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Pink Owl 2:shipped 7-14 & all reviewed - finally!

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Pink Owl 2

Aeval - reviewed

Carnal** - reviewed

Hecate - reviewed

Morocco** - reviewed

O** - reviewed

Red Queen** - reviewed

R'Lyeh - reviewed


wheew! lots of imps to try!


7-12-06: woohoo! I'm on a sniffing roll. this one is ready to go to spacekitty too!


7-14-06: finally made it to the PO.


8-6-06: finally all reviewed!

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Aeval - Bewitching Brews

Notes: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk, tonka


In the Imp: I smell mainly tonka and sweet pea.


On the skin: At first I smell sage and sweet pea. I like this. It’s sweet yet herbal. After it’s been on a bit, the tonka comes out and adds a weird component to this scent. This is not working on me at all. It smells vaguely mineral-ish and like a weird type of soap. Wow, the tonka is really strong in this scent. It totally dominates all the other scents.


Overall impression: interesting, I liked the beginning. The addition of the tonka to the sweet pea and sage combines strangely to me, and isn’t something I care for.

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Hecate - Love Potions

Notes: almond, myrrh, dark musk


In the imp: Wowza – almond! Once applied, at first all I smell is sweet almond. It dominates the scent. It reminds me a bit of a bear claw pastry, it smells edible and sweet. After it’s been on a bit, it’s almost a bit spicy, something I’m attributing to the myrrh. As it wears, the myrrh becomes stronger. There’s powder too, typical for me from dark musk. Even as the myrrh and musk become more prominent, the almond remains.


All in all, it’s an interesting scent, it reminds me of a classic perfume, rich, timeless, haughty.

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R'lyeh - Wanderlust

Huh, based on the description, I was expecting something a bit darker, with more ozone elements and in general, just sharper. Instead, this is a sweet pink grapefruit. Sparkling sweet pink grapefruit at that. Wow, I like this more than I would have thought! It smells a bit salty on top of the fruit. After it’s been on a bit, there’s something in there almost spicy. I can’t pinpoint what exactly the spice is, but it’s there. After a while, it becomes even more salty and more spicy. It catches at the back of my throat.


This is a really interesting scent. I don’t normally care for many of the aquatics, but I’m liking this one.




heh, after looking at the reviews, evil grapefruit indeed! at least at first.

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O - Love Potions

Notes: Amber, honey and vanilla


In the imp, I smell sweet, clear honey.


On the skin, wet it smells very sweet, a sweet tooth-rottingly sweet honey. I’m also smelling a bit of vanilla. Wow, this is not half bad!


This was among the first batch of imps that I ever ordered. When I first got it, this was among the first oils that I tried. I was excited and eager to try it based on the rave reviews. I was so disappointed when I just couldn’t stand it. It smelled way too sweet and cloying. Beyond that, it just didn’t smell good. It convinced me that honey was a very bad note. I’ve tried this one a number of times since that first initial disappointment. Each time, I wasn’t impressed and it further confirmed to me that honey and I do not get along.


I don’t know what’s different this time. Now, instead of being too sweet, it’s just sweet. It’s no longer cloying. It’s more of a skin scent, warm, sweet, yummy. I can see that this would be delicious to find in the nape of someone’s neck. I don’t know that it smells like sex but it certainly smells like the prelude to sex.


I’ve always liked the idea of this scent (how could I not!?!) so I am glad that I can finally wear it.

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Carnal - Love Potions

Notes: mandarin & fig


In the imp and on the skin, I get mainly the bright fruitiness of mandarin orange. The orange remains strong and dominates the scent. There’s a bit of spice adding warmth to the scent. It reminds me a bit of Russian tea – a blend of orange, cinnamon, clove and tea. It’s yummy! After its been on a bit, the fig peeks through and adds to the general fruitiness of this scent.


This is a happy, juicy, upbeat scent. I smell edible. Maybe not carnal but definitely like someone could take a bite. I like it.

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Morocco - Wanderlust

Notes: musk, carnation, red sandalwood, cassia


This is simply the best smell. Ever. Warm, musky, creamy, spicy. Flippin fantastic. This is one GC I hope never goes discontinued.


The main notes I can smell here are a warm musk and smooth, rich, creamy sandalwood. I think it’s the sandalwood that mainly provides the creaminess and richness to this scent, but the carnation and spices add depth and complement the other elements beautifully.


This is a classic, classic scent that fits anywhere but is beautiful and sexy at the same time. It stays close but all the better. This is olfactory velvet.

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Red Queen - Mad Tea Party

Notes: mahogany, woods, black cherries, currant


Motivated to try my imp by the GC Swap.


In the imp: cherries


On the skin, wet: cherries. Red cherries.


On the skin, dry: the woods come out. There’s cherries and wood. A little later, the currants are more prominent and the cherries not as much so. The mahogany reminds me of cedar. Dry, I like this scent quite a lot.


Overall, it was great to try this again and I always enjoy it when I do. I don’t need a bottle but I’ll keep my imp.

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