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My Fall 2017 Switch Witch answers





would any witchees be interested in NASA swag? I'm now super-close to Marshall Space Flight Center and will be visiting the space center with my kiddo pretty regularly. If so, what would you like? Clothes, a mug, magnets, a plush Snoopy wearing a flight suit?
Nothing springs to mind.


does anybody like anything from Solstice Scents? I LOVE their Jack and the Devil. http://www.solsticescents.com/
I have tried some of their scents but haven't found anything that works for me. I'd rather have NAVA, BPAL, Moona, Haus of Gloi, or Cocoa Pink.



Witchee, would you like anything from the Trading Post Halloween update?


Awesome farmer's market by my house. They have a local honey stand (which also sells things made from local honey like Propolis tincture!); there's a small apothecary and she additionally makes soaps and hand-made, hand-poured scented candles; plus a guy that makes an array of BBQ and Hot Sauces. Does any of this appeal? Would you like anything from my local farmer's market?
I love local honey and things made from honey. No bar soap. Love candles. Iffy on the BBQ/Hot Sauces because sodium. If no salt/sodium, I love hot sauces, especially jalapeno sauces.

Smolder Cosmetics. Do any of their products (glitter, eye dusts etc) appeal to you? https://smoldercosmetics.com
I'm sure they do (especially sparkly) but I have a ton of indie makeup that I've never even opened.

Anything from Strobe Cosmetics (http://strobecosmetics.com)?
Again with the not wearing makeup for a year.

How would you feel about getting Hello Kitty stuff?
No thanks, too pink and cheerful. I'm all about Gloom Cookie and Emily the Strange and darker things.

Would you like to get some favorite recipes?
What I can eat is pretty limited so unless they are kidney failure diet recipes, probably not.

Would you like anything from my shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/LisaNut?
No thank you, I don't see anything that catches my eye.


Haus of Gloi Fall II update?
I already answered this below (9/8) when the announcement first came out. I put the list of what I'd like from Fall Update 2 there.


How do you feel about these little guys? https://lovemomiji.c...imited-editions
I really don't have a place for stuff like that.


What are your top three most wanted DC'd or previous LE BPALs?
Goth Queen, Resin Cast Meat Skull, F54

What are some things you do NOT want to receive?
* Bar soap. Please $deity, no bar soap. (unless you make it! then please bring ALL OF YOUR SOAP.) I make soap and I have SO. MUCH.
* I also don't need any tealights, I buy those unscented by the 100's.
* no socks. I rarely wear socks and I am very picky about them when I do. I have super large feet so most women's socks don't fit me anyway.
* hair clips, barrettes, pins, etc. (I shave my hair on the sides/back and spike/tease it on top.)
* sodium
* nuts/dried fruit

is there anything from here that you might be interested in getting a print (or pillow/make-up case/etc) of?
No, sorry, I didn't see anything I had to have.

Claire's has some super cute Halloween stuff. In the style of Haunted Mansion - black lace collars, lace and sparkle masques and the like. A few items in Dias de los Muertos style. Would you be interested in such things?
No thank you.


Anyone like/want calendars or dayplanners? I could use a 2018 calendar but don't feel obligated. Last year I received a cool Sugar Skull one in my 12 days of christmas swap.
If you like stationery, do you like plain, colors, images, or specific DON'T LIKES? I don't want stationery, thank you.
What about general desk stuff like cool colored paperclips and post it pads? Nope, I need zero desk stuff. Someone got me like 20 cool post it note pads and I've been giving them away like crazy because I rarely ever write anything. In a former life like 20 years ago I was once a secretary and I have SO MUCH desk stuff from that time period including note pads I still haven't used. I have boxes of pens, pencils, tape, paperclips, colored paperclips, purple file folders, etc. And then I worked at Microsoft and raided the office closet and had EVEN MOAR desk stuff that was all thrown in a box to take with me when I left. I still use my microsoft stapler.

Does anything catch your eye from Ten Thousand Villages? http://www.tenthousandvillages.com/
I looked at the sale section and was attracted to some of the iron and stone things and then saw they were over $70 after being marked 50% off, and closed the window. Then I reopened it at looked at other things but anything I'd want is much too expensive.

Would you be into receiving hand made (crocheted, sewn, felted, chain maille, scale, or duct tape, in my case, depending on the item) dishclothes? Scarf/shawl? Hat? Bag? Anything? Colors? (Duct tape, chain maille, and scales come in colors.)
I need more bags like I need a hole in the head since we make them, but if you need to hand craft things for SW - I totally get it. I need to do it too. I have a list of knitted and crocheted things I'd like to receive in my Ravelry Bundles (there is one called Make for Me and another called Vampire/Halloween swap.) I'll try to add sewn and hand made things to my Pinterest when I have a moment.

Do you collect anything from SBUX like City Mugs, City Mug ornaments, City Cards, or Bearistas? If so, which do you need/want? Or would you like a City Mug or an ornament for fun?
I'd love the little city mug ornaments or a city card from your city!! As I said in the thread, you can probably just ask for a card and they won't make you load money on it.

Would anyone be interested in having any of Abigail Larson's artwork (either as a print or on something, like a pillow, blanket, or t-shirt)? https://society6.com/abigaillarson
Enablers!! Yes, this is the kind of artwork I like. My top would be Dark Unicorn (!!!!), Little Bat, Krampus and Perchta, and Unkindness of Ravens (grey) but there are many more I like. Unfortunately the Dark Unicorn and Little Bat are very limited to what they come on. Dark Unicorn as a big print or a tote, Little Bat as a stainless travel mug or a tote. Would also take throw blankets, rectangular pillows, beach towels, ipad skin, iphone hard case, tote bags... I added a bunch of things to my amazon lists.

Anybody want homemade fudge? I can do chocolate with or without nuts, peanut butter, and butterscotch.
Mmmmmmmmmm fudge. Holly made me some peanut butter fudge last year and it was awesome!!! I can't have nuts or nut butters so maybe just regular or butterscotch? I'm supposed to limit chocolate but I'm pretty good at limiting myself to a small amount every day. I usually have to freeze things so they won't go bad before I can eat them.

what would you like from the Weenies updatus giganticus???
I updated my wishlist and ISO with what I'm interested in. There's only two bottles (the bold ones) that I'm super excited about - I'd rather have Eclipses and Liliths first before they go down. I really hope Liliths are up until November.... bank account needs time to regenerate.


do you collect the art cards that BPAL sends out? Any in particular that you are looking for or definitely don't need?
No, not really. I have some extra original run Carnaval cards if anyone needs.

