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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Still not up to much today. Got up, wandered around for a couple hours in the house, then promptly collapsed into bed again. Exhausted.

  2. Well, the fever certainly explains why I've felt like such utter crap all day. STFU, body, I know you hate me. At least we agree on that.

  3. Things that are bad for your spinning wheel (but only caused mostly cosmetic damage this time) : 1. Tripping over it. 2. Dropping it.

  4. Is anyone else getting this weird impending doom feeling? I feel like I shouldn't go to sleep even though I'm exhausted. Ugh, shield better.

    1. backthatelfup


      I had that last night as well.

  5. Distraction would be less of an issue if I didn't tend to treadle so fast while spinning... equaling subsequent need to untangle the flyer.

  6. Just finished the FMA manga. *sobs* perfect! Or as close thereto as one could get, and strangely fanon. For canon, anyway. But this IS FMA.

  7. Well, my day has improved a bit. Crow-colored yarn!!!! Also, a parcel full of awesome.

  8. Hello there! Thanks for adding me as a friend. ;) Let's make it mutual. *adds*

  9. Oh god, this show. LOL what is WITH the random shirtlessness, for srs.

  10. Hah. Today sucked so much. Sitting up to take medicine then back to huddling in the darkness for a few more hours so my skull won't explode.

  11. *stumbles in* So, still with the headache but going to try to sleep since I can't take anything else til 9 tonight. Back later on, I hope.

  12. Headache. Badbadbad headache. Medicine? As much as allowed. Lots of water. Not working. *clutches her head and sobs quietly*

    1. beachbabealways


      Hugs you. I have had the worst headache all day too. :(

  13. Oh, hahahah. He's so short next to Tezuka-buchou and the other 3rd years it's ridiculous.

  14. OMG!!!!!!!!! Guess who's going to see Dir en Grey & Apocalyptica in September...?! With @ftngrave & @MitsukiNori ! Yeah, that's right. :)

    1. cyanidenoir


      I saw Dir en Grey in Vegas maybe a year ago? It was awesome ^_^ Congrats to you.

    2. HighPriestessIce


      Lucky! I'd kill to see Apocalyptica!

      And Dir en Grey is awesome live :D

  15. Should have nixed the chili mangos (ugh) and gotten more of the dried tomatoes, which are super delish. Yummy!

  16. Ironically, while there is very little I require a spinning wheel do, there is a great deal I require it not do. Need a new bottle of oil.

  17. Had a shower and am squeaky clean + awesome smelling. Feeling much refreshed, and will now be off to seek a cup of tea.

  18. Hi, I got your message about Sugar Cookie 08 but your inbox is full. Please lmk when you've cleared it and I'll send you my response!

  19. Hey there! *wave wave* Welcome to the forum!

  20. Hey there! Welcome to the forum!! :) Hope to "see" you around...

  21. Hello my dear!!

    ;) Glad to hear that you are thoroughly enabled.

  22. Happy Birthday to you, too!!

    Heehee... the only better gift from the Lab than a CnS would be getting the package today instead of tomorrow! :)
