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Everything posted by myshgr96

  1. myshgr96

    Lilith vs. the Giant Crab

    I really love this scent on me - a light, soft tangerine cream ; it really is a very beautiful blend. However, after about 10 minutes, I can barely detect it. I am so envious of anyone who can actually get this to last on her skin!
  2. myshgr96

    Strawberry Moon 2009

    First fragrance review! I really wanted to try this and finally received a frimp of it with a purchase. In the imp: sweet strawberry candy Wet: similar to the scent in the imp but with a touch of the greenery thrown in Dry: Less sweet now, I'm not really picking up on the sugar/sweetness. Smells like tart strawberries and maybe a bit of green stem. Not much throw. I like the fragrance (prefer the wet stage), but not enough to chase it down.