Do you like this beautiful art, and she makes stickers and prints...SOOOO gorgeous: https://www.shannatr...om/paperprints/
Those are awesome! I love Corvid Love the most with The Dahlia Tree second.

Favorite animals or wild creatures or mythological creatures?
Hippocampus, equines in general (especially Friesians), unicorns, corvids, ferrets, rats, bats, pibble and lurcher type dogs, dolphins, do gargoyles count as mythological creatures?, hedgehogs, deer.

Would you like any swag from the Depeche Mode concert? (pins, posters, shirts, program, dunno what they'll have!)
YES I WANT EVERYTHING. But I won't have the monies so I'll probably get a shirt or a necklace or something.

Is anyone interested in the new Resistance scents that the Lab just released (Take a Knee and SN: Flor de Maga)?
I'm not really interested in either of those scents, although maybe a decant of Flor de Maga would be interesting. I googled it and some people say it smells like jasmine, others that it smells like Champagne.

Is anyone here into zero waste, plastic free living, urban homesteading, or any simplicity/minimalism-esque lifestyles? If so, could you use any tools or equipment?
We do what we can but it's tough since my dad doesn't have the same mindset and is always buying crap. I would love beeswax food wraps, unpaper towels, plastic free food storage, etc.!!


Are you interested in anything from Bath & Bodyworks? Which products and scents do you like?
I don't use any of their stuff that goes on skin so I never take advantage of the free things, but I don't mind their candles, wall flowers, room spray, pillow spray, etc.
- I like the lavender cedarwood, vanilla patchouli, frosted cupcake, exotic coconut, fireside marshmallow, honey vanilla, mahogany teakwood... any of the sweet vanilla/mashmallow scents. (I have a 3 wick candle in Winter Night and like that too.) No pumpkin please.

What kind of crystals would you like?
Anything purple, blue, green, pink, red, white, black... I got a little set of tiny crystals in bottle for making mojo bags (because I needed citrine and since that's yellow, it's not something I would normally get.) I don't have any labradorite and I always welcome quartz, aqua aura, amethyst, hematite, auralite 23, fluorite (especially with a balanced amount of green/purple/white.)

Pumpkin or Zucchini bread? I'm not really supposed to have squash but I've been eating zucchini bread. I figure the amount of squash in it is negligible. I make the Smitten Kitchen pumpkin bread and its soooo good.

What kind of homemade cookies are your favorite? anything chewy, I don't like crisp/crunchy/crumb makers. Snickerdoodles, pumpkin chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, pretty much anything. Princess Buttercups were my favorite but not supposed to have peanut butter. Sparkly unicorn poop cookies! (My mom used to make those for me, basically sugar cookies. WUT. I'm over 40, but that doesn't mean I'm too old for Unicorns.) I love spritz, especially almond flavored.

Interested in trying some of our rose petal (rose petals, sugar, everclear) or lavender vanilla bean (lavender, vanilla bean, vodka) liqueur?
I love rose petal anything.

Want some honey from the bees on our property?
I want all of the local honey.

Would you like some homemade jam? I have blackberry, rose petal, strawberry rhubarb, peach, and cherry.

How about some homemade candied jalapenos with garlic cloves? I have regular and with habanero.

I didn't dry any apples this year but I was thinking of heading over to Green Bluff and seeing if any honeycrisps are left. I have a commercial dehydrator so let me know if you are interested in any "Apple Crips" (as voodoocatwoman calls them!) I wash, peel, core, and slice before dehydrating.


Would my witchee like this to warm up the fall coffee cup?? https://www.truelemo...gory-s/1871.htm
That sounds good! I'm not a HUGE fan of hot apple cider but once in a while is great. I have some teavana tea that tastes like apple cider too. nom nom.

do you like to take baths? if so, do you like oils, salts, things that fizz, all of the above, none of the above?
I take baths very very infrequently, I'm mostly a shower person. But I do love me some bath stuffs once in a while!! Yes to oils, salts, things that fizz.

What style/make/etc of phone do you have? What about size of tablet? Laptop? Would you like decals, skins, or cases for any of these?
I have an iphone 6+ but it's not currently activated so I only use it as a camera, watch, and at places that have wifi... I have a purple otter case for it, so I'm all good there. I have an ipad air 2 (I think) and I recently bought a new case for it but I don't like it very much. It has the tri-fold thing that doesn't work very well on my pillow. I'll have to figure out what my old one was; I bought it at the verizon store when I purchased my ipad ages ago and don't remember the brand or model but it made a hard flat surface and the ipad itself was the stand instead of the case folding, if that makes any sense at all. Worked much better for reading in bed. (I use my ipad mostly as a kindle reader, movie watcher, or web surfer from bed or the couch.)


See's Candy. My absolute favorite. They have special Halloween candy..any of these pique your interest?? Cinnamon Apple Scotch Mallows, Pumpkin spice truffles, pumpkinspice lollypops, caramel apple lollypops, or any other of their chocolates, etc?
No pumpkin spice anything, no lollypops, not especially fond of apple flavored things (except actual apples.) I do love some of their other chocolates like the brown sugar truffles and the buttercream truffles. chocolate covered caramels, molasses chips... the "nuts and chews" box (except I'm not supposed to have nuts, boo.)

Are any witchees into coloring books?
No, sorry.

Witchees, is there anything that catches your eye at Animi Causa (https://www.animicausa.com/shop/)?
They have super cute kitchen things but I try to avoid "plastic" and "metal" - without other information on materials I'm dubious. I mean, is it BPA free? Stainless? What?

If I were to find an adorable autumnal/Halloween-y dish/flatware/etc. design, how many settings would be needed in your household?
I was lusting over the skulls and vines from Fiesta but way too expensive plus I'm staying with family so don't need my own right now, it would just be packed up until I get back on my feet and find my own place (if that ever happens, what with all of my health issues. sigh.) I could use one really large platter that is suitably flattish for putting on my altar and using it to group things (candle holders, crystals, goblets, etc.) I was going to do the skulls and vines but they don't offer a large enough plate/platter.


