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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by TroubleDoll

  1. TroubleDoll


    If Jazz had a smell, what would it smell like? Deep musk, steeped in mystery? Rich cocoa, indulgent and nourishing to the soul? Intoxicating booze, the scent of celebration? How about all three, plus a faint breath of earthy herbs? That's Storyville.
  2. TroubleDoll

    White Rabbit

    This is what I wanted Juke Joint to be, strangely. It smells minty-boozy for some reason. There's a bit of cream in there. Spicy-milky with a hint of booze.
  3. Ravenous has the orange, tempered by a really nice patchouli. Penitence is a really nice smoky resin.
  4. TroubleDoll

    How to mix a mojito?

    Twenty one is a refreshing boozy scent. Not minty, but refreshing nonetheless.
  5. I wear what i like even if it means wearing Midnight Mass on a hot summer day. I'm stubborn like that.
  6. TroubleDoll

    The smell of night

    Thanks, everyone. I'm adding to my wishlist...
  7. TroubleDoll

    The smell of night

    I love scents that smell like nighttime, night air, or a starry sky. I have found Nights Pavilion, Midnight, Nocnitsa... Are there any other scents reminiscent of night air, even if the name/description doesn't suggest it? Thanks!
  8. TroubleDoll

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    My favorite rose scents: Two, Five and Seven (true rose) Rose Cross (resin-y rose) Moon Rose (sweet pink rose) Spellbound (smoky, full rose) Persephone (juicy, fruity rose)
  9. TroubleDoll

    Looking for a BPAL similar to a Clinique Fragrance

    Thanks, I think I might just get her something totally different, becuase i have tried literally hundreds of scents and not found anything like it. Maybe I'll try something deep and woody with a touch of sweet-Anne Bonny or Rose Cross or something.
  10. TroubleDoll

    Looking for a BPAL similar to a Clinique Fragrance

    Thanks for correcting the description. I got the notes from a fragance board-I guess they should have been updated.
  11. TroubleDoll

    Looking for a BPAL similar to a Clinique Fragrance

    So the search engine is down but i need to get my mom's birthday gift on order. I hope someone can help. She likes Clinique's Aromatics Elixir. The notes are: Rose White Jasmine Ylang Ylang Vetiver Any recommendations for something similar? Thanks! (edited to correct notes)
  12. TroubleDoll

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Blood Pearl is what I wanted Black Pearl to be. Also, Elegba is very coconutty.
  13. TroubleDoll

    Anything similar to Sage Machado "Onyx" ?

    Might Elegba be similar? It is coconutty and rummy...
  14. TroubleDoll

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    Penthus is a lovely floral aquatic, like flowers by the sea.
  15. TroubleDoll

    Oils To Help with PMS and Periods

    When I was having awful cysts/cramps, curling up with some Antique Lace on my wrists worked for me.
  16. TroubleDoll

    Roger & Gallet Gingembre

    I want to add one more thing to this discussion. I used to live in Paris, and Roger&Gallet is super popular there. Both women and men wear their Green Tea scent in France, and I remember several other scents being considered unisex as well. They may market the Gingembre toward women in the States, but I really see no reason a man couldn't wear it. The packaging isn't even feminine.
  17. TroubleDoll

    Roger & Gallet Gingembre

    I know Gingembre. I don't know of any BPAL that is identical, but you might try two things: Penny Dreadful dries down to a sort of dark ginger scent on me, even though ginger is not listed in the ingredients Malediction has the dark, woody quality but not the ginger-maybe you could layer it with Penny or Sudha Segara. Good luck!
  18. TroubleDoll

    BPAL for fancy, elegant and formal occasions

    Whip reminds me of Stella by Stella McCartney, and it is a little haughty as well.
  19. TroubleDoll


    I'm getting flashbacks of high school, standing in the local punk-rock store, buying my first pair of Docs. Rather than being shocked, my dad smelled them and said how great the leather scent was and what a well-made pair of boots they were. This is a good thing. It's that beautiful leather, softened by the rose just for me.
  20. TroubleDoll

    Two, Five & Seven

    This is what I wanted Rose Red to be. A sweet breath of roses. I envision a rose bouquet of all sizes and colors. This is classic but not old fashioned. there is some sort of fruit way in the background that keeps it from smelling stuffy.
  21. What a fun question! January: Snow White (peaceful and new) February: Whip (very romantic and tortured) March: Ultraviolet (frozen things blooming) April: Lightning (rainy skies) May: Penthus (rainly days filled with flowers) June: Shanghai (fresh!) July: Pele (warm and glowing) August: Midnight (a fully blooming night under a sticky, moony sky) September: Scaecrow (falling into dryness) October: Devil's Night (the perfect trickster scent) November: Persephone (fruity abundance) December: Penitence or Midnight Mass (peace of the season) I did this based on impressions, not logic.
  22. TroubleDoll

    Springtime scents

    Penthus is a gorgeous spring scent.
  23. TroubleDoll

    Midnight Mass

    I am delighted with this scent. It is like Penitence Extreme- a beautiful, glowing resin that quickl settles in and becomes a warm, second skin fragrance. I find it to be just slightly sweeter than Penitence. The incense is not smoky or dusty at all. Simpy gorgeous.
  24. TroubleDoll

    Rose Red

    Sad. This scent is so lovely to everyone else, but on me it is awful. My chemistry just turns it to nail polish remover. Oh well, more for someone else. Pity, I really wanted to love it.