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kakiphony 2 - shipped 7-5-06. All reviewed.

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picked this up today at the PO.


Kakiphony 2

Neo-Tokyo** - reviewed

Vixen** - reviewed

Tweedledee - reviewed

Obatala** - already reviewed

Leanan Sidhe** - reviewed


I've got all but one of these, I'm aiming to get this in the mail tonight!


ETA: ok, I've got Tweedledee tested, once I know where I'm sending this it's going out!


ETA 7-5-06: this is off to yellowrose!


ETA 7-10-06: ok, finally tried and reviewed all scents that were in this pack!

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Notes: Kumquat, white pepper, white tea and orange blossom


On the skin, this smells just like fruit loops. There’s the hint of fruit with the underpinning of the crunch of the cereal.


After it's been on a while, the froot loops smell goes away and it smells more like candied orangish fruit (not an orange, not a mandarin but related, tart and juicy). There's other elements there too but I can't identify them, it's a well blended oil. It's reminiscent of Moxie and Kunkstakammer, so maybe blood orange is an element here. It's a refreshing scent, it would be great in a scrub or a tart. Not so sure about as a straight perfume but it's a cheery, happy scent that makes me go zing!


(Looking at the notes, I would have never guessed any of these!)

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Vixen - Love Potions

Notes: orange blossom, ginger and patchouli


This is a strong scent reminiscent of Snake Oil. It certainly stains the skin like Snake Oil. Normally I don't care for orange blossom or neroli, but here, combined with the other ingredients, it's quite nice.


This is a dark, sexy as hell scent that I'm really enjoying. The longer I wear this the more that I like it. It reminds me quite a bit of Snake Oil but without that element that somehow makes Snake Oil sometimes go a bit like marzipan. On me, it's turning vanilla-ish, slightly spicy and just damn sexy. This is a come hither scent; it suits it's name perfectly.


This may be a 10 ml before they go off into the ether. If not a 10, the definitely a 5 ml purchase. Damn, this is a sexy, sexy scent!!!!

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Neo-Tokyo - Wanderlust

Notes: metallics, ozone, bamboo, crisp mountain air, cherry blossoms, orchid and wet fruits.


On the skin, this reminds me a lot of the asian moons, Holiday Moon in particular. I smell mainly bamboo, and a bit of tea (despite it not being listed in the ingredients). After it's been on a couple minutes, I smell some mint and maybe a touch of lemon or citrus. It's cool, light, clear and refreshing. I'm not getting a lot of florals from this scent. I'm enjoying this more than I thought that I would. I'm getting a touch of ozone but it's not bad; too much ozone and I'm outta there but I'm still enjoying this, it adds to the crispness and coolness of the scent. After it's been on a while, the ozone element becomes stronger on me and at this point, it becomes a bit overwhelming and not a scent for me.

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Leanan Sidhe - Bewitching Brews

Notes: none listed


when I first apply this, it reminds me of old style perfume, not super floral, but a bit musky, a bit floral and a bit herbal, in cut crystal bottles. it has that timeless feel to it.


after it's been on for a minute two, that old-style perfume smell goes away and it smells slightly floral; it has elements of jasmine with some kindof herb back there that I can't identify. as it wears, the florals amp up and become more forceful. there's also a note here thats a bit powdery, maybe the image of old style perfume isn't too far off after all.


this reminds me of other BPAL floral scents that I can't remember - I'm not a super big fan of florals and they all seem to blend into one. it was good to try but I think I'll mark this one down as tried and pass on my imp.

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Obatala - Excolo (reviewed 4-19-06)

Notes: milk, coconut meat, shea butter and cool, refreshing water


In the Imp: buttery rich milk. It jogs my memory of Milk Moon. Which didn’t work for me and I ended up passing it on. The smell in the imp is not promising.


On the skin: milk, hints of coconut, but with a twist. At first it is very similar to Milk Moon (or as I remember it).


As it wears, the coconut milkyness recedes and I get what I think is shea. It’s slightly sweet but it remains cool and refreshing thanks to the aquatic note. It’s almost a bit minty on me but not quite. Milk Moon was very heavy on me and turns a bit sour, this does not do that at all and I’m so thrilled. It’s a soothing creamy scent, it evokes feelings like those I get from Snow White, my ultimate soothing scent-wrap-yourself-in-fluffy-towels or a great big hug scent. It's completely different but just as soothing. Just beautiful. Yes, this is a very white, pure scent.

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