Do you like Broadway shows/music? If so what are some of your favorites and/or ones that you hope to see or listen to eventually? Would you like merch from your favorite shows or CDs from shows you want to listen to?
Some. I've seen Phantom. Would have liked to have seen Wicked. Don't really need any CDs and can't think of what merch I'd need. I already have music for Phantom, Cats, and various ALW stuff. (Although Repo The Genetic Opera is really more my style...)

I'm heading to NYCC in October! Is there anything I can get my Witchee while I'm there?
YES PLEASE. I found a fairy for the con exclusives that I want. Do they bring Dolly Kei to regular cons or just anime ones? Some of the other unreleased scents might be fun. I have The Beldam but I think there are some unreleased Coraline and other scents that they take to cons. I have the three Steampunky airship ones. Honestly, I probably want Eclipses and Liliths more though.

I'm going to Edmonton Expo this weekend (It's Edmonton's version of comic con). Would a witchee like anything from there?
Ummm maybe? I have no idea what is there. When I go to cons I end up buying artwork or bidding on it anyway. Each piece speaks differently to me. You could look at my etsy or pinterest artwork categories to see what I'm attracted to. I love games too... I have Exploding Kittens but I'd love expansions or Cards Against Humanity (although I really don't have anyone to play with. I could always take it to Seattle when I visit and make people come over and play.)

Anything catch your eye from this site (globalgirlfriend.com)?
No, sorry.

Do you have any favorite, lesser-known stores? Especially ones that sell hand-crafted or independently made items.
Lots of stuff on etsy. I'm lusting over a bunch of Fresh from the Cauldron yarn. Also KnitCircus yarn OMG. And Twisted Fiber Art makes lovely yarn. WHAT I LIKE YARN. But yes, I definitely prefer indie hand crafted stuff over stuff from big box stores. My friend Sara runs The Sticky Wrapper and makes excellent caramels, she also does bath bombs under another name (Skinful Essentials) but she doesn't have a lot listed in her store right now.

Imagine you're going to the most gigantic art & craft show imaginable, and money is no object - what kind of things would you gravitate towards and probably spend money on? Include as specific as you want to get!
I'd probably gets tons of yarn. And possibly wall art and jewelry (even though I never wear it. I'm always attracted to sparkly shiny gems and crystals.)


Are you interested in anything from Think Geek? http://www.thinkgeek.com
Yes, I have a wishlist linked to my SW Help. AND OMG PRINCESS BRIDE TRAVEL MUG AND GAMES.

Do you have something you wish you put on your original questionnaire/forgot to put/would like to add on to?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm don't remember right now?

Any additional misc. information about yourself you want your Witch to know? (I think this was on the survey, but again if there's something that you forgot...)
Not that I can remember right now. (where's that remembrall?)

If you could decorate your house (or one room) in any one theme, what would it be? Your answer can be as simple ("Star Wars" or "Baroque" or "Modern"), or complicated or a combination (e.g. Victorian Gothic) as you feel best fits.
Either super gothic castle or something out of Skyrim. gargoyles, grotesques, grey stone, plush velvet hangings.

Aprons: Do you wear them, do you want one? Utility, decorative, cooking or crafting?
I have some aprons packed up with the rest of my stuff somewhere (a black one with a skeleton - I had a bones/skull/skeleton theme going in my kitchen.) I can't find my hair cutting apron so something like that might be useful since I still cut hair once a month or so. (It would need pockets. Like the BPAL apron would probably be perfect.)

BTW, would my witchee be interested in something like this? (photo of black and white striped knitted doll)
Stuffies and plushies and knitted dolls would die a horrible death by Zuul here. She would shake and shake and shake and rip and tear and eviscerate gleefully.


It seems like there's a question about socks on the questionnaire, but I don't think it got down to this level: Do you wear them? Any particular style (crew length, knee high, anklet, boot, etc.) or fiber (wool, cotton, bamboo anything but wool, etc.) preference?
No socks please.

Would you be open to previously-loved books?
No books please.

What about partial-full bottles of BPAL or BPTP?
Those are always fine.

I would totally wear hoodies or use things that are related to my fandoms. Fabric would be especially fun (I already have a good amount of NMBC, MLP, Doctor Who, and some Zelda and GoT fabric.) Also YARN - I have so much yarn on my etsy wishlist that is related to Supernatural or one of my other fandoms.

Patrick Rothfuss' King Killer Chronicles!!!! I have the middle piece for a TAK game that was sold last November (can wear as a piece of jewelry, etc.) but could really use the board, pieces, instructions, etc. for TAK. The Tinker's Packs (https://thetinkerspacks.com/) has clothing, cards, jewelry, calendars, etc. They also have Dresden stuff. And artwork. And BPAL. (I already have all of those BPAL but I love going over to that website and lusting over all of the hoodies and jewelry, even if I don't normally wear jewelry.)

Also love LOTR, Zelda, NMBC, Firefly, Harry Potter, Buffy, Princess Bride, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who (especially Weeping Angels), MLP (not as much, but a little), Guardians of the Galaxy, V for Vendetta, Doctor Horrible, Twin Peaks, Red Dwarf, Supernatural, Stranger Things, Dresden Files, etc. There are SO MANY I am forgetting - I don't remember them until I look at a website and then squee in joy over something. My NMBC pj bottoms died so now I have some Groot PJ's.


I'm in France at the moment, is there anything here you might like? I'm in Provence, the land of lavender, so if you like that flower in particular just say so!
I love lavender! France is also the land of magical tea - I have a very extensive tea wish list from Mariage Freres and Damman Freres on my Amazon edibles wish list. I have way too much tea but I'd never say no to tea from Mariage Freres. The butterscotch is to die for.

are you into divination? What kind(s) do you currently do? Do you want more books and/or tools for that type (e.g. new tarot cards, new runes)? Is there a new type of #divination you've been meaning to try, and if so, are you looking for the tool, a book on the subject, or both?
I haven't been active doing it for many years - I'd love a new set of Tarot or Runes. I have a vampire set somewhere. OMG THE LAST UNICORN TAROT SET KICKSTARTER. (dies)


Favorite gemstones?
I think we covered this in the original questionnaire? I'll paste my answer from that. anything blue, purple, grey, or black. I flove Alexandrite (especially with a deep purple and a good blue color change as opposed to pink/green), tanzanite, amethyst, hematite, moonstone, opal, etc. Not necessarily for jewelry but I have some auralite 23, celestite, snakeskin agate, spirit quartz, aqua aura, etc. I love Ellensburg's Blue Agate.

