on I probably only be able to associate grapefruit with the color bright pink! I love those purple grapes with the pits in them so I can't wait to try a BPAL rendition of one. Thank you, neddykapoozle.
  2. booklover786

    Scents to Curb Your Cravings

    I've been trying to figure out what a grapefruit smells like. I have asked a lot of people but apparently they have never been close enough to one to describe the scent. I like grapes and I love fruit (is grape a fruit?) but I'm not sure how well the two would work together. Am I taking the name too literally? I would like to know before I buy one of ya'lls suggestions because if I don't like the scent then I would never wear it, and if I never wear it...well that sort of defeats the purpose of me buying it, don't you think? Can anyone describe what it smells like in simple terms? Thanks so much!
  3. booklover786

    Scents to Curb Your Cravings

    Ah ha! I had no idea they was any type of study done on appetite suppressants. Truthfully, the only thing I've ever heard of dealing with ways to get rid of your cravings was on an episode of Oprah. Dr. Oz was on the show and he said that if you were to hit your head in the right spot and get amnesia then, because you wouldn't have any memories, you're cravings would be gone. That is a tad bit drastic for me, personally, so I believe I'll take your advice and find a grapefruit scent. lol. I believe that even a 12 hour fast is null and void if it's coupled with four cookies and a pint of ben and jerry's. Thanks for the luck, ivyandpeony. I'll try and find a peppermint scent as well. Shattered smelled too much like my mom so I winded up giving it to her, I'll have to see if she has any of it left. Thanks so much ya'll. Looks like I'm going to put another order in pretty soon. Maybe I'll be able to complete my detox by July of next year.
  4. booklover786

    Scents to Curb Your Cravings

    I have been trying to do a week long detox for about three months now. I need to fast for 24 hours and then I can only eat raw fruits and vegetables for the next six days. (A hard feat for a junk food lovin' foodie like myself.) I've attempted to do this four times now and couldn't make it twelve hours without grabbing something from my fridge. I read this post about scents that make you hungry (http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=10...angerous+hungry) so I know which ones to stay away from, but are there any that can help me go seven days with just fruit, raw vegetables, and water? Or at least something that will help me control the urge to reach for the cookies on my counter? Have you ever put on an oil that just made your cravings disappear? Or am I completely insane for even contemplating this idea? Any information will be very helpful. I've searched for topics similar to this one but haven't found any so I hope I'm not duplicating any posts. Thanks in advance.