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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. More accurately, I wanted a book of translated and annotated Norse verse (which I have found,) not creatively interpreted/rewritten stories.

  2. Is it too much to ask for a true-to-form book of Norse myths? I mean, if the Greco-Roman myths get them, why not?

  3. I just can't bring myself to tell my cousin that her boyfriend looks a little bit like the Doctor... well, at least that means he's cute!

  4. I can't believe I have to survive another twenty minutes of this before I can leave.

  5. Wherein I literally growled at the customer service rep during that call. I feel bad for the person, justified in relation to the company.

  6. I should be working on "Things Change." Instead, I'm using improbable search terms. Then I'm going to watch an Elvis movie. #procrastination

  7. I need to write so that my brain won't implode to punish me while I'm on vacation.

  8. Dammit, Dad, if I've wound up with your headcold I am so coughing on you when I get home on Friday.

  9. *breaks handle of hairbrush* ... *sighs* .... *fixes it with nail polish*

  10. Mind: "Oh, there was that thing we were--" Body: "I got you something." Mind: "Oh...?"Body: *Critical strike! Incapacitating Head Cold!*

  11. Still not very good but marginally less miserable. The lack of oxygen makes the random dizziness make sense. Also makes me sleepy.

  12. I cap off all those links I sent my sister to baby bunny photos with a link to photos of baby hedgehogs. Because they're hilariously cute.

  13. Sometimes I get distracted when my hair actually behaves. Like today. It's all shiny and silky and just... ugh if it had a face I'd hate it.

  14. Sometimes the only cute for a headache is propping your head against a gigantic teddy bear.

  15. Book club was... If I weren't so scared of offending people all the time it'd have been a lot easier. I thought the book was deathly dull.

  16. Dropping by to say hello! :) Heehee, welcome to the best-smelling addiction ever... (No, seriously, my coworkers hover by my desk when I get a box from the lab...)

  17. Happy Birthday to you, too!!

    Heehee... the only better gift from the Lab than a CnS would be getting the package today instead of tomorrow! :)

  18. Hello my dear!!

    ;) Glad to hear that you are thoroughly enabled.

  19. Hey there! Welcome to the forum!! :) Hope to "see" you around...

  20. Hey there! *wave wave* Welcome to the forum!