If you enjoy jewelry do you like discrete and elegant, flashy and gaudy, small and light, or large and chunky?
No flashy, gaudy, large, or chunky. But not tiny either.

Any love of pirates or SCA?
yes, I like dressing up and going to the local Ren Faire (they even have a pirate weekend.) I wouldn't mind playing more with SCA but I just don't have the energy; I have a bunch of friends in Seattle who are in it and I loved going to their events and feasts. I have a great medieval cookbook (The Bors Hede book of cookry) that we make stuff from all the time... My son used to wear his pirate hat ALL THE TIME in public. He's already 7' tall so stands out anyway...

Is there anything you would like from Disney World?
All of the Nightmare Before Christmas!! I'd love more canisters and bowls/plates. No coffee cups though unless they are both 1) ceramic and 2) have a lid to keep out flying bugs (no plastic please.)

Are you a Potterhead? If so, to which house do you belong?
All of the quizzes put me in Hufflepuff, which kind of used to annoy me, but the Honey Badger IS my spirit animal.... plus I'd totally be like Newt if I could. So I guess that's ok. (I despise yellow though, so really only the slytherin colors are good unless you're going with blue/silver as Ravenclaw, but it SHOULD be blue/bronze, ugh.) Send me all the chocolate frogs.

How do you feel about chokers?
Too tight? I'm old and getting that fat neck/chin thing and chokers just emphasize it.


Here's a few questions from me: Would you like some Halloween or other themed decor in the form of a banner, something like this http://www.etsy.com/...n-decor-vintage? If so, would you prefer a traditional style or a vertical door type?
Sorry, but that style is SO NOT ME. I absolutely loathe orange and brown - and have zero place for banners since I'm staying with other people. Also we live in trumpland and the people around here are super judgy about halloween things, so I try to keep all of my bats and skulls in my room.

Do you live near a Trader Joe's? If not, are you interested in trying any of the numerous Pumpkin goodies they come out with this time every year?
I live near a Trader Joes so I'm good. I have already tried the chocolate mousse pumpkins to see if they would be something I could ship to a witchee. They're not sealed or packed well enough unfortunately (too fresh bakery type things) but damn they're good. Also I loathe pumpkin spice so please don't get me anything "pumpkin" flavored, bleah. I like REAL pumpkin but squash is one of the things to limit with kidney issues. I might have to have some pumpkin bread anyway. (A reminder, I can't have nuts or dried fruit either.)

Do you like to cook and/or bake? Could you use any specific ingredients (spices, oils, salts, extracts, etc.) or kitchen utensils/gadgets?
I like to cook and bake but my dad is really weird about food, and the fridge and kitchen being his. He's ALWAYS in the way and I just prefer no drama so I stay out of there as much as possible. no gadgets please, there would be fights over where to put them since everything is HIS. Parents have a very well stocked spice cabinet and I've already bought most of the medieval spices I need except for a few. (Spikenard, cassia buds, cubebs, poudre forte, poudre douce. You can get the latter two at World Spice Merchants in Seattle. Spikenard is finally back in stock at Rose Mountain Herbs but they were out of cubebs. I think Starwest Botanicals has cubebs or maybe they could be found at an indian or international grocery. Most of the prices on Amazon for them are way too high.) No salts please, can't have salt with kidney issues. I'm probably good on oils. I love honey flavored vinegar if you can find that anywhere but it's probably on the spendy side (and most of the salads I do these days come with their own dressing, which is what I would use it for.) I could use a 32oz PerfecTea maker (Teavana) but not really a super priority.

I'm at Ocean City MD for bike week......would a witches want anything from here? Bike or beach related??
ummm sure, I love beach glass and shells and sand dollars and stuff.

What is 1 thing you would love to see in your final box? Can be ANYTHING - your choice.
Lots of love! Ok, I have had some flashes of things I *REALLY* want. The Princess Bride travel mug from ThinkGeek. Canon Sweet Hots (mild) -- they don't sell them anywhere around here but you can look up what retail stores carry them on their website. Doh! That part of their webpage is broken. It looks like they've changed owners and are now located in New Mexico. If you have a store around you that sells them, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a jar or twenty. (*wink*) I guess I could just order some off of their website but I never think about it and I hate paying $9 shipping for just a couple of things.

Who would love some USPS eclipse stamps?
ooh, me me me


Do any of you potential Witchees have any kitties, puppers, or youngling humans you want spoiled in your packages? What treats or toys do they like?
I have Miss Zuul (pupper) and I'm sure she would love to be spoiled (although she already is...) I feed grainless treats and nothing that comes from China. Prefer no chicken jerky. She has her own section on my Amazon WL "For the Pups". She adores squeaky toys but they have to be really hardcore indestructible or she'll kill them immediately.

Is there any interest in any of the fragrance oils from the Nocturne Alchemy Weenies update?
Heck yeah. I added those to my SW Help list (in my signature) already. I'm probably way more interested in those than in the BPAL halloweenie update, sad but true. Probably because they're a new thing for me.

Is there anything you want from the trading post (or trading post etsy) that is available to order right now? (Fatherhood, Puppers, normal GC things)
In my ISO and Wishlist! I REALLY want Wednesday's Child (bottle) and decants of Granite and Pickle. I wonder when Liliths are going down, I hope not until November.


Are you a gamer? If so, what games are you currently playing and is there any merch for that game you'd love to have?
- Yes, I love games! I'm playing Ultima Online, Diablo III, and Skyrim. I have a WII but I'd love to get a Wii U and the new Zelda games for that. Merch? Not so much really. Some Zelda things are cute but they would have to be something useful? I haven't seen much Skyrim stuff I like except for pint glasses, but meh, I don't really need glasses. I'm not big on knick knacks or stickers. Unless I want them.

If you are a gamer do you have a steam/gamestop/amazon wishlist?
- I think there are games on my amazon wishlist (under GAMES) and I have a very small Steam wishlist. Oh! I have a wishlist on GOG.

