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Everything posted by TroubleDoll

  1. TroubleDoll

    New Orleans

    Old New Orleans is one of my favorites because it captures Southern humidity and florals perfectly. The main floral I smell is honeysuckle, hot, ripe, falling-off-the-branch honeysuckle mixed with spice.
  2. TroubleDoll


    Midnight is floral, but like no floral I have ever smelled before. It's sort of otherworldly. It has a hypnotic, lulling effect. As it dries down it reminds me of the soap children use to make giant bubbles in the yard in the spring. Love it!
  3. TroubleDoll


    This scent is so refreshing. I smell citrus which I usually hate, but this is sort of ethereal, floating, lemony and airy. I love it, now if only I could pronounce it correctly...