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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Happy Birthday to you, too!!

    Heehee... the only better gift from the Lab than a CnS would be getting the package today instead of tomorrow! :)

  2. Hello my dear!!

    ;) Glad to hear that you are thoroughly enabled.

  3. *breaks handle of hairbrush* ... *sighs* .... *fixes it with nail polish*

  4. *stumbles in* So, still with the headache but going to try to sleep since I can't take anything else til 9 tonight. Back later on, I hope.

  5. 5. Cello... but they also play BEAUTIFULLY. And I need to stop clogging people's feeds and take some painkillers and sleep. I love you all!!

  6. Accidentally hit resend instead of delete and sent a REALLY OLD text msg to a friend (who is in disneyland and was understandably confused.)

    1. aleciarivas


      LOL IT's ALL GOOD!!! It's always nice to hear from you- no matter how strange it is!

  7. After I got back to sleep I slept most of the day. Because every time I woke up I felt like death warmed over. Just like at work Friday.

  8. Ahah. Interview on Thursday!!! Yay.

  9. Ahahahah. Not to be showing me the Blue Screen of Death, please. Not cool at all. Don't die, computer! I'll have to resurrect you if you do.

  10. ahahahah... unconsciousness, sleep, why have you abandoned me at 3 AM on a Saturday morning? Come back, please. You are needed!

  11. As far as weekends go, this one isn't the greatest. Passable, but that's about it. Ugh.

  12. Book club was... If I weren't so scared of offending people all the time it'd have been a lot easier. I thought the book was deathly dull.

  13. By noon, I had already spoken the seven words that sum up this day: "Oh god, I can't do anything right."

  14. Concert tomorrow. Dir En Grey! Apocalyptica! I have awesome family who remember that I'm into things. Then they surprise me with cool stuff!

  15. Dammit, Dad, if I've wound up with your headcold I am so coughing on you when I get home on Friday.

  16. Distraction would be less of an issue if I didn't tend to treadle so fast while spinning... equaling subsequent need to untangle the flyer.

  17. Dropping by to say hello! :) Heehee, welcome to the best-smelling addiction ever... (No, seriously, my coworkers hover by my desk when I get a box from the lab...)

  18. Exhausted. Awesome. Should sleep. Back to the other house later today, and work week two on Monday. Ohyeah. I've survived one week so far.

  19. figuring out how to bring everything I need for training in OR + stuff I want for the ride there without making bag too heavy to lift.

  20. For some reason, I thought it was much later than it actually area.

  21. Four words: Neil Gaiman is amazing. (and really a kind of beautiful and awesome and a bunch of other things, but it's impossible to sum up.)

  22. Guess who gets to be 22 tomorrow? Yay me. Another year older, another reason to wonder what's in store before the next advance in age.

  23. Had a shower and am squeaky clean + awesome smelling. Feeling much refreshed, and will now be off to seek a cup of tea.

  24. Hah. Today sucked so much. Sitting up to take medicine then back to huddling in the darkness for a few more hours so my skull won't explode.