How do you feel about the following scarf options (assuming you're into scarves)?
I don't want any scarves, thank you. I *do* love long skinny shawlettes that are kind of like scarves but aren't. It's a semantics thing maybe.

Like beer? What styles most appeal to you?
I like stouts occasionally and sometimes some ales (not IPA), but normally I don't drink beer. I do love me some sweet hard ciders though.

Like booze? What kinds?
Pretty much all kinds... :P I have huge bottles of baileys, kahlua, whipped cream vodka, sinfire, amaretto, and malibu rum. Could use fun flavored vodkas or whatever. (no fruit or bacon. Maybe other vanilla type flavors?)

Like Wine? What kinds?
Sweet meads, ice wine, and tawny port. Aesir Mead in Everett, WA is fantastic but I'd try sweet (no dry please) mead from any small meadery. (I've tried everything from Sky River and Chaucers, which seem to the be the ones sold in grocery stores. I'm local to Heirophant so I've tried all of their stuff. There is another in Tukwila, Washington that I've bought some bottles from but haven't cracked them open yet. Also have some "mead" from Ireland (Bunratty) but it's actually pyment since it has both honey and grapes. Mead just has honey.) I'd actually love cool local honey to make mead with. and maybe some kind of more in depth instructions on making the best mead, what equipment you need, yeast, etc.

Would you be interested in a set of hand-made hair falls? It's something I do for fun and I can make any length and do an array of colors!
I'm hopeless at attaching them since my hair is shaved on the sides/back so I'm not even sure they would work. (Plus I never go anywhere.)

For those who watch certain movies every year for Halloween, what are those movies, whether horror or not? Any favorite horror movies that aren't necessarily on the annual-viewing list? How do you feel about fan-made merch for these movies?
Practical Magic, Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton), Nightmare Before Christmas. I don't know that I'll be able to watch them this year since my movies are all packed up and out in a shed somewhere while I'm staying with family. Favorite movies not on the halloween list? Well, yes, lots, but. Princess Bride! Lord of the Rings. Guardians of the Galaxy. Stardust. Harry Potter. I'd love fan-made things.


Here's a great local soapmaker I love--y'all see anything you would like? https://littleseedfarm.com/
products: Liquid soap, sugar scrub, body oil, elasticity serum. (NO bar soap)
-- my son would LOVE the beard oil. Maybe in bourbon.
scents: lavender, rosemary mint, rosemary patchouli

What are your favorite/preferred Halloween/autumn icons/images? Any to specifically stay away from?
Bats!! Also skulls, sugar skulls, ravens. Please no orange pumpkins, witches, ghosts, zombies, spiders, etc. Black and white pumpkins are good. velvet purple or blue pumpkins are good (with black or silver stems.)

Do you eat candy, and if so would Halloween candy be welcome? Specialty candy from local or unusual sources? Chocolate?
I eat candy... Halloween candy is ok. Prefer chocolate. I have lots of specialty chocolate on my amazon edibles list. Moonstruck, Frans, Seattle Chocolates, Dolfin, Vosges, Rittersport, all good. Your local places would be fun to try! Just no salted caramels since I am not supposed to have salt. (believe me, there is so much sadness over this.)

Do you want Fidget spinners, desk toys, or other frivolous things that you look at and decide you don't need enough to spend $ on but would make you happy to have?
No knick knacks or things that are super frivolous and take up space. I have SO MANY desk toys that are all packed up and put away because I have zero room.

Any zentangle lovers, people who would like to try it, or would you want a piece of someone else's zentangle art?
I am not an artist. I wouldn't mind a piece of someone else's art, especially if it came to me in fabric form so I could make bags with it.

Any love of hair toys, clips, ribbons, fascinators, mini hats, etc?
Nope, my hair is usually shaved on sides/backs and teased/spiked on top.

What local goodies may be of interest? Local Honey, jams,candy?
I always love to try local honey (from beekeepers or markets only please, not from grocery stores.) Wouldn't say no to jams (although we have SO MUCH JAM and I can't have peanut butter, so I haven't been eating any - but it would be an excuse to make scones, nom nom nom) and candy! I love going to farmer's markets and sampling things.

Are you interested in any subscription services like serial magazines, Birch box, ipsy?
Forest Nui Cobalt's crone boxes, yes! And Shihaya's boxes! Any kind of cool indie box thing with candles, incense, bath and body stuff, etc. Loot crate! Bark Box! No magazines and I'm not super into make up or nail polish. I don't know what else in in birch box or ipsy.

Would you like funky Halloweenie costume makeup like Gothic eyelashes, nail effects, black lipstick, etc.?
No, thank you. Not right now since I am a hermit and never leave the house anymore.

How do you like to listen to music? CD, 8 track tape, mix tape, Pandora or Spotify, I-tunes?
Very rarely I listen to music in my car on CD or my ipod. (itunes.)

Do you prefer reading on Kindle or actual book? What kind of books do you like? Would you like to be surprised with a scary, classic, horror book?
Kindle, but I really don't want any books right now. If you REALLY wanted to get me a book, I have tons to choose from in my Amazon wishlist. Please sort by priority. Unless they are marked as VERY HIGH or HIGH, I probably already have them but have just put them on this list to remind me to look for them in one of my boxes in the sheds or I want to read them again so I look for them at the library. Edit: I went through and moved/deleted tons of things from my amazon book wishlist. There is some other stuff in there that isn't too expensive that I wouldn't mind having.

Candles, Incense, or wax tarts? Do you have favorite brands or Weenies scents for the home? Would you like to receive a wax tarts burner, incense burner, essential oils diffuser, or Halloweenie themed candle holders?
I really like the Black Magic scent from Yankee Candle but it doesn't look like they have it this year? I also like Witches Brew (but I have like four huge jar candles from years past that I haven't even lit yet) and I'd be up for trying Haunted Hollow. The Fragrance Spheres would be fun. I have plenty of wax tart burners (electronic and tea light), diffusers, etc. Don't really need any candle holders - I used to sell for PartyLite and I have 50 boxes of candles and holders packed up in the barn. Now if I saw a super cute votive or pillar holder with bats or ravens or skulls, I would probably cave and want it. I mostly burn only votives, pillar candles (3" diameter), 3-wick pillar candles (8-9" diameter), or jar candles. I used to make candles for Sweet Spirit (and my own company) and really would like to start making my own again. I adore candles from Big Dipper Candles in Seattle, they make all beeswax candles (and one of the dogs that I fostered works there.) Just the plain beeswax or maybe Rapture or Lavender. or beeswax candles from anywhere! I have some candles on my amazon wishlists.

Witchee: are you interested in crafting materials?
Yes, I have wishlists for The Loopy Ewe, Knit Picks, and a "crafting material" wishlist on Amazon. Oh, and etsy of course.


I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would want?
I like the awesome kit kats! (I can get green tea and strawberry flavored here. Any other flavors would be fun!) I dunno what else, whatever you think I might like. I used to collect Starbucks Bears and City Mugs so Japan only things might be fun.

How do you feel about nail wraps?
I have a friend who is always pushing jamberry at me and I finally bought some (over a year ago) to shut her up but I've never used them and don't even know where they are after moving. I was not excited about all of the fussing with putting them on. I was kind of eyeing the Nightmare Before Christmas ones last year but did not buy them.

if you were to receive something hand knit, what type of item would you like? hat, cowl, handwarmers, etc. and what color(s)?
- would you use knitted washcloths? a scarf? Are you allergic or sensitive to any fibers?
As a knitter, I am already overflowing with hand knit things. I don't wear hats, cowls, or scarves normally. I loathe triangle shaped shawls. If you're a knitter, you're probably friended with me on Ravelry (or you can go look at my profile and see my favorites and other details.) I have some bundles called "Make for Me" and some swap specific bundles for halloween/vampire swaps that I would be delighted to receive things from. I don't use knitted washclothes right now (I usually do when I have my own place but I have zero room to store things.) I hate acrylic, please don't make me anything with acrylic or send me any acrylic yarn. I'm not fond of cashmere or BFL either. My favorite fibers are merino or merino and silk, although I've come across some really nice merino, cashmere, silk yarns. Right now I prefer DK or Worsted weight yarn unless I'm planning on making a shawl in which case I prefer fingering. Oh colors -- I love black (sorry, I know it sucks to knit with black if your eyes are going), gradients especially, jewel tone blues (no navy), purples, greens, reds. Especially with black over them, like MadTosh's tart. White is ok in a gradient, like white to purple or white to red. No pastels or neons.

Do you like and/or want anything from Elements and Artifacts? You can be vague like "yes" or "no" or name specific past pieces you coveted or current ones you love, whatever works best.
Yes, I have some in my etsy favorites under jewelry. I have a sugar skull, two different bats, a silver rose leaf, and some amethyst pieces from her.

Would you like something hand sewn by your Witch? A dress, shirt, skirt, infinity scarf, something else?
It's a very nice gesture, but I don't wear scarves and I think anything else would be too difficult to fit without a seamstress taking measurements. My mom sews and we have a company making cosmetic and project bags. Occasionally we make medieval costumes or clothes.

Anyone want any kind of costuming accessories or makeup or odds and ends?
I hardly ever wear anything except eyeliner and eyebrow powder (I have to draw on eyebrows since I don't have any and my tattoos are fading.) I have realized that I don't have any good lipstick, so some lippies would be welcome. I like blue leaning plums. I could use really good mascara - I have really long blonde eyelashes but they aren't very thick. Most mascara clumps on me and makes a mess. I have contacts so I probably need water soluble.


Are there any hobbies or crafts you've been thinking of trying, but haven't had the chance yet?
I have been sent honey to make mead, but I haven't had the chance to do it yet. I also have recently acquired a very small amount of knitted blanks for yarn dyeing and need to do that. I have a small assortment of things to start doing stitch markers, but I need more supplies and some learning. I have items to do needle felting but again with the learning. I also have a few things to do cross stitch but my eyes have gotten so bad that I feel like I can't see -- time to go to the optometrist again.

Would you want to receive a custom spell kit or magical tea? If so, what purpose would you want it to be for?
Money and prosperity in general are always good, happiness, good luck, health, clear thinking. Something (I typed someONE haha!) to mend a broken heart and move on.

Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends Tea I'm interested in, for example:
Adam and Eve Tea
All Father
Cauldron of Rebirth
Come to Me (Come Hither Mojo box would be awesome)
Cry on my Shoulder
Fiery Wall of Protection
Florida Water
Follow me Boy
Road Opener
Run Devil Run
Santa Muerte
The White Witch
Triple Fast Luck
White Magic
Woman in Red

Do you like poetry?
Sure, some. I have plans for some poetry mitts some day.

Anyone like handmade critters, stuffed animals, or custom repaints?
Any plushies are likely to be killed by Zuul; she gleefully eviscerates them. Custom repaints on MLP are fun though! I love the Doctor Horrible and Cthulhu ones I've seen.

Would you enjoy any designer/specialty yarn for your own craftyness?
*looks over at huge yarn wishlists on etsy and TLE* I would think that speaks for itself! I am admittedly kind of a yarn snob and I buy mostly indie yarns. Twisted Fiber Arts is one of my favorites but they're getting to be out of my price range unless I buy from destashes on Ravelry. Fresh from the Cauldron is awesome, I have a ton of things from her on my yarn wishlist. It's all kind of spendy though!

Please provide wishes from the last two updates?
I will, precious, I will! It'll go in my ISO post that is linked to my wishlist (in my sig.) UPDATE - I have UPDATEd my wishlist with the last UPDATE wishes.


Would you be interested in things from Future Primitive? (http://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk/)
I'd be up for trying any of the bath, body, or hair items -- just no bar soap please. None of the Autumn scents look good to me but I found a scent list under the bath grains and I'm interested in: Bell Book & Candle, Festival, Rook & Raven, Sylph, and White Witch.

Are there any UK things you'd like to get?
All the chocolate! I like things like Curly Wurly bars and probably whatever local truffles or chocolate. Local tea is fun although I have *so much* tea it isn't funny. I don't really know since I haven't ever visited the UK except for a short layover in the airport. Whatever you think I'd like! (My friend was just in Ireland and brought me back some some bottles of mead and some different kinds of chocolate and fudge with beer and whiskey in them. nom!)

Are you into podcasts? If so, what are your favorites? Would you like any merch related to any of them?
No, sorry. I'm interested in Nightvale but not enough to dink around with podcasts.

Would you like something from Nui Cobalt Designs (https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/)?
I would love one of the holiday crones crate boxes, incense, oils... I'll have to do a more in depth look and give a list. I love her talismans and incense but the talismans are spendy and I have respiratory issues, so incense probably isn't the best thing for me even though I love it. Bath salts?

Or maybe some of Christina's lovely Halloween candles at Sihaya & Co. (https://www.sihayaandcompany.com/collections/halloween-collection-candles)?
I've been mooning over those, har har!! I'd love Sisterhood of the Moon. I would have liked one of the Athena boxes but I couldn't justify spending $80 on myself when it's Switch Witch time!

ILNP? Who would love one of their awesome holos like MEGA or one of their amazing chromes? http://www.ilnp.com/
I really don't wear nail polish that often on my hands BUT OMG. I like:
Raven, Abyss, Moonstone, Birefringence, Westwing, By Nightfall, Ava, Walking Home, Missed Calls, Deja Vu....


Do you enjoy stationery? I'm thinking cute/quality notebooks, washi tape, stickers, fun pens etc.
I have issues with my hands not working and I find it really hard to write anything (so I rarely even include notes in packages, I suck!) so no pens or notebooks or anything like that for me please. I do love and USE spooky washi tape (bats, skulls, etc.) when mailing out BPAL because it's easier to get off the bubble wrap and then people can re-use the bubble wrap instead of throwing it away but I'll be honest - I have enough washi tape to last me for over a year. Stickers are more of a meh but if they were really cute and to my taste, I would use them. I love bats and skulls and snarky unicorns.

Are you interested in anything from Cocoa Pink?
- Scent wise: Black, Black Marshmallow, Black Vanilla, Black Velvet, Black Widow, Broomstick, Come-hither, Cozy Blanket, Fear of Ghosts, Genevieve, Lipstick Stains, Marshmallow, Monster in the Walls, Naughty, Sensory Deprivation Tank, Stanley Hotel, The Upside-Down, Vanilla on the Rocks, Vanilla Rose,

- Product wise: ShampPink shampoo, dermabrasion sample, I'm 29 serum, either the coco mango or the voluptuous body butters, linen spray, sugar scrub. No perfume please.

- Or Haus of Gloi?
- Scent wise for bath products (not perfume), I'm interested in Grimoire and The Horseman. And non halloween, I've always wanted to try the Haus Amber. Also Cozy Sweater, Lavender Sugar, Moon Dog, A Place in Space all sound good.

- For perfume only, the birthday ambers are on sale and I was wanting to try Amber & Rose, Amber & Incense, or Amber Noir. The Fall Black Musks are killing me, I love black musk. I'm most interested in Black Musk & Nag Champa, Black Musk, Leather & Rose, Black Musk, Anise & Vanilla. I've never smelled their black musk though, so I hope it's good!

- Product wise: No soap or hair gloss please. I like their lip balms (no chocolate or coffee, prefer vanilla/honey/rose/lavender/mint), pumpkin butter, sugar exfoliant, and would be happy to try the candles and bathing dust. I would like to try the butterbombs in vanilla amber or marshmallow. Maybe Sleepy Time but I'm not sure what scents are in it yet since the Fall Part II isn't up until October.

Would you be interested in a Halloween wreath?
If you were to make it, sure! I love black, black and white, black and blood red, black and purple, (but no red and purple together - white is ok with black & ), skulls, bats, ravens... I'm a huge NMBC fan. absolutely no brown, yellow, orange or country cute type stuff, gothy only for me. I like the two black and white ones but I don't like the one with little balls all over it.

Have you seen the (Lush Halloween collection.) And what would you like?
ALL THE THINGS. I love Lord of Misrule but I still have a large shower gel from last year. Goth fairy shimmer bar? I do love their bath bombs, perfume, shower gel, powders, greased lightning, angels on bare skin, and some of their moisturizers. I like their rose, jasmine, patchouli.. pretty much everything really. (except the lip stuff, I don't need any of that. I prefer tubes and non-tinted for lip balm.) My favorite scents are Blue Skies & Fluffy Clouds, Twilight, Lust, Candy Fluff, Snowcake, Rose Jam, Butterball, Silky Underwear, Tramp, etc. (I haven't liked any of their plain vanilla scents like vanilliary.)


Are you interested in anything from the Moonalisa Halloween update?
- Scent wise: Cedarwood & Patchouli, Mad Heriot's Parlor, Witch Wood, The Witching Hour, Rumpkin (I don't usually like pumpkin, but I do like pumpkin & lavender.) Also curious about: Conjuring Room, Dusty Attic, Forever~ and ever, and ever, Come Play With Us,

- Product wise: 4in1, Butter Rich Cream, Bath Brew, Carpet Fresh, Dusting Powder, Room Spray, Sugarload Scrub, Sugar Scrubby Scrub, Milk Bath, Lip Butter (Burnt Sugar, Maple Sugar, or Butterscotch Marshmallow), and the scented candles. I also like her perfume. (But no soap, potion lotion, or hair gloss please.)

What are your coffee and/or tea preferences? Organic when possible.

- Coffee: whole beans or ground? Whole bean (except I don't know if I can find my grinder or my french press.) Since moving here, I have been using the Keurig. I really like Peet's and Seattle's Best K-Cups but my family already buys those so not really a priority.

- Flavor and roast preferences? Sumatra, Hazelnut, Toffee. Dark roasts usually.

- Tea: black, green, herbal, flavors? Black. I've been using Harney & Son's tea capsules for the Keurig in Hot Cinnamon Spice, Paris, and Peppermint because I don't usually feel good enough to wait for water to boil and tea to steep. I have about 6 book sized boxes full of tea that I couldn't fit in the house, so really I don't need any tea. I do need to brew some rose flavor, ginger peach, or licorice mint every so often though.

- Loose leaf or tea bags? Again, I've been using the Keurig. Otherwise I'd do loose leaf.

- Anything specific you don't like? I don't particularly like anything besides black tea (especially flavored) except for the mint/licorice blends (Aveda Tea is SO GOOD) and a few Traditional Medicinal blends like Breathe Easy.

- Are you in need of any gadgetry? I could actually use one of the LARGE perfect tea makers from teavana (the 32oz?) - I have a smaller one but I use 20oz + mugs so it doesn't fill them. I really do NOT need coffee mugs unless you can find a ceramic 20oz size with a lid. I love my Weeping Angel mug from Think Geek that has a nice ceramic lid on it - there are so many little flying bugs around here that they land in my tea, so I ONLY use mugs with lids but I prefer the ceramic ones. I'm trying to avoid plastics but stainless or glass is also ok if dishwasher safe; I'm liable to break glass and stainless seems expensive which is why I ask for ceramic. Think Geek also has a Zelda mug with a lid AND HEY, it's BACK IN STOCK!! Um, I'm tempted to get it but I will refrain. Edit: I had to buy something that wasn't on sale in order to use my $10 off. Now I wish I'd waited because PRINCESS BRIDE STUFF WAS RELEASED TODAY. I MUST HAVE THE PRNCESS BRIDE COLORING CHANGING TRAVEL MUG. MUST. HAVE. There is a 20% off link on my facebook.....


How would you feel about receiving a hand-painted container for your bpal and/or other treasures? I'm good on containers, I use the IKEA FIRA 9 drawer boxes and while they're full, I have another one left to build. But I'm trying to destash my collection since it's pretty much beyond life expectancy so I'm hoping to never build that one. I also use tea chests. Now if I could get someone to paint these IKEA chests for me that would be the best ever. I'm not an artist. I have have plenty of tins for travel purposes. I'm no fun, sorry!

Now, if you wanted to send me a hand painted container for something else, I'm your girl!! I have one of the (newly available again in the US) IKEA MOPPE chests and I'm using it for my witchy stuff, but I could definitely use a couple more. Their drawers are much too tall for BPAL bottles and aren't as deep, but they're great for chime candles, incense, sage smudges, etc. (3 drawers on top, 2 in the middle, and a wide one on the bottom.) They're about $14 so pretty reasonably priced, and they're pretty light - just bulky, so no idea on the shipping. But if you happened to be in Seattle or whatnot, I'll be traveling there in October and I'm sure you could find a minion to meet up with me.

Who is into K-Beauty (Korean beauty products like sheet masks) Um, I have no idea what these are. I was always a tom boy and -- even though I went to beauty school -- never really learned a lot about how to put on makeup. Beauty school was all about the hair, which I am extremely comfortable with perming, colouring, and shaving. *giggle*
- What are your faves if you are? See above.
- If you aren't would you like to try something? I have super oily skin so I try to moisturize multiple times a day, but my skin is also really sensitive and breaks out at the drop of a hat. Good moisturizer is my number one need. So far the "Kiss My Face" ones seem to do the best (besides the ones I can't afford, like LUSH or Bobby Brown!) I'm one of those organic if possible, phthalate free, no parabens, etc. people. But Grocery Outlet gets leftovers from Whole Foods and Co-ops, so I buy a lot of organic lotions and creams there for $1-3.

What are some NEW things you've gotten interested in this year? Could be anything, from a new hobby, new genre of book, new healthy way of living, new fav brand of whatever...
I've finally been bitten by Nocturne Alchemy and made my first purchase last December right before they closed the shop. I love all of their vanillas I've tried and would love to try their ambers, like Eternal Ankh. I have Black Musk, Ember Vanilla, Vampire Vanilla Bat (from a swap), Hygieia (from a swap), Crystal, Crystalline, Kobalt, Pyramid Vanille, Gothic, Lavender Dolphin (a gift and I LOVE IT SO MUCH), and Vanille Noir (another gift - the one that made me decide to try them!) I received a sample "vile" of Tomb of the Undead and I love that too. I love all of them except Gothic - even though it had perfect notes, it just doesn't scream to me. So would definitely love to try more!! I'm a huge fan of vanilla, musk, patchouli, sandalwood, amber, etc. I put a huge list of what sounds good in my SW Help link.

I was sent some honey and yeast to make mead - I'd love more instructions on how to do this and what kind of equipment I need. (I need a lot of hand holding!)

Also this year we have discovered that my kidneys may hate me, so new ways of eating are happening. Basically I'm not supposed to eat anything that I like.


What are your feelings about Scooby Doo?
Um, I used to watch it as a kid and I might have even seen the movies but I don't think I would buy any merchandise or do cosplay or anything.

How do you feel about indie makeup (read: loose eyeshadow, blush, highlighter)?
I love indie makeup! I have tons of eyeshadow but I rarely have an opportunity to wear it. I haven't really worn makeup for at least a year since I've been staying here in the middle of nowhere. I know zero people in this city and don't ever go anywhere. I can always use good mascara as long as it doesn't bother my contacts. I have really really long eyelashes but they're a light color so hard to see without mascara. I never wear blush. I prefer having ultra pale skin but I might have tanned a little bit out here. O_o (My foundation has SPF but since I haven't been wearing it...) I could use some lipsticks! I like blue leaning plums.

I drink this stuff almost everyday would anyone else be interested in trying it out? https://www.criobru.com/
Sounds lovely! I love drinking chocolate and the roast is intriguing. (I'm probably not SUPPOSED to with my kidney weirdness but I haven't officially been put on food restrictions yet.) Not the pumpkin spice -- NEVER the pumpkin spice. (shudder) The cinnamon one sounds good, the cherry tobacco one sounds fabulous, any of the more chocolate tasting ones would be to my preference.


Would you like one of the Teeturtle Halloween shirts?
OMG those are so cute. I think the relaxed woman's 2x would work for me. I love:
* Dia de los Unicorns
* NIGHT FURY GLOW IN THE DARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Stabby the Unicorn (not halloween, not the pink one)
* Nevermore (not halloween)
* Prickly on the inside (not halloween)
* Dangerous (not halloween)
* Batty for You
* Murder of Crows
* Resting Witch Face
* I <3 Candy Corn
* Bat-O-Lantern
* Unicorn-O-Lantern
* Werewolves for Change
* Stabbing Pumpkins
and like 5,000 more. All the unicorns, bats, ravens, hedgehogs, groot... Driver picks the music, haha!! I love the Supernatural ones too. THERE ARE TOO MANY.


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